T-Scan Novus Core: The Global Solution for Entry-Level Digital Occlusion - Webinar Preview

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Did you know?: 94% of dentists struggle to pinpoint occlusion with articulating paper alone.(1)

Articulating paper shows where contact is made, but not when and with how much force. T-Scan is the only technology that shows the measured force and the timing of occlusal surfaces coming together. Combining these two tools can paint a clear picture of the patient's bite.

Now with T-Scan Novus Core – our lower-cost, entry-level T-Scan offering for general dental practices – all dentists can make digital occlusal analysis an important part to their daily dentistry.

This excerpt from our webinar titled "T-Scan Novus Core: The Global Solution to Entry-Level Digital Occlusion," shares three of the most common problems dentists face, and how T-Scan is essential to helping solve these age-old challenges.

Watch the complete webinar here:

(1) Kerstein, R.B., and Radke, J. Clinician Accuracy When Subjectively Interpreting Articulating Paper Markings, The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, 2013, VOL. 32 NO. 1
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