Can a woman get Pregnant during her Periods? #AsktheDoctor
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Dr. Shilpa Shivanna, MBBS, MSc Obstetrics & Gynecology
A period is defined as the blood loss that happens at the end of anovulatory cycle, due to the egg not being fertilized by a sperm,
Can you get pregnant right before your period?
The egg that is released survives for only 24 hours during ovulation, If it is not fertilized by a sperm during this time, it gets washed away with blood. The post-ovulation period begins 12 to 16 days before the start of menses. During this time, your chances of conceiving drop, as your ovaries stop releasing eggs for the month.
Can you get pregnant during your period?
A woman with a normal cycle has an average 2-8 day period, she will not get pregnant during her period. This is because an unfertilized egg goes out with blood loss.
Can you get pregnant right after your period?
You can conceive even if you aren't ovulating. Although an egg isn't released during the immediate post-period phase, you can still get pregnant. This is because sperm can live up to five days in cervical mucus.
Common, pregnancy symptoms will manifest into six or seven weeks gestation. Some common indicators of pregnancy are:
Tender breasts
As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender. The breasts may even feel fuller and heavier. The breasts are the first indicators of a possible pregnancy.
Fatigue and tiredness also rank high among early symptoms of pregnancy.
Slight bleeding or cramping
A small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding can indicate pregnancy. Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.
Nausea with or without vomiting
Nausea & vomiting is one of the oldest signs of pregnancy known to mankind.
Food cravings
When you're pregnant, food cravings for certain foods become stronger.
Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.
Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.
Mood swings
The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can cause a shift in moods. Mood swings also are common, in the first trimester.
Faintness and dizziness
If the blood vessels get dilated and your blood pressure may drop, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy.
These symptoms aren't always unique to pregnancy. Some can indicate other underlying conditions, it is always best to consult a gynecologist for more info about pregnancy & periods.
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A period is defined as the blood loss that happens at the end of anovulatory cycle, due to the egg not being fertilized by a sperm,
Can you get pregnant right before your period?
The egg that is released survives for only 24 hours during ovulation, If it is not fertilized by a sperm during this time, it gets washed away with blood. The post-ovulation period begins 12 to 16 days before the start of menses. During this time, your chances of conceiving drop, as your ovaries stop releasing eggs for the month.
Can you get pregnant during your period?
A woman with a normal cycle has an average 2-8 day period, she will not get pregnant during her period. This is because an unfertilized egg goes out with blood loss.
Can you get pregnant right after your period?
You can conceive even if you aren't ovulating. Although an egg isn't released during the immediate post-period phase, you can still get pregnant. This is because sperm can live up to five days in cervical mucus.
Common, pregnancy symptoms will manifest into six or seven weeks gestation. Some common indicators of pregnancy are:
Tender breasts
As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender. The breasts may even feel fuller and heavier. The breasts are the first indicators of a possible pregnancy.
Fatigue and tiredness also rank high among early symptoms of pregnancy.
Slight bleeding or cramping
A small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding can indicate pregnancy. Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.
Nausea with or without vomiting
Nausea & vomiting is one of the oldest signs of pregnancy known to mankind.
Food cravings
When you're pregnant, food cravings for certain foods become stronger.
Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.
Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.
Mood swings
The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can cause a shift in moods. Mood swings also are common, in the first trimester.
Faintness and dizziness
If the blood vessels get dilated and your blood pressure may drop, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy.
These symptoms aren't always unique to pregnancy. Some can indicate other underlying conditions, it is always best to consult a gynecologist for more info about pregnancy & periods.
#Ovulation #PregnancyPeriod #CanaWomangetPregnantonherPeriod #PregnantduringPeriods #DocsAppTv #DocAppDoctors #BaatTohKaro
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