Lesson 5: RUSSIAN PRONUNCIATION: HARD vs SOFT Consonants | Palatalization | Russian Comprehensive

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Learn How to Read Russian Consonants (Hard vs Soft, or Plain vs Palatalized)
Some of them are always hard or always soft. What does it mean?
Palatalization describes the process when the center of your tongue is raised and touching the roof of your mouth when you're pronouncing the so-called Russian Soft consonants.
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✅ You can contact me and SCHEDULE a LESSON via email:
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Explanation for Hard and Soft Consonants in Russian
3:04 - Russian Consonants that are always hard
3:47 - Russian Consonants that are always soft
Most Russian consonants can be hard or soft, depending on a word. I also gave some examples of hard and soft consonants. This idea doesn’t exist in English, or in most European languages. The closest example from another language would be the Spanish consonants N and Ñ. The Spanish N kind of resembles the hard Н in Russian, while Ñ resembles the Russian soft Нь. In this video, we'll try to apply this idea to other Russian consonants.
Whether a consonant is hard or soft, depends on what letter goes after it (you'll see examples in the video).
👆 If you can barely hear the difference between hard and soft consonants in Russian, don’t be too hard on yourself, keep in mind that it’s a new idea for a foreigner, and one has to get used to it. Through time and practice, you’ll get the idea better, just keep trying!
👉 NEXT: Exercise for Reading Syllables:
👉 PREVIOUS: Russian Vowels:
👉 Learn Russian Alphabet:
👉 How do you pronounce the Russian Ы?
👉 Russian Letters Ж, З, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ:
👉 Learn How to WRITE in Russian:
👉 🗣Start SPEAKING Russian!
Special Thanks to my Russian Students
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Some of them are always hard or always soft. What does it mean?
Palatalization describes the process when the center of your tongue is raised and touching the roof of your mouth when you're pronouncing the so-called Russian Soft consonants.
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Here, you'll Learn Russian with ease and no time wasted 👍
✅ You can contact me and SCHEDULE a LESSON via email:
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Explanation for Hard and Soft Consonants in Russian
3:04 - Russian Consonants that are always hard
3:47 - Russian Consonants that are always soft
Most Russian consonants can be hard or soft, depending on a word. I also gave some examples of hard and soft consonants. This idea doesn’t exist in English, or in most European languages. The closest example from another language would be the Spanish consonants N and Ñ. The Spanish N kind of resembles the hard Н in Russian, while Ñ resembles the Russian soft Нь. In this video, we'll try to apply this idea to other Russian consonants.
Whether a consonant is hard or soft, depends on what letter goes after it (you'll see examples in the video).
👆 If you can barely hear the difference between hard and soft consonants in Russian, don’t be too hard on yourself, keep in mind that it’s a new idea for a foreigner, and one has to get used to it. Through time and practice, you’ll get the idea better, just keep trying!
👉 NEXT: Exercise for Reading Syllables:
👉 PREVIOUS: Russian Vowels:
👉 Learn Russian Alphabet:
👉 How do you pronounce the Russian Ы?
👉 Russian Letters Ж, З, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ:
👉 Learn How to WRITE in Russian:
👉 🗣Start SPEAKING Russian!
Special Thanks to my Russian Students
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#RussianComprehensive #learnrussian #alfabetoruso #russianlanguage #learnrussianonline #readinrussian #russianletters #learnrussianalphabet #russianalphabet #russianabc #howtolearnrussian #freerussianlessons #howtolearnrussianalphabet #howtoreadinrussian #aprenderuso #ruso #linguarusa #russo #russe #russianconsonants