Creating Killer Guitar Parts With Session Guitarist Justin Ostrander - Rhythm And Lead Guitar Lesson

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Creating guitar parts that sound great is one thing, but doing it with two guitars.... well in that case you need the tips Session Ace Justin Ostrander is laying down for us today!

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To be a master of your craft is impressive. To be a masterful teacher of it is even more impressive. I dig how Brett Papa never lets himself, or his many guests, forget that they're addressing an audience of learners. This is why I continue to come back to this channel.


For sure one of the most educational videos of the millions of guit fiddle videos out there. (And aimed at the intermediate level player! That's rare). I love that Brett would stop and break down each part. That must be so unnatural for anyone but a really good teacher. **So helpful for those that watch to LEARN and not just watch as info-tainment.**
Thank you Justin, thank you Brett Papa. Bless you heart and all your vital organs, pianos, guitars, amps...


Ya'll sound great! That opening jamming was 🔥! Awesome sounding backing track too.


You Always come up with these great solos that don't require shredding skills; but they are so musical and sound so damn good! This is my idea of great guitar playing -- to play and to listen to.


I've been watching your videos for a long time Brett and I think you have absolutely cracked the code . Amazing guests and informative content all done with people that obviously enjoy doing what they are doing . Thanks sooo much


Simplicity and talent combined ! Great vid. Thanks to you both


Hi Brett. I'm new to your channel here in the last couple of days and I'm really enjoying it. I'm 51 (started at 10) and just picked up my guitar again last year after hardly touching it for the previous 10 years (long story)! My interest was renewed after finding idle time during the pandemic and I started watching Rick Beato and Tim Pierce videos, among others. I am very happy that I came across your channel as I can see that there is a lot to learn from you and your guests which I am looking forward to. You have a way with speaking plainly and clearly so that I can understand what you are doing and why. And I really loved this video with Justin Ostrander. Thank you!


What an amazing session covering so many bases... You rock and Justin has to come back to your channel with the slide! Plus so many hot tips!


Justin is a great example of how to get a call back by being a cool guy to hang with and also great parts and not overplaying unless that is what the client wants.


Brett. I love what you do and truly admire your positive attitude. It’s great to learn new stuff every day and witness the respect and fondness you have for your guests and viewers. Bless you


Absolutely loved watching this, two top guys and amazing guitarists. Cheers from Addy Sheffield UK


I love this brother! You ask the questions I want to ask. Where did you get that idea, what are you playing out of, why that? Why there? Almost every time I ask those questions of players I admire, I get vague answers. I find that most guys reach a level where they're just playing...not thinking about it. I love that you guys went through it all and analyzed it all. I spend a ton of time trying to understand the why. You guys are truly "educating" here. Thank yall!


Justin has been a fabulous player since high school. Great stuff fellas!


This has been one of the most important lessons for me. How to play well with others. You don't always have to solo.


This is such a great lesson. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I already have F-C-G-G on the looper and I am playing each one of these licks over and over. Hopefully I will start to retain them and relate them to the chords so I can use them for other songs. I LOVE when he said don't play the same part as the other guitar player! Also, leave room for the singer and the snare drum. Even if you are not recording a session, these are very important and every guitar player should be thinking about it.
Thank you Brett!


Justin's sense of humour is drier than sand... I like it


Papa is the best YouTube mediator for hosting great sessions. Brett your station is pro content for sure. Thanks man!


That's some tasty guitar playing in the beginning. Love it! Good old caged system.


These song writing lessons are pure Gold! Please more of these! Thanks Papa.


Really great sound and chat. Love the "what did you do there"s? Great explanations from Justin. Thanks guys, love your work!
