5 Grains to Eat to Lose Weight and 3 to Avoid

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1 Why do we need grains?
Our bodies need both carbohydrate and fiber without which our bodies won’t function well. Both can be acquired by eating grains where carbs provide energy and fiber for weight loss. Fiber is essentially a carb that is indigestible making fiber-rich foods less in calories than other carbs. They also keep you satiated longer by supressing appetite which is why they are good for weight loss.

2 Types of grains
Grains can have different properties which depend on the way they have been processed and it is crucial to understand this information properly. There are whole grains that contain the entire seed meaning all parts of it such as the bran, germ, and endosperm. Whole grains contain more fiber, nutrients, vitamins and minerals in comparison to refined grains like refined flour. Whole grains are available as whole or sold as flour.

In refined grains, the bran and germ is removed making its texture softer and finer which makes it easy to cook. However, it is hardly nutritious having lost most of its nutrients and fiber because of the refining process. There are also enriched grains that are refined grains which have had their nutrients replaced after being lost in the refining process.

3 Grains to eat when losing weight
To lose weight, you should eat grains that have a low Glycaemic index (low sugar) and rich in fiber. The more the vitamins and minerals, the healthier the grain.

Whole Oats: Oats are very high in essential nutrients including an antioxidant called aventhramides known to protect the heart. Oats also contain beta-glucan, a fiber that absorbs a lot of water and swells in your stomach to satiate and keep you full. In general, oats are good for maintaining weight but keep an eye for the add ons and choose whole oats or steel-cut oats over instant oats.
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