Anti-Capitalism, Decolonization, Black Feminist Must Read Nonfiction Books (part 2)

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here are some of my favorite nonfiction books I read in 2020 and early 2021!

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I'm a black and indigenous organic farmer and Braiding Sweetgrass was one of the most powerful books i have ever read. i read it during my first year of farming (2019) and it changed my life! i think i cried at least once a week during the summer while reading each chapter and then touching various plants and figuring out how to build relationships with plant and insect beings while also grappling with the idea of asking for permission while also working on a production farm.... it was so complex! so excited to read your other book recs~


so happy you did a part 2 and looking forward to part 3 !! and YES to your feminist/marxist analysis of fiction <3


“delicate flower babies” head on and so brutally true💀


Book List😊
- Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall (keywords: racism, intersectional feminism, modern)

- Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmer (keywords: indigenous roots, environmentalism, racism)

- How Europe Undeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney (keywords: anti-blackness, colonialism, global economy, capitalism)

- They Were Her Property by Stephanie Jones- Rogers (keywords: slavery, myth, white womenhood, America)

- Stamped From The Beginning by Grahm X. Kendi (keywords: racism, racist systems, racist myths)

- Disability Visibility edited by Alice Wong (keywords: interviews, essays, disability advocation, perspectives, erasure, ableism, police state, racism, misogyny, capitalism)

Gender Accelerationist Manifesto by Eme Flores (keywords: queerness, oppression, patriarchy, capitalism, colonialism, gender roles)

Women, Culture, and Politics by Angela Y. Davis (keywords: racism, muslim women, white feminism)

Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde (keywords: sexism, racism, motherhood, lesbianism, community love, community care, anti - capitalism)

White Too Long by Robert P. Jones (keywords: white supremacy, Christian Nationalism, protestant, racism, policy-making, liberal)

How We Get Free by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (keywords: black socialist, black feminist, intersectional feminism, interviews, movement, perspectives)

The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin (keywords: racism, ex-Christian)

Fearing the Black Body by Sabrina Strings (keywords: academic, black bodies, big bodies, capitalism, cultural asthetics, subjectivity of health)

The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon (keywords: decolonization, colonialism impact)


Ordered Hood Feminism for my birthday and I'm so excited to finally read it!! I've had my eye on Braiding Sweetgrass for a while, def gonna pick it up this year. Thank you for covering such a wide rage of topics and complexity levels, also YES to providing PDFs lmao


This was a great video to stumble upon. I want to get into more non-fiction books, thanks for the recs!


Omg!!! Finding your channel has been HUGE for me! I primarily read nonfic on my channel too and I’ve been trying to find more recs on societal issues with an anti-capitalist, decolonising, anti-racist feminist framework so like...this is just perfect for me YAY thank you for these recs!!!


I just found your channel 30 min ago and you have managed to become my favourite booktuber immediately. thank you


this list is so absolutely galaxy brain! i always go back to your part 1 video when trying to find my next non-fiction read so very excited about this


Love Frantz Fanon, majored in Philosophy so I am very familiar with Hegel, etc. loved your recommendations ❤


thank you for providing those pdfs/links, appreciate it!! love your videos, you’re one of my go-tos xx


Love The Fire Next Time. Notes of a Native Son is also great. I really liked Ta-Nehisi Coates's We Were Eight Years in Power and Claudia Rankine's newest volume Just Us: An American Conversation. Great list - thanks for the recs! 🙂


Great recommendations. I can’t wait to read Braiding Sweetgrass 💕


You are brilliant, passionate, beautiful, and iconic! Just found your videos and love them!


so happy i came across your channel, i rlly hope you make more videos around leftistism, it rlly helps me find my roots as a bipoc individual <3


This is absolutely the best thing ever, I've been trying to get more into anti-capitalist theory and commentary (?) and I'm definitely gonna be taking inspiration from this list!


thank u for the recommendations!!! definitely want to make an effort to read more nonfiction this year. also dont be surprised if i message u with my thoughts on these lol


thank you so much! you literally tackled so many topics agh you’re amazing thank you again!!


thanks for this video! i read "thick" and "feminism, interrupted" last month and i loved both. i think they probably would be a bit basic for you hehe, but still :P i am so so SO looking forward to seeing future individual reviews were you discuss books in the context of all the information you have required (like you said at the end). keep up the awesome work !!


Thank you for the list! I’ll be reading a lot of them.
Just this week I’ve read Trisha Low’s Socialist Realism and it was excellent and so packed with ideas and thoughts, I’ll be for sure rereading it again.
