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It was in the year 1971 when the two South Asian rivals declared war on each other, causing a greal loss to the lives, property and territory in case of

Countries Involved in 1971 War

Before 1971, Bangladesh used to be a part of Pakistan as East Pakistan. According to Najam Sethi, a well respected and honoured journalist from Pakistan, East Pakistan always complained that they received less development funds and less attention from the West Pakistan (Punjabi) dominating government. Bengalis in East Pakistan also resisted the adoption of Urdu as the state language. The revenue from export, whether it was from the Cotton of West Pakistan or Jute of East Pakistan, was handled mainly by West Pakistan. Lastly, in an election conducted just some months before the war, the victory was gained by the East Pakistani leader and still he was not given the power, thus fueling the movement in East Pakistan.
Pakistani army started its operation in East Pakistan to contain the movement and anger among the Bengalis. It is reported that the army was involved in mass killing of public and mass rape of women. India was aware of this and was only waiting for a trigger to start the war. India started receiving huge number of refugees which became unmanageable, pushing it to intervene in the situation. The situation soon attracted the attention of many other countries. Thus the war later was not only between India and Pakistan, but many countries were involved in 1971 Indo Pakistani war (War of Liberation of Bangladesh) directly or indirectly.

In May, Indira Gandhi wrote to Nixon about the ‘carnage in East Bengal’ and the flood of refugees, burdening India. After L K Jha (then the Indian ambassador to US) had warned Kissinger that India might have to send back some of the refugees as guerrillas, Nixon commented, ‘By God, we will cut off economic aid.

Soviet Union / Russian Role in the Indo Pakistan 1971 War.

As India had decided to go on with the war, and Indira Gandhi had failed to gain American support and sympathy for the Bengalis who were being tortured in East Pakistan, she finally took a hard move and on August 9, signed a treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with Soviet Union.

The State Department historian says, ‘in the perspective of Washington, the crisis ratcheted up a dangerous notch, India and the Soviet Union have signed a treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation.’ It was a shock to America as this was what they feared, expansion of Soviet influence in South Asia. They feared that involvement of Soviet Union could sabotage their plan.

On December 4, just one day after Pakistan raided Indian airfields in Kashmir and Punjab declaring war on India, America’s proxy involvement in the war was becoming clear. Thinking that the Soviet Union might enter the war if they come to know this, which could cause a lot of destruction to Pakistan and American equipment given to Pakistan, US ambassador to the United Nations George H W Bush [later 41st president of the United States and father of George Bush] introduced a resolution in the UN Security Council, calling for a cease-fire and the withdrawal of armed forces by India and Pakistan. Believing India can win the war and Indira Gandhi being determined to protect the interest of Bengalis, Soviet Union vetoed out the resolution, thus letting India fight for the cause. Nixon and Kissinger pressurized Soviets to a very extent but luck did not support them.
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Dear Indians,
Don't forget the name:Leonid Brezhnev
The leader of USSR in 1971 who aided us against the whole world 🇮🇳❤🇷🇺


"When every country was against us, *Russia stood by us* in our darkest hours."



America : Send 7th fleet to destroy Indian cities and aircraft carrier.
Russia and Soviet countries : *Move back before I break your 7th fleet into 14 pieces.*


The Mighty Soviet LOVES India....and India LOVES Soviet

Советский любит


this is a perfect example of how Russia is not evil as people make it out to be. Russia basically risked starting WW3 just to come to India's aid and forced foreign powers to back off of India


love for mighty Soviets and India from Bangladesh


Goosebumps came when soviet unions image was shown😍😍.. Love russia❤️🇮🇳🇷🇺


In the month of December 1971, 2 of the most powerful and destructive naval fleets of that time confronted each other in the bay of Bengal. Neither fled, just stood there. Because a single offensive movement could have triggered a Nuclear war between US and USSR. US had the Seventh Pacific fleet and USSR send their Pacific fleet, both carrying Nuclear Warheads.
Also, The British fleet was intercepted in Mediterranean Sea by another Russian naval fleet even before it reached anywhere close to India, which stopped British navy to came in Aid of Pakistan.
A large military gathering of Russian military at the Russo-Chinese border ensured that China would not step in to help Pakistan with the risk of starting a war with USSR.

It is so fascinating to see how the world powers came almost to blows because of a tiny nation like Bangladesh. History is so interesting.


Indira may have done things but she was iron lady and stood her ground. What a determination she has. Salute🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Can never forget USSR 's contribution, they fought against the nazis even when they reached Moscow and 4 years later they reached Berlin
They helped us when we were all alone, may God be with Russia.


Dear Russia, we Indians will never forget what you did to us❤️


Любовь из России моим индийским друзьям🇮🇳❤️🇷🇺


Soviet union - *enters war*
Pakistan and all his friends- why do we hear boss music


The world : 😱 1:57
Soviet Union : 👿 who wants to get beaten up ?


Я очень рад, что мы помогли такой мирной и великой нации, как Индия. Никогда не забывайте нас, товарищи!


Leonid Brezhnev was a great soviet leader. He literally putted USSR into its highest spot. So many things finally got developed for the people as Lenin has originally planned. May Leonid Brezhnev rest in peace, great man of USSR that nobody talks about. Strong king of peace.


everybody is a gangsta until the real gangster arrives


Thank you USSR. We Indians will never forget what you did for us. Long live IndoRussian friendship. 🇮🇳🇷🇺


I see comments about "India will be remembered as *shaky* " All I see is India remaining neutral, independent, strong against those that try to oppress the world. One of my (few) best friends is Indian, I admire his intelligence and a pure vision of the world. I hope one day India can become gucci with china and I believe that day is soon, so that the east can finally free themselves from wester influence. They used to call you savages (the west), they still do. Show them what's savage.


Always proud to be an INDIAN 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 and love to RUSSIA🇷🇺 from INDIA 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
