Urethral Stricture Repair | Patient Story w Dr. Christopher Cantrill, Urology San Antonio

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When Donald was 11-years-old, he was treated for a bladder infection. The instrument used to look in his bladder accidentally injured a small section of his urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body.

The injured area develop scare tissue also known as a urethral stricture, which narrowed the urine tube, restricting the flow of urine and causing bleeding and pain every time Donald urinated.

For sixteen years, Donald lived with the pain. As his condition worsened, he would have procedures to relieve the scare tissue and dilate or expand the urine channel, but the treatments were temporary. Over time, the injured spot of the urethra would narrow and his symptoms would return.

Eventually, the procedures were needed so frequently that Donald sought the expertise of Dr. Christopher Cantrill, a urologist with Urology San Antonio who specializes in reconstructive surgical repairs to the urinary system.

Dr. Cantrill performed a urethroplasty to fix the damaged section of the urethra. In what is considered a substantial operation, Dr. Cantrill removed the 3 centimeters of damaged urethra and stitched the two ends of the urethra together, forming a clear, water-tight passageway for urine to flow from the body.

The operation was a success. Donald no longer faces pain with urination. He says the restoration of normal function has changed his life.

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