Who (Really) Wrote The Quran?

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Who wrote the Quran? Was it Allah? Mohammed? His invisible friend Gabriel? His insecurities? Was it a sand-collecting boy called Momo? Let's see.

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Allah took 6 days to create the earth, sky ..etc but took 23 years to give complete Quran..


It’s funny that as a non Muslim, I get ads about Islam whenever I watch videos from this channel 😂


When I went to Quran school we just read the Arabic out loud and didnt even know what we were saying. We just knew that it was "Allah's word"


This is an eye-opener. Quite informative. When I was growing up, I had Muslims around me who constantly told me the Bible is a mere story book written by individuals, while the Quran was given directly to Mohammed by Allah, and there's only one version of it. Since the book is in Arabic, it was difficult to investigate, so, I didn't attempt. Thank you for the knowledge shared.


The whole Quran was memorized by a guy who didn't know how to read ... That makes so much sense


Whenever scientists discover something new-
Muslims: That was in the Quran 😁


I asked my Muslim girlfriend who wrote the Quran- she replied ' God'
I decided to leave the conversation there


AP: *roasts Islam*
Muslims: well Christianity sucks too….


I study Arabic and i can tell you. Quran has a lots of mistakes when it come to the language. And there is few verses in Quran stolen from poem. Emro alqais. A famous pre Islamic poetry


In a nutshell: "Stay away from Islam"


thanks for the info... it's certainly a big issue that something which is claimed as "unchanged" and pure is actually a compilation of not more then conditioned souls who at any moment can decide to change the message (even if the message itself is pure for argument sake )


A non muslim.is teaching the Quran better than any scholars!

OMG that's so dope!


11 minutes video teached me more than my quran teacher ever did.


I have been watching dozens of videos on YouTube about apostasy, Quranic errors etc., and no matter how much evidence is presented Muslims never counter the arguments with a comprehensible rebuttal. I am an ex- Muslim, learned Arabic, read all of the sahih Hadiths, and practiced Islam for 15 years. Muslims find it completely unfathomable that someone would use logic and reasoning to come to the conclusion that Islam has many flaws(morally and scientifically), and decide to leave. It’s ALWAYS “ you we’re never a Muslim to begin with”, “you have to understand Classical Arabic”, “ that sura is being taken out of context” etc. The reason why Muslims get so easily upset with any criticism of Islam is because of the claim that the Quran makes on being perfect without error. If only one error was found, then the entire premise of the Quran being the infallible word of God goes out the window.


The feelings when you left Islam, is incredible.
So much freedom and humanity,
I can be who I'm.


If almighty wanted to spread his/her word, he/she could have easily talked to someone literate instead of an illiterate. I seriously hope that the almighty has that much common sense. There were literate cultures around the world at that time


I read a book by popular British historian Tom Holland called "In The Shadow of the Sword" some 15 or so years ago, which was about the origin of Islam. The theory in the book was something like this. There were two Mohammed's. The first a warlord based in Arabia Mecca and Medina where Mohammed was supposed to be from, who united the Arab tribes. The second the writer of the Koran who lived instead in Damascus. The second Mohammed wrote the Koran originally in Syriac and this would explain how this Mohamed was familiar with all the Christian and Jewish stories. Particular a Christian sect called Ebionites. The two Mohammeds were united into one, in Islamic tradition, when the Arabs conquered Damascus and established the first caliphate there. The book of the second Mohammed (who might not really have been called Mohamed) was made the religion of the Arab caliphate and attributed to the first Mohammed to give the caliphate an identity.


i am 14 and a secret apostate...i did not do much research before leaving islam, but i know that i made the right choice, because i was depressed and after leaving, i became better. i was very scared because of this, and it doe break my heart that i will have to leave my family (they will NEVER support my decision), especially my sisters. i am very worried for the future, but your videos do help me feel more sure about my beliefs against islam, rather than being stuck in a cycle of doubt. right now, i am not of any religion but i believe in God, just not allah, because i don't think God should give you nightmares and suicidal thoughts at thirteen because you did not pray five times a day, in a language you do not know.


Had Muhammed been alive there will be more verses.


I have a question if Mohammed never meet Allah but instead only meet Jibril doesn't that make the Quran nothing but hearsay?
