Pre Rounding in the Hospital | Doctor Tips

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It's the most stressful part of the day for some students and residents..pre rounding in the morning! I know this was the worst part of the day when I started my medical school clerkships and something that still is a challenge during residency. In this video I talk about my personal tips and style for prerounding on patients during my medicine rotations.

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Pretty good advice. Your resident will help you to stay organized, too. Always ask yourself, "What could I be missing?" Were all the lab data ordered actually returned to the chart? If not, get them. Make sure all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed each day. Check the med boxes. Is the pt. actually getting what's prescribed. Be sure the pt. is getting his rest and not being awakened in the middle of the night to take some unnecessary med. or to have unnecessary V.S. measured. It's surprising how often this abuse occurs.


One of the reasons I went into anesthesia.


Thank you so much for the wonderful video that's I am gonna start my intern year and I was wondering more about the pre round and rounds and throughout the days patient care . Please upload the video regarding little more details for pre-rounds and how to take notes or follow with during rounds and after rounds. Any tips and suggestion would be greatly appreciated


Great!!! One question, if you have many patients and one of them wants to talk and talk and talk, how do you approach that scenario? Because of your limited time you are not able to stay so much time
