Band On The Run Guitar Lesson (Full Song) - Paul McCartney and Wings

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In this Band On The Run guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play all the chords for this hit by Paul McCartney's Wings.

We will be using standard tuning, just like the original recording.

"Band On The Run" has a very unique song structure with 3 very distinct musical styles throughout.

The intro uses a series of double-stop melodies accompanied by a melodic synthesizer figure. I have transcribed the synth part as well so that you can play both parts to make the intro sound more complete with just one guitar. The first verse also occurs over this section.

The next section has a more upbeat feel to it and contains probably the signature guitar riff of the song. It has a nice groove to it as well.

After a brief transition we finally make it to the main portion of the song. This section is dominated by strummed acoustic guitar.

Later in the song there are quite a few slide guitar parts added. I have chosen to leave those out and just focus on the chords.

You will find the chords to very simple to play with an easy 8th note strumming feel. There aren't even any bar chords to contend with so hopefully you will be strumming this great classic song in no time! #bandontherunguitarlesson #paulmccartney #guitarcovers

Рекомендации по теме

You know I listen to this song all my life, and say to myself, wow I gotta learn that guitar part (the into). Then finally after 30-40 years I arrive at this video, and learn how to play it in 5 minutes. Why, because the instructor explains it that well. Man how lucky we are to have these pro's here offering their service for free. This could easily be a $50 lesson with a music teacher. I'm so thankful. Now I can say to myself when I hear this song on the radio, I can play that guitar intro. Cool as hell.


I don't even own a guitar but watching this helps in appreciating the
Genius of McCartney .


What a great teacher of guitar you are!
You break everything down into bite sized chunks. As far as I’m concerned, the best guitar teacher on YouTube! Thank you!


I'm still amazed people put a thumbs down, firstly you take the time to make an in depth tutorial, and we get to watch it at no cost, even if it was bad ( which your tutorials are not) we get to improve our skills from somebody who takes the time to make them . if I need to learn a song first I always check your channel first. thanks Carl and guitar 365 and if i may say "FUCK OFF' to all the Twats who gave it a thumbs down. CHEERS


Years ago when I found your ABB Melissa Acoustic Lesson, I knew we had somebody that makes sure he gets it RIGHT when I saw you go through the progression and back rather than to the DMaj or AMaj like everybody else does, and with the CMaj7/G. You also got the Bmin and C#min without Barres right. And here you are still keeping the Highest Quality! Carl Brown was my Grandfather's and Uncle's names. Welcome to the family! Carl III. And most of THANK YOU!


Hey man, first time visitor and being a guitar player myself, just want to say you have a new fan, I don't have time to lift the riffs anymore so I'm grateful there are ppl like yourself teaching the proper way to do cheers from Canada


Thanks for the video! We're doing an all 70's music show tomorrow and this is one of the tunes. Your video really helped cut down the time it would have taken me to learn all the guitar parts.


Thank you so much Carl for this excellent lesson. I can finally remove Band On The Run from my Bucket List of songs to learn to play.


Thanks. I was learning through this video for 3 days before it dawned on me: Great song for the pandemic. 'Stuck in side these four walls... Sent inside for ever....


Thank you so much for the effort and care for this song. Now I can live the dream of playing "Band On the Run", one of my favourites songs of all time. Best lesson/tutorial in the internet, TY TY TY TY


This is way more accurate than a lot of other tutorials out there. The voicings of the chords and the articulation is great. Thanks mate


Great teacher, your a natural at it, so relaxed and clear and straight forward and easy to follow, thanks you so much for teaching me and taking time out of ypur life to put this video up ❤


Hey Carl you're definitely one of the best guitar teachers on the planet! And you always play the music that I love! Thanks a lot for doing this! You rock! 🤘


I’m mostly into heavy rock, some metal and lot’s of blues, but this and Maybe I’m amazed are probably my two favourite songs. Venus and Mars, and Band On the Run were two of the first vinyl albums I ever bought, back in the mid to late 70’s.


Thanks for the run down on this song! Great songwriters truly make a basically simple song structure sound much more complicated than it is! Great song, great lesson. Cheers!


Maybe one of the best explanations of chord changes I’ve seen. My thx.


Great tutorial! Now I can play this great song I've heard so many times when I was young. Thank you!!!


Fantastic song, great riffs and great tutorial !! Thank you for sharing this one - one of my favs 🎸 👍


Thank you Carl. I always wanted to learn this song correctly. My bandmates were impressed that I covered the synth parts.


Brilliant transcription of this old classic song! Thank you
