Google's Hiring Process

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Google's Hiring Process

0:00 - Intro
2:48 - Chances of HC after successful team match
3:18 - Tech PM Amazon Assessment
5:51 - Don’t know level. How to anchor high and negotiate.
6:29 - Tips for HC L5 PGM
7:02 - How to answer recruiter questions around other offers
8:22 - What kind of question for Business and Corp Dev
10:16 - Cleared onsite but no team match in 10 days. Should I be worried?
11:17 - Interview Q - Have you thought about your growth within the next few years?
12:42 - Question and focus for onsite interview for L7 Analytics role
16:13 - Insights for General Products Ops Interview
17:38 - Informal chat with member of team. How to treat this?
20:53 - Any certifications to get short listed?
21:31 - Prep for RRK interview for Cloud Consultants
23:27 - TPM LinkedIn interview for tech accomplishments.
24:22 - How to respectfully decline a role
28:28 - Chicago Office. How is it?
29:40 - Difference between tech/non tech roles
30:28 - Tips for recruiter asking for salary expectations
30:54- Interview Q - You noticed a 10% decrease in user sign up for Google XYZ app. How would you investigate and invert the trend?
33:33 - Do not have any personal or professional G refs. Is this bad?
34:49 - Chances of getting comp that is higher than the TC of the level
36:12 - How often do HC's happen for SWEs?
36:50 - Tips for recruiter screen
38:10 - L5 TPM Role in G Cloud expectations
40:01 - Do APBs have levels and can new team be a higher level
40:55 - What does I hope you will revisit process after rejection mean?
42:01- How to approach getting a student research, PHD position
45:29 - How to prepare for Security Engineer role interview
46:20 - Mock pitch for account strategist at Google Ads. How to handle?
48:14 - What % of candidates get an offer to G on 1st try vs 2nd, 3rd, etc.?
49:29 - Resources for TSE Interview prep?
50:52 - How to apply and prepare for master student’s internship?
51:45 - Tips for Googleyness for managers
53:53 - What is Strategic Partnerships manager Position?
54:11 - Good resources for Automation Test Engineer role?
54:49 - TPM vs PGM
55:50 - Example of complexity in your interview answers
58:33 - Does google focus on really technical questions or will it be situation based?
1:00:37 - Strategic Finance Analyst tips
1:02:21 - Equity refresher
1:03:00 - Description of Admin Business Partner role
1:04:46 - Delaying start time if gets offer
1:05:44 - Age Diversity
1:06:55 - Are applications flagged after rejection?
1:07:06 - Tips for recruiter asking for salary expectations again after HC before offer
1:09:35 - Vendor solutions Consultant GCA Round tips
1:12:28 - Can I ask recruiter about level?
1:13:16 - Can you ask how many candidates competing against?
1:13:53 - After being rejected, can you apply in different countries?
1:14:51 - Made to TM but have not received TM Interview
1:15:20 - Negotiations how much more can ask for?
1:17:29 - How to handle knowledge based questions you don’t know answer to?
1:18:32 - How to answer “What is your salary expectation?”
1:18:48 - Are internships good?
1:19:25 - Is it common to have more hypothetical questions than behavioral?
1:21:57 - Share competing offers with recruiter?
1:22:59 - Does thought process matter more with G or is solving problem fast like FB better?
1:23:19 - What pays more G or McKinsey?
1:23:28 - Got L5 but Recruiter said evaluated for L6. How to prepare?
1:24:28 - Called to interview for role but no direct experience. How to handle?
1:25:12 - Tips for PM in enablement lead role
1:29:17 - Tips for analytical thinking problem solving round for TPM
1:30:32 - How to work on GCA?
1:32:05 - Tips for followup GCA
1:33:04 - Dress code for CE presentations
1:34:16 - Is offer still valid later if decline now?
1:38:44 - Reasons for a follow-up GCA?
1:40:25 - Can you use examples where failed 1st time but succeeded 2nd time?
1:40:55 - Interview Q - As a leader, some of your team is late and disengaged in meetings, what do you do?
1:42:54 - Completed G Data Analytics course on Coursera...Does this help?
1:44:51 - Does G pay past student loans?
1:49:42 - Does hiring slow down during holidays?
1:51:07 - How easy is it to move teams once hired?
1:52:40 - Posting taken down during interview process
1:52:46 - G Cloud tech residency program
Рекомендации по теме

20years experience as a terminal maintenance technician


Right, but now I’ve passed the first 3 interviews and now I’m set up for a technical interview


Hey Jeff, just want to thank you for the videos. In the middle of a salary negotiation right now after all my interviews, just finished setting the high anchor earlier today with my recruiter. Your advice on being kind and gracious, and delaying the numbers discussion have been amazing so far. Being kind and gracious made deflecting probes on my current salary so much easier.


Hi Jeff..applying through linkedin isn't helping for mid level management roles.. can you guide on how we can get the resume noticed


Hi Jeff, your videos are super helpful! I have in team match with Google and I have told HR about my priorities among teams, but the manager of my first has not responded for 1 week either yes or no. I wonder what I should do in the meanwhile and if it is normal that the manager takes some time to decide. Thank you!


Hi Jeff, i have finished all my interviews with Google and the recruiter has requested that I send my passport details / address etc . What would this mean ?


Hi @Jeff. Super helpful content. I am in the final stage of my onsite 3/4 done. I am being interviewed elsewhere and wondering what your advice would be to engage with the recruiter. Don't want to reduce my chances of getting hired at Google. Thanks a lot.


Hi Jeff. Recently I have attended my Google interview and all my onsite interviews are over. I asked for the next steps to the HR. So I got a call from HR later asking for my current compensations, notice period and informed me that the interview results are positive and we're waiting for other reviews. How likely I'll be getting an offer here??


Hi Jeff! What does it mean by this, this is what my recruiter said. “The interviews went well and since we have a couple of finalists we are now discussing how we should proceed. I hope to be able to let you know by the end of next week. 
Have you received any offers from the other companies and what's your preference so far?”
