What Is Repentance? | Theocast

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If you look around in the church or on Christian social media, there seems to be a lot of confusion about repentance. What exactly is it, biblically? In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about repentance from various places in Scripture. And they consider repentance at conversion and the ongoing repentance that characterizes the Christian life.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin discuss how none of us can adequately repent, how repentance is not penance, as well the fact that the Christian life is one of ongoing repentance.

1689 LBC, Chapters 14 and 15

#whatisrepentance #lordshipsalvation #reformedtheology
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I was taught you must repent and believe in order to be saved. So I'm blown away actually. I appreciate your ministry. There is a lot of teaching that subtlety is leading people like me down the wrong path. No wonder I'm frustrated! But no longer. Thanks


repentance is believing something different the you once believed, it was once believed you had to follow the law to be righteous, now it is to believe that god has done that for you


This clears up so much confusion I've had - I feel like the free grace crowd (sometimes) want to reduce repentance to intellectual assent, and the Lordship crowd want to maximize repentance to a work or a cause for lack of assurance. This helps me explain it to my Bible study ladies. I also have been feeling pretty grieved by some sin God convicted me of, and this reminds me to rejoice in God's grace for giving me repentance and rest in Christ's cleansing of my sin.


I have needed to hear this, was just talking with a sister in Christ about this, this week, in how we reconcile "repent and believe" that is through the gospels - to repentance being a fruit of regeneration, so this is much needed and explained thoroughly for me to understand! So I am glad I saw this!


Really enjoying your guys stuff. Interesting to see your guys points on lordship salvation which in my opinion is a modern day works based salvation and righteousness. To me it makes Christianity no different than other religions. Working our way to where we are accepted. Which is the form of Christianity that was previously pushed on me and caused my very severe ocd scrupulosity to cause years to absolute torment. It’s still a struggle at times but I’m pushing through.


Thank you brethren for this important subject.
Lord turn us, and we shall be turned. Salvation is that of grace, and grace alone. All else is the fruit thereof. Thank God for His grace.
I will be listening to this message once again.


even john the baptist said bring fruits worthy of repentance, separating the two


Some good and graceful points made here ..! Great job guys God bless you and your ministry..!


i love your teachings, i do have a criticism, on more than one occasion i have heard you reference the holy spirit as it, not him, this time you said itis a triune god not he is a triune god love you guys


Can you show me in the Bible where it says to repent from sin. Non-believers are the ones who need to repent and follow Jesus.


Hey I just listen to your episode on repentance I’m an confessional guy who also holds to the 1689, how do you reconcile repentance being a change of mind and therefore results in an change off action with our confession in chapter 15:3 seems define repentance different, Btw I agree with your definition of repentance


Jesus is God in the flesh. We are all sinners, so we deserve the punishment for sin, which is the wrath of God. However, Jesus loves sinners, even though they sinned against Him. Jesus suffered the punishment for sin so that sinners do not have to. He did this by suffering and dying on a cross. He rose again from the dead on the third day.
Any sinner who fully trusts Jesus to save him or her is saved. That sinner has all of his or her sins forgiven. That sinner will never lose his or her salvation. That sinner will not go to hell. That sinner has eternal life.


Repent from sin is never mentioned in the bible. Repent means changing your mind. If you're a non-believer you need to repent and turn to Jesus because that's the only way to the Father. If you're a believer all your sins are forgiven, and you belong to Jesus, and he won't let you go.


the new covenant came on the day of pentecost.jeremiah prophesied the new covenant of god writing his laws on our hearts, this is the indwelling of the holy spirit to those that believe that jesus is the christ, the son of god a sacrifice for the sins of all who believe


Is there a way for asian peeps to order merchs from
your store? thanks


Repentance is a resolve or a firm decision to follow Jesus. Struggling with sin is a fruit of repentance. There is no degree of repentance, either you follow Him or you do not. Don’t put your hand to the plough and look back.


It seems “repentance” is too often referencing “sins”. I believe we repent from “sin”, which to me is what scripture calls our Adamic nature. Salvation is by faith alone but we are repenting from a humanistic pathway, whether it is trying to “be a good person” OR it could be ignoring the Creator. Either way, the repentance unto salvation is rejecting our natural walk and accepting on faith that our salvation has been given as a gift. The “repentance” is not from lust or lying or pride. It is from whatever sinful belief or walk we had before and into perfect redemption in Christ. THAT type of repentance IS necessary to become a Christian.


"You do not KNOW OF WHAT SPIRIT you are!"
[Luke 9:55, 56, (28- 30-


Because it is not politically "correct" or "expedient".
Or "prudent". Or even, somehow (?) "kind".
And one will be declared "anti-semitic", the MOST actually inaccurate, incorrect. and, assuredly, INCONVENIENT/
"in-expedient" TRUTH anyone could possibly dare to state.

Even tho' MOSES himself foretold it in his day.
