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Before purchasing the 2006 and up BMW M5 E60 SMG watch this video.

Special thanks to the guys at Motorhead Speed Shop for allowing me to use this 2006 M5 SMG.

For more on their shop here is the link:

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To clarify for people that do not understand this video at all. I am not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't buy, because in the end it is your personal choice. This video is based on my research, and my research is based on, mechanics, number of owners, and internet research. I personally wanted to buy one till I researched about this model, and I still want. The title of this video it is not " Do not buy the M5 E60 because is sh**" - this video is, when you go online or in person you start asking some questions to the owner, so that next day you do not drive a rented car. Cheers, Sam


No.11 stop worrying about all the minor issues, press the M button and enjoy the scream of the


I've owned my 2008 BMW E60 M5 for 4 years now and nearly 50, 000 miles driven. - Lets walk through some things. - 1. Coding? - Not an issue at ALL for me. 2. Rod Barrings - I haven't had an issue yet and I'm at 93, 000 miles and I'm just considering this for good measure. 3. - Oil leaks? I haven't had an issue related to this year. 4. - All E60'S burn oil. It is a V10 F1 Engine. They eat oil for breakfast. This is not an issue, but a fact of reality. 5. - Vibrations? My car is smooth as butter and hard in the rails. 6. Slow Shifting? Yes. In auto. - In manual its lighting bolt fast. - If you drive your M5 in Auto, you shouldn't be driving it. 7. - Reving when you start the engine when its cold? - LOL. - YES, this V10 is a big engine, it is alarming when you wake her up if your not used to it, but it's not a negative issue AGAINST the car. 8. Suspension? These are wear and tear items. - Be a good shopper and make sure your car is maintained. - Parts need to be replaced. 9. Transmission issues? - I had to replace my SMG pump at 75, 000 miles. That was a pain in the ass. 10. Expensive repairs? I'll give you that, but the repairs have been few and far between. - I'd say your review is very un-educated. - These cars for $15, 000 - $25, 000 pending the condition are worth every penny. The shifts are firm, hard and crisp. The enjoyment of the car well out weighs the few repair issues I've had. - These cars are sleeping super cars. - I don't know about you, but I'd rather pay these prices and have a few repairs than spend $160, 000 for Ferrari or Lambo to keep similar pace and driving. - PLUS we get 4 doors!


The E60 M5 is a glorious car with a glorious engine. Although maintenance is a problem, with DIY knowledge, a good mechanic, some preventative maintenance, and money set aside for repairs, an E60 M5 is a perfect car.


the more i hear about these problems the more im tempted to buy it im planing to drive it on the weekends mostly and fridays to beat the traffic lol


We have 8 2006 M5's in our local club in our country.
Including mine that would be 9.  
All bought brand new. All SMG's, all driven hard, all problem free except for one cog of death that completely reset after re-starting the car.
The rest are just regular maintenance jobs.
We do, however, change our oil, oil filters, and air filters in half the time that BMW recommends.


2008 with 109000 miles now. This car is awesome. Sure you need to do some maintenance but it’s so worth it when you are blasting down the highway. Car was designed for high speed and feels so planted going the road. Not a high torque drag car like the f10 and newer. V10 is so amazing at high rev! Buy one as soon as you can and Love it.


Thank you for this video
I am going to look at a 2006 m5 this week and this video was helpful
It’s a beautiful machine but is it really worth the future trouble


550xi is so underrated especially the 2008 model, good alternative. I worked for BMW 3 years and drove everything from Dinan B7s to the Z Coupes (my personal fav to drive) and the M5 E60s do have their issues but as a former employee that has great respect for BMW and German automotive engineering ( I own a 2012 CLS63 my wife drives a bagged out 1970 280li ) they all cost $.... it's impossible to buy a vehicle in that class range A7, EClass or CLS Class types without having something break or have been broken. With proper monitory responsibility and a good mechanic its an obstacle thst is Those E60 M5s though 🥲That V10 was the best sound in the world at 830 am hung over with my head out the Sounded like a bullfrog getting choked underwater on an that noise with smelling burnt fuel out of a M5 engine with literally 1-3 miles on it before its even PDI 'd was the best cure for a hangover ever .... Miss those


I agree with this guy coming from E63 SMG for 7 years. I would rate this car as church day or weeding day car. Unless you owed zero brand spanking new one..


I hear all the time "problems and problems and money and again problems".
I do not agree at all!!! What a negative Do you really believe in what you are telling/selling??? Or are you listening to the few???
Let's not exaggerate, there are about 19500 masterpieces (yes) of E60M5 cruising around the world, and about 100-200 people tops mention problems. Let's face it, the V10 is a race-engine! Of course you will hear this and that, but try to do 200'000 miles or much more f.e. with a Ferrari or another supercar and take a look at the expenses...I have to lough///because I don't believe that they hold so long or are still going.
I have one of the first 2005 models with the SMG III gearbox and I am driving it every day since, in town, to work, on the mountains and on the Autobahn, and go very often up the 8250 rpm, the engine is built for that. It loves to rev.
Of course one may destroy it when not properly driven, or when showing off, spinning around all the time and do a lot of Launch controls, put the wrong oil, or not maintain it properly, one could probably destroy even a new VW Golf in one day.
I do not Launch controls, why, one is fast enough without that! I wait to push it hard until the engine has reached his operating temperature, also wait before stopping the engine to first cool down a little bit, put in N when stopping and waiting in traffic or at the traffic lights in order to rest the clutch, as I would also do with a manual Gearbox, change oil and filters twice a year etc etc. The car demands respect and gasoline (though another car of mine "drinks" much more), but that is all. No problems whats-however. I do the correct maintenance, which is of course more expensive than with a normal car, and the M5 is just great. Not for every one I agree, it is a special car... when you change spark plugs there are 10 not 4 or 6, it needs 9 L oil from the finest...
I am long ago and still now strongly convinced that there is no other car with that power out of a natural aspirated engine with that marvelous build-quality.


I love my 06. The beast!
Cold start sounds like that naturally on E60 M5 buddy.


I've owned my e60 M5 for over 3 years. Only issue so far was the throttle valve actuators. Prices are dropping buy only a matter of time before they start to go back up. Good time to buy....with caution...get it checked out. This car should not be used as a daily driver. Very enjoyable to own as long as you can afford the maintenance.


You’re stating common problems when buying any used car, and attributing it to the M5. This is an enthusiast car, and like any enthusiast car you know the golden rule. You gotta pay to play, and be fine with that.


ROADbearings? yeah you sound like a true car guy


Stay away from 2006! First year, many issues. 2008 and up are much stabler.


BS on this video, you don't know anything about this car. Vibration what vibration what noise. Rod bearings at 70, 000 miles plus that's it


#1 issue with SMG M5? People talking BS about them that know nothing. E60 M5 is the daddy. Owned one 4 years, zero issues, love it. SMG shift at over 8000rpm is almost like sex.


Very well summarized. Thank you for making it easier for me to decide whether to buy a 2006 M5.


I wach this video after i never buy m5 thank you soo much great video
