Shaken Baby Syndrome Brain Injury

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So uncomfortable to watch. I hate the people who have babies only to regret it because they don’t have the patience and maturity and carry out this monstrous act.


Whoever says, “I’m sorry I shook a baby” should never be forgiven for anything! Saying sorry won’t heal the baby’s brain!


Just the computer simulation of a baby being shaken makes me cringe.


What about a 6 year old? I was shaken by my father for 5 minutes. It was in 1977. Couldn't hold my head up for 2 hours. Suffer with severe unpredictable migraines to this day and memory issues. Was held back in my 1st grade year (1977 / 1978). Was put in LD classes from my 2nd grade year until my graduation year of 1991 (was held back my Sr. year due to being 1 credit short of 18 graduating credits). There are some things I can remember but not much when it comes to arithmetic. Things have to be explained to me to this day in simplest form. What my father did was wrong and was never charged. I was given Tylenol and sent to bed. To this day I feel stupid because of what he did to me 47 years ago.


I just found out that I got this from when what my dad did to me I was 18 months I be turning 39 in October. Please if you feel like your over tried or got angry issues walk away from your baby until you have clam down. I’m just lucky I only got a mild case of shaking baby syndrome. Other babies aren’t so lucky. ❤❤❤❤


Thank you for sharing this information. I have been through this myself, and believe that this message should be spread far and wide.


My dad played with me to rough with me when I was a baby which resulted in a brain injury... I always struggled with school and a slow learner... I have taught myself different skills in mechanical work on vehicles ( engine rebuilds /you name it) land scaping and other trades... But I struggle with speech so bad and im not witty and have trouble keeping up with people mentally in a sense.. I have a hard time pronouncing words and sometimes I don't... I don't speak long sentences and avoid using certain words i know ill have trouble with pronouncing and it is just so embarrassing when I communicate with others and hate that im not as cognitively quick as others....I FEEL like I was robbed from my full potential, and here I am, 29, drug addict and alcoholic that lost his license and keeps failing his drug test for drug court and has a hard time holding down a job... Im a loser, and I know a lot of my problems have been created because of me... I have felt dead inside for a long time and wish I wasn't fking robbed of my full potential... I haven't vented like this before to anyone, until now... It feels good to finally get that off my chest


Oh my god, I never knew shaking a baby was dangerous, thankfully I know now, thanks for sharing.


This is why I don’t want to take care of the babies or have anything to do with them.


I saved a newborn infant baby life from a child abuser who could of killed her baby..c.i.d child protection Sharon husband investigated the case and I got self defence for aggressively attacking a child abuser for the reasons stated..


I saw the mother of child do this to my son .i stop her a soon as possible... 😔 then she steals him from me i have not seen him since 3 years old. He's going to be 11. That lady is pure evil, i pray my heavenly protects him 🙏


It is hard to think that any human being especially the mother or any parent could do this, if you don’t want a baby don’t have one, it not only ruins the child’s life but puts it at risk. I hope no one and I mean no one does this to there child.❤❤❤


Yeah this definitely happened to me and now I’m like fucked for the rest of my life


I came here because of all the comments on a shaken baby post on tiktok and how many said their child has shaken baby syndrome. What the heck are people doing or letting happen to their children?


My baby has intense gas pains. He's also teething. It is impossible to sleep at night. I definitely shake my leg fast. Even this is not enough. For example, he loves swinging in a blanket (because he feels empty). Could what I do do any harm? Frankly, I was a little worried when I watched the videos...


I was shaking my baby to put down sleep since 2 this really dangerous.. what should I do know..?


Who does things like that that's sad 😥😞😔


so thats why the expresion shaken up exists?


I think I'll never watch this again 💀


To do that with an even me know I’m on the back my baby brothers hair cartridge on classic I think so because he’s having like a blue I like where the back of his head I don’t know why I don’t think it’s bleeding what do you think I have not
