Dust 514 - E3 Gameplay trailer [HD]

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i just bought the mercenary pack, cant wait to play this. i have no experience whatsoever of EVE so i imagine i will suck balls at it. i'm just so glad that a console finally has a MMO (a decent one)


Cool to see the price examples, now i about know what i'll have to invest.
We love our graphs and graphics.

If one battle takes one planetary point, not even concidering the lost battles, it will take over a billion to take a planet. And that multiplied to take an entire system.
So i dont think there will be any problem with not enough ps3 gamers, EVE subscribers will probably make up half the dustplayers. If we don't have enough mercenaries, the prices will just skyrocket.


most likely because people haven't heard of this game before. I own a ps3 and it's not like I care at all as long as I can play it lol


sure there is, playstation 3 isn't doing so bad at all. the hack didn't decrease the sales at all apparently and we have the new handheld consoles.
about fps, I am just generally not so interested in this type of game, so I won't make much comment. I know most who are used to PC just won't play fps on console but still, there are tonnes of fps players on consoles, just look at MW2 sales


actually xbox is the only console that doesnt use bluray discs, the thing is xbox and ps are both amazing consoles having their good and bad sides thats just the bottom line from that point on its just what you prefer (:


lol i just gave you a diffrence but your right i think but still its not like the xbox is selling out on the ps3 cuz in america the xbox is prefered but in europe an asia its the ps3 it kinda even
