Customize WARLOCK Pets in Patch 10.1.5 at the Barber Shop | Dragonflight

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What do you think of the Warlock pet customisation?


Shaman elemental pet customization sounds like a really cool idea. Hopefully it comes soon with a Shaman tank spec


I think what would be cool is if they could integrate subjugate/enslave demon into the customization,
for example if you could walk into black temple and subjugate supremus, the model will then be "added to your collection" so that you could change the infernal to how it looks
i don't have ptr so i don't understand fully how it works but just something i thought would be cool.


Did you know Northrend Skeletons can visually equip most gear? Even many modern cloaks, helms, belts, shoulders, gloves, etc work on them. 3D assets are almost always compatible(even on chest pieces, belts and legs) are compatible. I'm waiting for the day I as a death knight can dress my skeleton up in a badass set like the Raging Tempest gear, which if you look in wowheads dressing room, is fully compatible and looks amazing.


I hope they add eredar customizations for Draenei’s.
Fel fire eyes and red skin sounds rly cool to me.


I don't play warlock, but I think its great that they are spending the time on them to add to their class fantasy. I hope they continue to add more models to them. I know there are way more re-colors out there in the world.


The other Doomguard customization is actually called a Terrorguard, it was another one that used to be a glyph back in whichever expansion let warlocks have doomguards out as normal pets. Terrorguards weren't actually introduced until TBC and probably the one most people will remember is the boss in the very first dungeon of TBC, Hellfire Ramparts, which for whatever reason is the boss that gives the achievement for the dungeon even though it's not the final boss of it.


The low res imps are Fel Imps which were in Burning Crusade, disappointed that the lantern voidwalkers aren't an option, the low res doomguard is actually a terrorguard, the 6 armed succubus is a Shivarra, and the orange infernal is an Abyssal.


I would love a Fel lord customization option for the felguard, they could also add different colors for the doomguard / terrorguard pets since many are already available in the wild. All in all however, I'm very happy with what they've produced so far and I can't wait to see more ! As always, thank you for your great work !


Nice to see new customization for Warlock pets. Still annoyed they're removing the Observer look, because after being available in the game for years, suddenly it's 'too confusing'.


I like that it has the old models as options, totally not letting those old models go to waste. love that. Hope they put in the old infernal and Succubus models too for consistency. I also hope they should do the same for mage water elementals. :D


Hope they expand on this, aside from the imps the rest kinda look lazy.
I would LOVE to see a hunter pet collection tab added. My stables are looking insane. We don't need more slots, we need some sort of organization thing.


The low res imp is actually the fel imp that was added with Glyphs, and the second Doomguard is actually the Terror guard which is also an original glyph one


Love all the options, but remember people, we locks are losing the observer model for this! Really sad to see Blizz remove models :(


I'm a bit sad that the imp have so many customisations options and the other one have less... Theorically, the incubus one is the same so no funky color for him 🥲 I wish they will add few more color / skins for the others by the time !


I always wanted warlocks to be able to spawn demonic/vampiric wings and fly around... as a mount. Same with paladins or priests spawning angel wings. Customizing the warlock pets is cool.


Removing the Observer option from felhunters, while at the same time keeping the other glyph models - wrathguard and shivarra, and even adding vanilla demon models is quite galling. It really detracts from the excitement of this new system.


Great that they're making Warlock Demons and Druid Shapeshifts into barbershop options instead of glyphs.
Now I can only hope they'll continue and do the same for Mage Water Elementals, Shaman Elementals, DK Ghouls/Gargoyle, and DH wings. (and maybe even Hunter pets)
I don't agree with Blizz's reasoning for removing the Observer skin for the felpuppy _at all_ though. They say it has to do with "keeping the same silhouette", but that doesn't matter at all since 1. nobody pays attention to demons/pets in PvP anyway and 2. players already have clashing silhouettes thanks to heritage armor. That full plate Dark Iron dwarf over there with a 2h mace? It's a Mage. That Nightborne in a cloth dress with a glowing staff? It's an Arms Warrior.
I also really hope they eventually add an Earth based Shaman Tank spec, since that's the only element they're missing as a primary focus for a spec, and I kinda miss the old Rockbiter weapon giving higher threat.


Oh fuck yes, we love more customisation.

At this point Blizzard should just make every class available for every race, they had enough years in the game to train new races, maybe not demon hunters and obviously evokers (though I can totally see lore friendly ways for them as well).


Very nice, hope DK gets this or outright undead tag taming too.