What Is Music Theory?

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To me music theory is a way to exercise my mind and to develop a greater appreciation for an artist's work. Also a memory aid for more accurately memorizing music.


There are moments in the life of every musician where musical expression occurs almost thoughtlessly. Music theory gives those moments a foundation to stand upon to create more beautiful spontaneous music, which can often be truly expressive. I would say music theory is an extensive toolset/instruction manual for musical expression during moments of inspiration.


As for why do I care : here's why. I like music, especially composing stuff, but I don't have the time to experiment a lot. Music theory helps me in skipping a lot of experimentations by immediately pointing out what are the tools I have.


Put simply lol: I believe Music Theory is simply an agency and a format. That’s it. It’s not a set of rules. Not even guidelines.

Example: A C major scale is not a guideline to tell me if I’m playing ‘wrong’ notes; a C Major scale is just an agency or format of the relationship between frequencies STARTING at whole number multiples of what the frequency(objective) of C is. A wrong(subjective) note is just a note or frequency that doesn’t exist within THAT confine or defined agency of the C major scale. The major scale and math behind the relationship and ratios used within the major scale can be a whole agency too that can be applied to any note or starting frequency and we just work the equation and ratio of frequencies that we set as and define as major scale or WWHWWWH….

Agency being defined as: an organization designed to provide a particular service

As a noun, music theory is an agency (humans subjectively organized definitions to an objectively unarguable science of what wave science is) of pre selected frequencies put together to serve as a starting point in order to participate in the ACT of music theory which is analysis of reason behind an arbitrary selection of frequencies and time and space between those frequencies to convey a subjective message.

That is my definition of Music Theory. As both a noun and verb.


As I've been studying music theory now with a guitar teacher for the first time after playing for 10 years in a self-taught way, I had a thought last night on this topic. From a standpoint of composition, I'm starting to feel like theory is the chisel that lets one chip away at the massive wooden block of every possible musical choice and whittle it down into a manageable set of ideas. There are rules; but there are no rules. I've been addicted to watching your many videos after recently discovering this channel, thanks for all of your hard work from a new Patreon supporter.


I would like to add that music theory gives structure in which to compose music. For instance, it's a lot easier to write a melody using just the notes of a blues scale than all 12 notes. Similarly, learning about different scales, chord progressions, and relationships give composers frameworks in which to work. Some people say, "I don't need music theory, I just write what sounds good, " which is fine -- but whenever I try that I end up writing the same thing over and over again. I write fresh music when I'm experimenting in a new environment.


I think music theory is a formal or systematic explanation of the relationships of sound in music. A metalanguage if you will. Personally, I dont think it explains why certain things sound good, or not so good. It doesnt concern the goodness or pleasingness of certain sounds it justs describes their structure. I cant stress how awesome this channel is. Great and interesting subjects, very informative and right to the core of things.


As primarily a performer, and also someone interested in composition. Understanding the theory behind the music I perform, improvise and aspire to create are some of the only ways I can delve into what makes the music so special to me. I want to be able to look at Brahms, and then Brad Mehldau, and have knowledge that helps bridge the gap between the two.

I will never expect myself to have some sort of complete mastery where I can link all Western Music and understand everything, but being on the journey to attempt it gives me a lot of information.


I now identify as a theorist. I always like understanding things I witness, especially things that affect me in a positive way. So, I started getting into film and music theory but since music is so much more accessible both to do and to consume I stick with it way more.
I love listening to music and I do so quite hedonistically. Steps I take to maximize the amount of joy I get out of music include seeking out live shows which I prefer, taking drugs, studying music theory and doing ear training.


I don't make music, but definitely listen to it... To me studying music theory is basically to learn about it to help me in treating psychological issues. By music therapy, hop you can make an video on it


I create music when I can't find music that's already made that can properly express how I'm feeling. So for me, learning music theory is just learning the tools that will help me make music which adequately expresses my emotions.


Just watched your post yesterday on Music Theory hatred and your explanations there made reach this conclusion:

Music theorists analyze the building blocks of music like a physicist studies the interactions of energy and matter; so Music Theory is the paradigm of the time, the chunk of knowledge the experts have put together to describe the phenomenon of music; it's Science.


It is the passion of the heart, that makes the heartbeat flow, in the beat of the measured tempo, that creates the response of feeling/feelings in the performance of This is what I got from your explanation of musical theory. Am I correct? I have been looking for this answer forever, and ever, and again, now realizing that I knew it all along. It stops being mechanical, when you apply your heart to the musical melody in the heartbeat of your song...


For me, music theory explains why music works the way it does, similar to what the video said. I like hearing a cool chord progression or melody and subsequently breaking what I enjoyed about it. Being a math nerd as well, I almost find solace in seeing some of the patterns and systematic workings behind the music. It's as much a science as it is an art, and uniquely so IMO.


I think music theory is only a set of guidelines to follow to sound good. There' are so many of these 'guidelines' and they are not very simple because they aim to bring out different textures and moods. And I think it is the artist's duty to do something creative out of these guidelines and find their style. What impresses me the most is that you don't necessarily have to follow these 'guidelines', and, can even create some of your own for yourself if you wish. Isn't that what art is about.. finding something that feels good and elevating it to a whole another level with your awesome creative skills ? :D


I think music theory just like any other type of science or art can't (at the present at least) say why a certain thing may sound good or bad, which is obviously subjective and mostly depends on the success of certain interval or melodic idea which depends on milion of other things, but in the end can codify things so that they can be repeatable, but will almost always come after the things are said and done, obviously it may suggest interesting things and tell you how to achieve certain sounds or composition but can't write music for you


I continue to study music theory to try and build a solid foundation which will serve me well in other disciplines within music... I don't know a whole lot about jazz, but I am developing a more intimate familiarity with modes, which I have just recently learned fit with certain types of chords. Learning modes then would help me to improvise.

Additionally, I study music theory so that I can hopefully one day create some truly great compositions (with acoustic and electronic instruments). Studying form would help me to decide on a structure that I would like to use in songs that I create, while harmony is a little more microscopic, and it is, I think, the key to creating some really interesting sounds.

Let's not forget theory's importance with sight-reading. I consider myself a pretty good sight-reader, and I simply don't think that this would be the case without my current understanding of theory (both conscious and subconscious). Music is all about patterns, and theory helps us to identify those patterns more readily.


i literaly could not tell you what music theory is i mean i know it exists and i know it has alot to do with music and how people make it, but my best guess and so far seeming to be correct guess is its basically the combonations of sounds chords and notes that sound good into an understandable pattern so you can make whatever you want with it


For me, music theory assists one in understanding the laws of nature. For example, there is a deep link between musical scales/chords and math ratios. Further, I feel that musical harmony is an inherent aspect of nature. This can be seen via cymatics. Through cymatics it can be seen that some sounds are more beautiful/harmonius than others. For example, if you were to compare different frequencies such as 432-440-450, you would see that of these three tones, one is more clear and thus beautiful than the others. Via this investigation we can come to discover the inherent beauty and order of nature and through examining the inherent structure and their relationships, we can come to understand the laws of nature...


It is just to describe what you're playing.
