Top 10 Nintendo 3DS Games| The Completionist

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Nov 11-13 2022 for in person and you can still watch on twitch for free!

The next evolution of the Nintendo DS became the Nintendo 3DS! And with this new tech came a plethora of unique games that brought memories to fans new and old. What are your best Nintendo 2DS games.

TOVG is composed of:
Ruby Guest - Associate Producer
Cameron Daxon - Writer

Watch more game reviews and Top 10 videos like my Best Nintendo 3DS games on my channel below! | The Completionist

What are you best 3ds games?
#3DS #Nintendo #Nintendo3DS #Completionist #Top10
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My boss caught me playing A Link Between Worlds at work one day several years ago. Not sure how long she'd been looking for my shoulder watching me. What I do know is that a few days later I caught her playing A Link Between Worlds on her own 3DS at work.


The 3DS is probably my favorite system of all time. With access to all DS games and the impressive digital library, almost no other system library can compare. The library isn’t only large, it’s diverse. There are bangers for every genre of game. All of this is a portable package.


I recently started playing Kid Icarus Uprising and, apart from needing to take a few breaks to rest my hands, I am shocked with how much fun I'm having with it and I'm bummed that there hasn't been a sequel made since then.


Smash on 3DS was a marvel in it's own right. The fact the 3DS could handle it AND at 60FPS on the OG 3DS was absolutely mind blowing to me for the time


The beautiful thing about the 3DS is that you can have 2 or even 3 top 10 best/favorite games lists from 3 separate people without recurring games and they'll still all be high quality titles that deserve to be in the running for top spot. The 3DS library was a gift that keeps on giving.


Fire Emblem became one of Nintendo’s larger series thanks to the 3DS. I don’t really play Fates or SoV anymore but I still find myself revisiting Awakening, love that game. If you can step outside of your completionist mindset you’d probably love it


I was surprised Kid Icarus: Uprising isn't on here. I think it's the best 3DS game. It's a true masterpiece. Yet again, Sakurai developed this game too, and a lot of his games are gold. He's a very hard worker and has high expectations for his games.


Bro everyone is sleeping on Luigi’s mansion dark moon. Freaking love that game


Love the 3DS!

Planet Robobot's true arena is one of the most satisfying challenges to overcome across all games. Would be #1 on my personal list.

Great memories of playing Smash Run w friends while getting lunch or wutever else.


I think my favourite is probably Fantasy Life. I have spent so many hours maxing out all of the different professions, and the expansion of the game makes it even more enjoyable! It was also great to be able to play in co-op and help friends who were new to the game. I have also had a bunch of fun with Super Mario 3D.


Was surprised to not see Kid Icarus: Uprising on here, as it is my favorite on the system, but I honestly forgot how great the 3DS library is and all your picks are stellar!


Not mentioned on this list but I'd like to give a shout out to Shin Megami Tensei 4 for being the greatest handheld RPG of all time that game is a masterpiece and it's a shame not more people played it


I’d like to give a shout-out to the Yo-Kai Watch series. They’re all fantastic games, and each sequel improves upon the previous installment. The best game in the series, and one of the best games on the 3DS, is Yo-Kai Watch 3. Sadly, since physical copies of 3 are rare, and the eShop is closing down, it’s gonna be very hard to find it.


Fire Emblem Awakening got me into the series, and as of now I've played every single entry in the series. To say its my favorite 3ds game would be an understatement, as its easily one of my favorite games of all time.


Kid Icarus Uprising is my favourite game of all time. The combat is fun, the weapons are cool, the characters are funny and layered, and the story and world building is fantastic. It's been half the time there was between the last two games in the series, but I will gladly wait another 10 years to get more Kid Icarus goodness


3DS just felt so special. I didn't expect it but found myself really into Pokémon Sun and Moon. I think Pokémon Refresh was a huge addition to making me attached to my team, and I found myself tearing up in a lst battle when my Mismagus held on to the end for me. I know it ruins the game for some people (the Pokémon holding on has a higher rate of stopping KO than the focus band, apparently but don't quote me on that) but for me it was JUST want i wanted as a jaded almost-30 year old who really just wanted to enjoy the game.


the first 3ds game i got was Pokemon X. and my first 3ds was a gift from one of my best friends. we met through our love of pokemon and i mentioned how i was trying to save up for one to play the next pokemon gen, and she then sent me her spare one as a gift. she had recently gotten a 3dsxl and didn't need 2. thanks to her, i got to experience so many great games and i cannot be more grateful for her kindness.


Monster Hunter and Kingdom Hearts 3D are 2 of my personal faves. Also the Pokemon Ruby remake was really good


Personal favourite 3DS game is Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. While it is a remake/remaster of a DS game (Radiant Historia) with updated character sprites and art (not sure how the gameplay changed, if at all) and an entirely new ending due to additional content that's tied to the main story which you can choose to do alongside the main story or wait until you've already beaten the game and then rush through the new content all at once for the completed ending.

It has a grid-based, turn-based JRPG battle system in a similar vein to South Park The Fractured But Whole and with certain skills you can make a near-endless combo chain of shoving the opponents around for insane damage. But as a story-based gameplay mechanic it does have a story of time-travel element to it where you can travel between branching timelines based on actions and choices, and even the side characters have different outcomes based on how you handle side-quests or your choices in general which gets really fun trying to unlock. Another story-based gameplay/combat mechanic is with the main character; he can learn some abilities by copying the abilities he sees others pull off, such as Sword-Dancing and Cloaking which will help with certain story-based moments, can be used to unlock paths earlier in the timelines, and even give new techniques for use in combat.


This list gets a standing ovation from me personally JUST for giving Mario & Luigi: Dream Team some love. Probably my favorite 3DS game. 😊
