Python Quiz: Question No. 6 👨‍💻

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Python Quiz: Question No. 6 👨‍💻

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The correct answer is: C. 13

Explanation: The given code defines a function `mystery_function` that calculates the Fibonacci sequence recursively. It returns the nth Fibonacci number.

When `mystery_function(5)` is called, it recursively calculates `mystery_function(4)` and `mystery_function(3)`, then `mystery_function(4)` further breaks down into `mystery_function(3)` and `mystery_function(2)`, and so on until it reaches the base cases `mystery_function(0)` and `mystery_function(1)`.

The Fibonacci sequence starts with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and so on, where each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two numbers.

So, `mystery_function(5)` returns the 5th Fibonacci number, which is 5+8=13.

Therefore, the output of the code snippet will be 13.
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