Foundation Waterproofing Membrane

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Live from the International Builders' Show, Josh Salinger discusses keeping water out of basements with this membrane from Delta-MS.

DELTA®-MS is made of a special high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resin. The membrane is remarkably impermeable to water and water vapor and unaffected by acidic or alkaline environments. Equipped with highly efficient additive packages, the HDPE is stabilized against oxidation and provides outstanding compressive strength, impact resistance, chemical and environmental stress crack resistance (ESCR).
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It looks really good at the same time expensive..😢 I wonder how much the cost is for 2, 400sqf house.


I would think that this dimpled base layer could be used over the house wrap behind the siding when installing exterior mounted 2” rock wool batts to allow moisture a pathway out of it got past the siding. I’ve talked to a homeowner who wasn’t sure about installing retrofit injection foam insulation because he couldn’t get an clear answer on does the injection foam cause any long term issues to the Romex in the walls pertaining to overheating from being wrapped in foam. He opted to have the house resided but added exterior mounted rock wool insulation boards over the wrap to increase the insulation of his existing in wall R-13. Rock wool added R-7 for a total R- value of 20R. Seems like you could market the dimple layer for that application too as a water channel. Thoughts? If you market it that way and it’s a hit, I expect mine for free for the idea. 👍🏽


Is this also meant for at or below grade insulated concrete foundations where the concrete wall is clad in foam?


What do you recommend if some part of the top (black part) is torn? I guess some UV resistant liquid membrane would do?


Awful membrane … a lot of better higher quality membranes to use
