FULL Disclosure: Where We Really Come From! NEW Evidence From ETs, Atlantis & Pyramids Gregg Braden

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It’s rare an interview comes along that completely shatters our perception of reality, why we’re here, and where we came from. But with Gregg Braden, you’ll learn the real truth about pyramids, Atlantis and Antarctica, ET interventions, the true story behind our DNA, the climate and what’s REALLY happening to the Earth, the hidden cycles of civilization and whether we’ll make it through...And even what the powers that be, want to do to remove our humanity as they insert artificial parts and chips in our bodies and through AI.

Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy and human potential.

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It's good to see Gregg is fully out about everything now, he cares about the truth and humanity, love him very much.


Gregg (Double G) no Gregory. Absolute living legend. One of the many beacons of divinity, and a gift to the brave new world. One of a few who has managed to successfully fuse Science and Spirit together in a holistic manner. And then had the confidence to speak out against old corrupt paradigms.
One of the many greats of our times. And a man who will always be remembered, for his wisdom and compassion.


I have been listening to Gregg Braden for 20 years, and I still learn from him every single time. He still blows my mind. Just wow ❤


One thing I really love about Gregg is that he coralates information from a variety of sources. He brings this collection of data to a place where we can all see how it's all interrelated. SOOO IMPORTANT! Thanks Gregg and Michael...


This brings tears to my eyes Gregg, the question that comes to my mind is, how many people can you educate or impact before you exit the realm of time? I hope your teachings can impact as many as possible.


We perish from a lack of knowledge! These are the things we need to be teaching today, not gender confusion, not racism, not fake news but the reality of our existence! Thanks Gregg!


Man, he keeps saying "i think we all know this" than drops some serious knowledge that I've never heard before. Love this dude!


Good Morning everyone. I Can listen to the brightest mind in our planet like Dr. Braden all day long. Thanks for your intelligent knowledge given to humanity 😊🙏🏼


Thank you, guys, for talking about these things!!! I'm a Christian, and I just want the truth!!!! I'm tired of being lied to by scientists, government officials, and anyone else who knows the truth!! Hopefully we will know soon!!❤❤❤


Gregg Braden - what a master teacher he is, a wise teacher for the Ages.Just riveting as a public speaker (I'm late to discovering his work, podcasts etc ) How lucky we are to have people like Gregg who have such a depth and width of knowledge, of lived experience and a gift for communicating these things we are thirsting to know. One of the best things I've watched this year, Michael you asked all the right questions on profound topics! Thankyou both very much, love from Australia


Please give the Nobel Prize to Gregg Braden now! I won't complain if he shares it with Bruce Lipton though. Their voices are so unbelievably important in this polarized world where most people still think that science and mysticism are enemies.


Gregg is absolutely awesome to listen to. Been following him for some years now and he is so interesting and informative to listen to. He always makes total sense to me... Thank you both...


There's SO much we don't know! Thank you for bringing Gregg to the show❤


The level of brilliance and wisdom Gregg Braden shares is incredible. He expresses his points so eloquently and also captivating!!


EXCELLENT, everyone here listening now, needs to SHARE this video to everyone they know, and ask those people to share also!
Thank you! ❤️


Greg is such a beautiful soul! He always explains things in ways we can understand, process and digest ❤


Gregg Braden is the truth seeker and thought leader the world needs! Been following him and his work for years. So glad you’re doing this show with him! ❤🎉❤


I have listen to Gregg for years. From Gregg's info I cured my stage four cancer with my mind. Fascinating very wise man. Blessing to humanity! Much love and blessings to all!


I lost both parents within 3 years; 2020 and 2023. We are definitely all in mourning, Gregg. I know your pain, and yours also, Michael. I survived an OBE in a car accident 1986; this 3rd dimension we experience is not all there is. Thank You for your work; namaste.
