538. A bit more Jude Cole....

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My PO Box is: Leland Sklar
PO Box 92316
600 Lincoln Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91109-9998
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This album is how I was introduced to his music. Every time I listen to this album, I am transported back to some great times. Such an incredible artist. Such incredible songs.


I was fortunate enough to go to high school with Jude. We were in the same grade. Watching him grow as a musician and moving on professionally. I myself is a musician and still play. I was fortunate to play with him at a couple of high school reunions. He was very professional and love his music.


Leland, Right their Now is my favorite song from anybody, i have a deep emotional attachment to it, it help me through my darkest deepest time while I battled my fight with cancer .
I was at the hospital going through my MRI’s and test and I was at the end of My patience, I alwys brought Jude’s CD’s with me for the technicians to play for me, well at my lowest moment when I thought I just couldn’t go any further, everything went silent and this song was playing at the time and, all I heard were these lyrics,
“Rise above the darkness
Sail above the clouds
Faith keep me from falling
And I swear I won't look down
Oh, I'm right there now”

God reached out to me through this song and the lyrics just lifted me, till this day these are words I live by, my faith kept me from falling, and since then I haven’t looked down .
Again thank you for sharing your experience and love of Jude, you are a master at your craft, just as Jude is, God Bless you and may you never be looking down !


I still wear out his first two CDs. Jude is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in this house and he always will be. Never gets old.


"A View from 3rd Street" is one of THEE best rock/pop albums I've ever heard in my life. Everything JUDE about that record is mind blowing - vocals, guitar playing, songwriting, production... just AWESOME. Jude rocks balls. 🤘


That piano on “Tell The Truth” is a heartbreaker! Just gets right down in your soul! And Jude’s guitar work in this song is beyond phenomenal!


A more melancholic side to Jude Cole. Life on the road is not for everyone but his passion and talent is undeniable.


Tell The Truth is my fave tune of his. I should have known it was you playing bass on this track. Just beautiful, Lee.


I loved yesterdays posting of Jude Cole, and I confirmed my feelings today. He is so talented! He is an amazing multi-instrumentalist and vocalist!!!


Jude is such an underrated artist, "I Don't Know Why I Act This Way" is phenomenal


Absolutely my favorite singer songwriter solo artist, Jude should of been HUGE, blows my mind to this day .
I loved when you said he would of been a perfect fit in the EAGLES, something I alwys say !
Your 2 segments on Jude we have posted on our Facebook Jude Cole Fan Page .
He is the best, and View and Start and albums that are masterpieces, every song is a gem, ,everyone, pure talent .
Thanks for spreading the Jude, something I do all the time, so Hendliess, yes he is right up there !


I discovered Jude in the early 90s by accident..I have loved him since..a regular favorite are all of his albums..including his new one. Thanks for this video


Firstly I just want to say I’ve been a huge fan and follower of you and your amazing bass playing sir. Thank you for that. Loved these posts of Jude! I was a country artist back in 2000 and was a fan of Jude Cole and was blessed enough to have Jude and Scott Hendricks produce my first album UNCONDITIONAL. He was such a great guy and talented man and a great friend to me. He still amazes me every time I listen to his music. I played his album FALLING HOME for years on the bus when I was on the road. I’m still so proud of the album we did and getting to work with such a cool and talented guy. Thank you again for your posts man!


Tell the Truth is really one of the greatest 'love on the rocks' songs of all time. Jeff's drums on it.. otherworldly <3


It was so great that Jude Cole commented on your yesterday’s video... hehe, this should become standard operation procedure, that the artist himself will show up 🤓


Thanks for showcasing Tell the Truth . Beautiful song and one of my favorite songs of all time .


This album means so much to me. I bought the CD for the single start the car back in the 90s. But every song on it is gold. This is my top 10 albums of all time.


Good morning, Lee!!!! Glad you had so much fun with Rick and Tim..., boys’ night out! I’m


I do agree with you: from a fan's point of view, I think the most exciting feeling of seen artists performing live is the interactions they have with their colleagues. That shared vibe of loving what they are doing and enjoying each other definitely communicates something very positive for the people who are enjoying their work. Bringing your "presence and full heart" to what you are doing, I think this is one of the greatest gifts any professionals can give to the people they serve.


So, in the last post on the Jude Cole where you covered his "A View from 3rd Street". Then when "Start the Car" disc came out...i was stunned to find a second album with which all songs are great. A shame he wasn't more recognized as a musician, song writer, singer. Thank you for sharing some Jude with others that may not have heard of him. He's one of a kind.
