Now That's How You Make Hay!!

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Welcome to Sonne Farms! On this channel we showcase numerous jobs a Corn/Soybean/Beef producing operation takes on each day. Hop in the cab or sorting alley with Cole, Brian, and Jeff, to see how life really is for the people that help feed the US and the rest of the world. In addition to Corn, Soy, and Cattle, Sonne Farms puts up grass and alfalfa and sells pure bred Black Angus Bulls in South Dakota.


The A520R accumulator allows you to drop bales on the go and group them up which means time savings for the operator when it comes time to retrieve your bales. #JohnDeereDemo

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P.O. Box 27
Mount Vernon, SD

Philippians 4:6 - "Worry about nothing, pray about everything. Ask God for what you need, and thank him for all he has given you."

July 12th

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The best way to ensure rain is to have hay on the ground.


It's not only the drone photography....but also..the EDITING.... you are really good, Cole..


Cole, I sincerely thank you for your dedication to education on milkweed! Very important information and your sacrifice is noted.


Off-topic you absolutely crack me up! Stuck up in the mountains of Utah doing cancer treatments and I look forward to your videos every day. Reminiscing the good old days baling hay with my daddy.. from 1980 to 92 then we moved and had no use for any help here. I do hope that your knee is starting to heal and feel better. You did a good job putting out that fire with your 5 gallon sprayer.


6:02 Cole, the conscientious agronomist, climbs down off the tractor to wax poetic on the importance of the milkweed plant, sole food source for the endangered Monarch Butterfly. A truly touching moment. Then he gets back in the machine and whacks it down to ground. Too bad butterflies! 🙄


Hi Gang!
You have some TOP OF THE LINE haying equipment!!
My first experience with balers was in 1950. Our neighbor bought an International baler that produced 40-60 pound bales tied with string. Prior to that we and he shocked hay, and or bundled it. I didn't enjoy haying one bit!
We had a lot of rattle snakes in our area, and of course they sought the cool shade under the Had to be CAREFUL!!!
Ever once in awhile, a snake was run through the baler, and survived, and was sticking out of the bale! BOY, .... THEY were all kinds of PISSED OFF!!! A long handled sharp hoe was part of your haying equipment!, along with leather gloves and hay hooks.
Love your videos and commentary!
Best Wishes, and GOD BLESS!


Thanks Cole for all your effort getting the camera in different positions. It can't be easy getting in and out of the tractors to get the different views. Your efforts are much appreciated.


Huge amount of respect and love from Iceland towards Cole for taking time and effort, specially with his leg problem, to get those great shots!!!


People don’t realize how much hard work farming takes! Hats off to you guys! Praying that you get some rain soon!


Funny how you went from talking about the milkweed plant to “milking” the hay fire 🔥 video for all its worth! I really enjoy your unique camera angles and the time you take to elaborate on different aspects of farm jobs you guys perform.


Thanks for the info about the milkweed plant. I didn't know that. So thankful y'all didn't lose all of that field of hay. Prayers for rain for all that need it. Thanks for feeding us. I enjoy a good black angus steak!! Glad your knee is improving.


I do enjoy all your videos, but when you used the drone during baling, and played that music it was an "ahhhh" moment. Didn't really pay attention to the bale thingy, I just love the time I get to spend listening and watching. Thanks Cole for taking the time to include all of us.


Cole Sonne, you are amazing! Botanist, knee recuperatist, MoCotist, backupitist into barn, now baleist. You are just a plain jack of all tradeist . Still prayin that knee hurry’s up and gets better quick. Can’t wait to see the clave deliveratist in action.


Great video! Loved the view from under the swather and the swathing time lapse as well as the drone views of that slick accumulator. Thanks for sharing and will continue to pray for rain.


I went from Tucson Lovin city boy to a Michigan Farm boy and now I can’t stand living in the city and I watch these videos all day long


Im glad to see you doing better and better after your operation. Have a great day!


Glad to see that those 2 pieces had some thick grass for You. I live by Glencoe MN and the hay and grass fields are really bad. Neighbor said He only got about a third of a crop on first cutting compared to other years. My heart goes out to all Farmers and Ranchers suffering through this drought.


I live on the Monarch migration route in Ohio. I had a cubic, metric crap-ton of common milkweed. And I used to have massive quantities of butterflies. I used to keep an acre or so fallow just for milkweed for the butterflies. Gave away the seeds for kids to grow their own. I could walk out in the field and several fresh hatchlings would land on me cause the trees were already 3 deep. Or maybe I just look like a tree. Or maybe a 1/2 hour old monarch cant navigate worth a crap. But the last 4 years or so I only see maybe 1 or 2 monarchs all season. Sad.


Awesome video thanks Cole I'm glad you're able too save the hay crop losing only one bale. We've had 2 hay bale fires in a week. Over 900 bales lost thanks fer sharing. Two different farmers. Heal up dad needs your help.


7/14 is your next and only chance of rain that is forecasted. It appears the morning dew is what's keeping all the plants alive. I hope you receive decent rain on the near future. Thanks for feeding America 🇺🇸
