100 Japan Exclusive SNES Games ... in 20 minutes! PART 1

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This is an extended cut of an 10-minute video that is made available early as a bonus for our Patreon subscribers!

As with most consoles, there were quite a few Super Nintendo games that were never exported to the West. Here, we take a look at a 100 of them.

To be honest, there are a few less-than-impressive games on this list- but also quite a few genuine hidden gems in here! It's actually a little sad that some of these gems weren't exported ...

It's also worth nothing that most of these are playable without requiring Japanese reading skills.

And to celebrate this release, let's have a steam key!



Complete Game List:
001 - Accele Brid
002 - Arcus Spirits
003 - Asameshimae Nyanko
004 - Ball Bullet Gun-Survival Game Simulation
005 - Battle Dodge Ball
006 - Battle Master-Kyukyoku No Senshi-Tachi
007 - Battle Jockey
008 - Battle Soccer-Field No Hasha
009 - Battle Zeque Den
010 - Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S-Fuwafuwa Panic
011 - Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS - Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen
012 - Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon S - Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!
013 - Block Kuzushi
014 - Bomber Man B-Daman
015 - Bushi Seiryuuden - Futari no Yuusha
016 - CB Chara Wars - Ushinawareta Gag
017 - Chaos Seed - Fuusui Kairouki
018 - Chou Aniki - Bakuretsu Rantou Hen
019 - Cho Genjin 2
020 - Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie
021 - Chinhai
022 - Clockwerx
023 - Coron Land
024 - Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu Enji
025 - Death Brade
026 - Dolucky no Kusayakiu
027 - Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi
028 - Doraemon 2 - Nobita no Toys Land Daibouken
029 - Downtown - Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari - Yakyuu de Shoubu da! Kunio-kun
030 - Edono Kiba
031 - F-1 Grand Prix
032 - Fire Pro Joshi - All Star Dream Slam
033 - Fishing Koshien
034 - Flying Hero - Bugyuru no Daibouken
035 - Front Mission Series-Gun Harazard
036 - Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler - Tougi Denshou
037 - Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake
038 - Gekitotsu Dangan Jidousha Kessen - Battle Mobile
039 - Go Go Ackman 2
040 - Great Battle II, The - Last Fighter Twin (Japan)
041 - Great Battle IV, The
042 - GT Racing
043 - Hana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata ni
044 - Harukanaru Augusta 3 - Masters New
045 - Hashire Hebereke
046 - Hat Trick Hero 2
047 - Hiryuu no Ken S - Golden Fighter
048 - Holy Umbrella - Dondera no Mubou!!
049 - Hyper Iria
050 - Jaleco Rally Big Run - The Supreme 4WD Challenge (Japan)
051 - Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius
052 - Jumpin' Derby
053 - Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan - Sekaimanyuu Daikakutou no Maki
054 - Kamen Rider
055 - Kamen Rider SD - Shutsugeki!! Rider Machine
056 - Kirby no Kirakira Kids
057 - Kishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden
058 - Kunio no Oden
059 - Lupin Sansei - Densetsu no Hihou o Oe!
060 - Magical Drop 2
061 - Mahou Poi Poi Poitto!
062 - Mario & Wario
063 - Mario no Super Picross
064 - Matsumura Kunihiro Den - Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero!
065 - Mazinger Z
066 - Melfland Stories
067 - Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken
068 - Mickey to Donald - Magical Adventure 3
069 - Miracle Girls
070 - Neugier - Umi to Kaze no Kodou
071 - New Yatterman - Nandai Kandai Yajirobee
072 - Nintama Rantarou
073 - Onizuka Katsuya Super Virtual Boxing - Shin Kentou Ou Densetsu
074 - Oonita Atsushi FMW
075 - Oraga Land Shusai - Best Farmer Shuukakusai
076 - Ossu!! Karate-bu
077 - Power Soukoban
078 - Psycho Dream
079 - Puzzle'n Desu!
080 - Ranma 1-2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen
081 - Ruin Arm
082 - Same Game
083 - SD Gundam - Power Formation Battle
084 - SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2
085 - SD The Great Battle - Aratanaru Chousen
086 - Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
087 - Shounen Ashibe - Goma-chan no Yuuenchi Daibouken
088 - Soreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro - Kieta Goemon no Nazo!!
089 - Soukou Kihei Votoms - The Battling Road
090 - Stardust Suplex
091 - Supapoon DX
092 - Super Back to the Future Part II
093 - Super Chinese Fighter
094 - Super Ninja-kun
095 - Super Puyo Puyo Tsu Remix
096 - Taekwan-Do
097 - Tetris Battle Gaiden
098 - Trinea
099 - Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade
100 - Wagyan Paradise
Рекомендации по теме

This video made me wonder just how many games were unreleased in the US, and I can't believe there are over 700 snes games stuck in Japan....


I was just actually thinking about such a list


Steamkey amazing-ness: Psychonauts! Cheers, Gary!

This video is fascinating -- I know almost nothing about the import Super Famicon scene, and have only seen 10-15 of these games before. Thinking about this particular library almost makes me consider emulating, which is something I have only very rarely done. As a seasoned Saturn importer, the mind boggles when I start to think about the cost involved in actually collecting the physical games. I randomly looked up one that appeals to me on ebay -- Holy Umbrella -- and it's $80 plus shipping for loose cart, $300+ boxed. It appears that prices have gone up a lot in the last few years, so I think I missed the boat on any chance of physical collecting. Though 4th gen graphics and gameplay are simpler than my beloved 5th gen, there is something charming and timeless about good 4th gen games from Japan. Seems like a time capsule from a time when life was better and simpler.


Thank you for another wonderful video. I love looking at these Japanese games and can't wait to play some. Happy New Year Gary.


It's funny how the SFC was getting new games all the way up until '99. The Dreamcast came out that year, for cryin' out loud!


Aint that dragon punch move in battle zeque den using chun li "hikouken" sound? Or is it just me....


Dude cool video as always, Hiryu no ken s is the Ultimate Fighter game in na


Good vid. There's 3 I have on other things like Arcus Odyssey on Genesis and Micky and Donald 3 on GBA, and 9 I'd like to try. Keep up the good work. These vids are a good help for finding new things to look for.


The great battle services and the goeman series have English patches for anyone that wants to play. they are all very good games. Sailor moon r is a decent beat em up too


Damn, The backlog is getting crazy 🎮
SNES 4 Life


Why was it that we here in the U.S. got a trilogy of sucktacular BACK TO THE FUTURE games but Japan got a cute fun BACK TO THE FUTURE PT2 game that leaps and bounds better than our movie based games?? The NES&SEGA Genesis games both were sucktacular.


Great list! Some games look weird but some are actually interesting:D
Thanks for sharing as always^^
You're doing great job and hope you're well:)


I wish Bahamut Lagoon had made the list.


Con razón juegos que se habían anunciado en Club Nintendo no los ví nunca en las tiendas, como Mutant Fighter y Magical Quest 3.
Por último hubieran tenido la decencia de desmentir que iban a llegar a américa.


Eu queria muito que o Super Nintendo tivesse a mesma resolução ou superior ao do Sega Mega Drive, pois os gráficos, além das cores, seriam mais definidos, detalhados e sem serrilhados.


why you switch off comments on your other videos ?