The reason Women Were Created!! #shorts

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You dont need religion to tell you the common sense that men and women are created by nature to help balance eachother. Thats not a religious fact, thats just a fact.


The fact that people even believe such nonsense is one of the many reasons you can be sure there is no truth in the bible.


Idc if a man tells me I’m meant to fulfill him…. I’m walking away bc who tf do you think you are.


Growing up, I was always taught that the fall was Adam’s fault. Eve was deceived, but Adam partook of the fruit knowing full well what he was doing. Always found it weird when I later discovered that other denominations pinned it on Eve.


Let's think spiritually! "male and female created he them." We are all male in that we have the ability to sow spiritual seed through spiritual energy. We are all female in that we serve as a habitat for this energized seed. The woman plays the most important role in the salvation of the soul, as she represents the Heart, the only place from which we can transform ourselves, and the world we live in!


Wow, then men don’t need to protect and provide for women then. This is so liberating!🎉


Perspective: Sarah gives Hagar to Abraham. The origin of the story is that Lilith, Adam's wife, gives Eve to Adam, the Christ, when he begins his work of the salvation of the kingdom of Eve's Shining One (Snake???) David, the Morning Star. I’m inclined to believe that David (Yahweh) is saving those behind the gates of hell.


This is like a therapy session for femanists


How about people just be nice to each other? Maybe value each other; maybe even *because* of our differences?

I mean, I kind of expressly like women differently than I like men *because* of said differences, since I happen to be heterosexual. Strangely, in both romantic and non-romantic ways depending on the woman in question… can’t exactly explain that part. Non-romantic seems to come down more to personality traits only, and mostly excludes physical traits. But that’s probably mostly societal and if a man acted like I think of women generally acting, it would probably make me think similar things.

But, as an example, I generally like listening to women singers more; half the time I don’t have a clue what they even look like. Nor do I care. If a guy sang it but I thought it sounded like a woman, it’d have the same effect on me. (I don’t tend to care about anything in my media consumption other than the media itself. Did I like a movie? Cool. Why do I care about someone’s politics or whatever? I don’t know them. Seems entirely beside the point to me.)

I don’t get why anyone values someone differently as a person though. I mean, there are physical differences, but if we’re not talking about something *directly* related to those particular differences… why does it even matter?


God told the End in the Beginning. All of these parallels are simply recreations of the forth coming messiah perpatrated by the adversary to bide time and maintain power. Basically Satan was playing checkersz and God had already won chess.


Orthodoxy for Jews, Muslims, LDS, etc.


She tries very hard to understand and interpret fairy tales.


The Bible says Adam was at fault, not Eve. You think you'd at least get it straight.


Women we're not created but evolved along side men lol


Genesis 2 and 3 explained...
Lucifer said, "delicious fruit and morals, good times".
These words upset the supposed deity of the bible who jesus talk we should pray to, asking the deity to not lead us into temptation.
Satan must be god!
2 Corinthians 4:4.


Theres not a sunlge bible verse that blames Eve for the fall. The resposibilty is always placed on Adam


@abelchaves.. So you’re saying that there’s a more modern god than the old imaginary one in the book, You god any evidence for that or is just something you came up with on you’re own??


I remember women's lib in the 60s, and part of it was right, but part of it led women astray they gave them false Independence. True Independence as you want a woman stands totally on her own, but that allows her to be the most devoted to her husband. And that allows the husband to be totally devoted to her. True Independence requires the naked Truth to show and share your soul with each other. To know everything did each other is doing that each other wants so that they can fulfill each other and take care of each other. If a woman does not put her husband first in her heart, she is no better than a prostitute. And if a man does not put his love of that woman first in his heart, he loses the greatest treasure that is within them having Union with each other.


I mean when God give the punishment for Adam and Eve he says that one of them is for them to be submissive to their man

Showing originally that wasn't the case but a weird thing is why would he cut Adams half to create Eve he could have just created eve right then and there


Hebrew is beautiful, and Judaism elevates and honors women and believes women are powerful and sacred
