A Better Way To Teach Your Baby To Walk (3 Activities That Work)

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Once your baby discovers they can walk while holding your hands, they'll never want to stop! This might be a fun activity for your baby, but it's not the best way to teach them how to walk.

In this video I'll give you 3 alternative activities which will help your baby learn to walk. I will also show you a better way to hold your baby if they insist on walking with your help.

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Just wanted to say thank you so much for this. At 20 months we were starting to get worried (starting physical therapy etc.) but the tips in this video made a huge difference. After two weeks of practice holding under her arms instead of her hands she's walking as of today!


My son is just 16 months old and not walking yet. He was born with severe hip dysplasia and had to wear a hip splint for several weeks. He hit basically all of the gross motor skill milestones way later than "normal" because of this treatment. But his hips are healthy now and our pediatrician never had any concerns that something would be wrong with him. Of course we also asked about his walking, but here the doctor still gives him time until he is 18 months old. And we as parents really try our best to not force our child into an activity he is not ready for yet. I have experienced the strange looks from other parents with kids of similar age - this sometimes gives me the feeling I have to justify why my son is not walking yet. But what they do not see are his other skills! That my son is great with talking, curiously repeating whatever words sound interesting to him. So I encourage myself and also other parents with kids "behind" any milestone - this is no competition, our children are great and will hit the milestones when THEY are ready. Be confident.


I just watched a physiotherapist video saying the baby pushers encourage the wrong start offs to learning to walk, it's trying to discern which is the best thing to do! Thank you !


My 9 month old is starting to take his first steps. He's been cruising for about 2 months now. We did all the things in the tummy time and cruising videos you made. He's been very ahead with motor skills and your videos have helped us help him! Thank you!


This was great! I got so self conscious today when seeing a baby who was born same day as my son walking holding onto his moms hands and was searching desperately for how to teach him, but now I got my chill back. Thank you for a helpful video as always.


Thanks! Bubs is 8 months and is pulling up to stand. We hold him by ribs or fingers sometimes but he usually holds himself up. He does get worried when he wants to come down and start to whimper, but we just sit near to him and talk him through it, and he does surprisingly well! I’m so glad we have carpet (even though it’s not trendy); so if he falls it’s cushioned. 😅


As you stated, hand holding is a fun activity. It's easier to bend a little than all the way down to grip their belly, so it can be done for longer periods of time. I used the hand gripping method for leg strengthening and endurance. We'd do circles around the house to wear him out for bed.
He had plenty of other opportunities learning balance and foot placement. He was walking by 10 months beautifully.


Yep, I’m constantly doing laps day long 😂 definitely going to try these other techniques! Thank you so much 😁


I am so glad I clicked because I just started letting my baby grab my index fingers to take steps and I saw she was walking quickly and on her tip toes. I felt like she was trying to keep her balance, but i didn't know what method to use because everyone kept telling me, "you need to get her a walker" over and over.. i knew i didn't need one, but I finally broke and got a walker and I push trolly. I see that she wants to walk very much because when she crawls she takes her foot to step forward almost like lunges but she just drags herself forward and switches legs.. if you can imagine that..

I wanted to help her, so I walked laps around the coffee table with her holding her hands when she wants to play until she flops down on her bottom when she wants a rest 😂

She is 8 months, pulling herself up on everything, even my legs sometimes even standing on her own support when she thinks she's grabbing me but it's actually just my pant leg (I have my hands ready to steady her if it's needed, but for the most part, she catches and steadys herself well. On her own, she taught herself how to move around the sectional, because she is curious about everything. She steps over my legs to attempt to get to what she wants. She has taught me to be vigilant when there is a beverage near! Lol She's ahead of her milestones, and as a first time mom, I am very proud of that I feel truly blessed, now I want to educate myself more on childhood development so I can encourage her better and not set her back by mistake 😅.

I love that you said holding the baby by there hands while they walk is good playtime, but not for walking development. I will allow her to do more of the correct exercises that she is already doing.

Ps. This was a late night post and I was falling asleep so I hope was able to keep some kind of sentence structure. I'm falling asleep. Thanks for posting


I tried to do unassisted but also try just holding one hand at the side where they are not actually using your hand to balance but just using it for confidence.


Top tip don't hold both their hands they do get reliant on that you can feel that when you do it, they directed you because they want you to bring them places which is pretty clever. Hold one hand and switch hands and let go (safely, when balanced) often. They will swing and lose balance but they need to do this. My baby was walking within a week of me doing this with her. She had no interest in walking by herself. I started walking her the last couple blocks to nursery (one handed) every day and all of a sudden she started running from table to chair. That was a couple months ago, she's really steady on her feet now.


My son is 13months, he can literally climb anything, can cruise along furniture, he uses the push walker as well…BUT he is not walking yet.
I will definitely try the other methods.
Thank you.


You're right that holding by the waist is better, but the problem with that is that it kills our backs. We gotta think about ourselves too!


At what stage in the walking journey should babies be wearing shoes? I hear all sorts of opinions and would be interested to hear what you think. Also is there anything I should be looking out for (or avoiding) when it comes to buying them? I find your videos really helpful so thank u


My baby is 16 months old ..and she prefers crawling only...she walk and stand only with support... without support she immediately sit and crawling....what to do now? When will she walk without support am worried a lot😢😢😢


You're so great. Thank you Emma. I've been watching these past few months and you're spot on with all the developments and its so nice to know ahead of time what milestones are coming up so I can get prepared. Thanks again!


My 7 month old is pulling to stand on her own and actually shocked me when i saw her standing out of no where! This came out just in time


Thank you so much for this. My 7 month old loves pulling up on everything to standing and I always tell her no whenever she tries to do it on the coffee table or ottoman just because I’m afraid she might fall. I should’ve encouraged her more.


I love your videos, you are amazing. We’re following you since baby came, now he is 9 months old and cruising along the furniture 🎉


Any suggestions for a 14 month old who is terrified of the push walkers? She cruises great but doesn’t independently stand yet.
