What Was Paul's Thorn in the Flesh? | Little Lessons with David Servant

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Today's question is about Paul's thorn in the flesh. What was it? Paul wrote about his thorn in the flesh in 2 Corinthians 12. Christians have debated over what that thorn in the flesh was for a long time. Some think that it was some kind of a disease. Learn more in today's Little Lesson!

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this verse is one of the verses im holding on.. Like Paul, i have a thorn in my flesh., The more deeper I study the word of God, the more closer i am becoming to the Lord, the stronger this thorn in my flesh trying to pull me back. Im having a battle in temptation everyday! This is my weakness. But thru this weakness, it strengthens my faith, for whenever temptation comes, i pray and pray and pray..


Many thanks for that small teaching Brother, I've been trying to tell people for years that Paul's thorn in the flesh is NOT a sickness!
Shalom, Maranatha and much blessings to you in Yeshua Messiah 🙏🏻


I just read it in the NLT and came to the same conclusion! It’s almost like when God said “my grace is sufficient and my power works best in your weakness” it’s almost like he is saying to Paul you are no different, you know how to use my power. Thanks for the confirmation!!!


I don't like being in my flesh suit.
"My grace is sufficient for you" gets me through life when I get muddy. I believe our Creator Father is pleased when His children grow in a knowledge of His Holy Word. Great comments my brother friends!


Thanks for doing the research! I was attracted to the video because it wasn't too long!


I Like David's explanation. I thought the same thing. Scripture confirms Scripture. In the parable of the sower, Mat 13:22 says, Some seeds fell among the thorns, (worries of this life and decietfulness of wealth). Perhaps Paul's irritations were caused by people who opposed his doctrine eg Gal 1:6-9. Neh 6:11-13, records that someone had been hired to tell Nehemiah of plans to kill him. HE realized this was intimidation designed to make him commit a sin, (God hasn't given us a spirit of fear) which would have given him a bad name and discredited him before the people.


Thanks you, David. We really DO need to CAREFULLY read the Bible ourselves and not believe everything someone preaches from a pulpit simply because he preached if from a pulpit.


Exactly, amen. ;) It amazes me the number of pastors that preach "We can never really know what it is, but it doesn't matter, he just didn't get healed is all". :/


New America Standard Bible. I always have experienced that having Greek and Hebrew scholars integrated in the Bible is a significant help for making the Bible so much more relevant and interesting to me. Because of Yancy and Stanford who are Greek and Hebrew scholars in my NIV bible it motivated me big time to read the entire bible. Kjv never did that for me. God bless all of u here.


Quite frankly I don't dwell on what Paul's thorn in the flesh was. I focus on whatever besets us God's grace is sufficient.


The phrase "thorn in the flesh" continues to be used as a metaphor for "a source of continual annoyance or trouble." It is synonymous with the phrase "thorn in the side, " which is also of biblical origin, based on the description in Numbers 33:55.


I used to boast until I heard the Gospel of Grace and you can't boast in the flesh brag. but trust that I still lose my temper act opposite of what I set out to. I believe people need to receive God's grace to survive. We all have a different path but the same Grace available. Nice commentary.


This explanation makes since to me... I've often wondered why
2 Addicts can pray to be cured, one may be cured,
while another will have to use other methods like AA or NA for treatment...


Thank you! I though for a long time what he meant was a disease and it kept me from believing in and recieving healing.


Hey, I'm really enjoying your videos ❤ !! Thank you for allowing our Lord to use you to help teach babies in Christ ! There are a LOT of questions I have and you've given a lot of conformation on things I believed but wanted to be sure I was on the right path 😊 I appreciate you!


Spot on interepretation. Thank you!!

i have also read the thorn was not so much to keep Paul "humble" but that rather that he would not be exalted in the 'eyes of others' as some kind of special servant of God. It was for the benefit of other believers and non-believers to see that Paul was no different than them. This makes more sense to me than the traditional interperation. Which basically suggests God revealed all these things to him, and then in effect 'puinished' him for not being humble enough. That doesn't seem like something that makes sense or something God would do.


David, I am a servant; is this your name. Bless you.


Great to hear someone bring forth truth


Exactly. I don't know why people make up stuff about what Paul was talking about.


There's a similar story with David playing the harp for King Saul.
