66%+ Have Magnesium Deficiency! [Make The 30 Day Change NOW!]

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🦶According to WHO statistics, as much as 75% of the U.S. adult population does not meet the U.S. FDA's Recommended Daily Intake of 420 mg. Magnesium can help your heart, arteries, chronic pain, diabetes, cardiovascular health, heart disease, sleep, and depression.🦶

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Best Magnesium Supplements:

Vitamin D3 & Vitamin K2 Supplements:

Turmeric (Anti-inflammatory benefit spice):

Omega 3 Fatty Acid (Check how much EPA & EHA in it, not the total fat content):

Alpha Lipoic Acid (Antioxidant beneficial in Neuropathic pain, Diabetes.
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (Needs to Be R- not S-Alpha Lipoic Acid)

👉 Shoes 👈
Best Shoes:

📢Come See Us in Detroit, Michigan, Berkley Michigan; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Lansing Michigan; and Grand Blanc Michigan📢

0:00 What is magnesium good for
0:33 What does magnesium do for the body
1:40 Magnesium deficiency
2:55 Magnesium Benefits
4:20 Magnesium and chronic pain
6:50 Magnesium Tests
9:15 How much magnesium should I take?
9:37 Magnesium overdose & Toxicity
12:18 Best Magnesium Foods
15:20 Worst Magnesium supplements
16:55 Best Magnesium Supplements
22:02 Test 30 days of magnesium?
22:20 Big Secret #1
24:52 Big Secret #2

We review magnesium citrate vs glycinate, the best magnesium for sleep, magnesium glycinate vs citrate and the best time to take magnesium.

It's worth noting that while magnesium has numerous benefits, it's essential to talk to your doctor before taking magnesium supplements, as too much magnesium can adversely affect your health.

Dr. Tomasz Biernacki received his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine in 2013; he completed his Surgical Reconstructive Foot Surgery & Podiatric Medicine Residency in 2017; he completed 2 separate traveling Fellowships in Diabetic Surgery, Skin Grafting & Nerve Surgery. He is double board certified in Podiatric Medicine and Foot & Ankle Surgery separately. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” about himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Biernacki is a licensed podiatrist in Michigan. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Biernacki and you. It would be best to not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.
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Magnesium glycinate has really helped me with deficiency. It’s also a magnesium that doesn’t act as a laxative. Easily absorbed 😁


Stroke survivor here. I KNOW about defiency. Nygastmus warrior.


Svaki vas savet vredi.i treba ga primeniti shodno tome.kome je sta potrebno.sta kome odgovara.ponekada i po osecaju. Pravilna ishrana.fizicka aktivnost i odmor.a kada sebe negde izgubimo.tada pocnemo i da obolevemo. Tada brzinom svetlosti trazimo i zelimo da popravljamo svoje zdravlje.i ozdravimo. Dobar doktor.koji i vise od svojih mogucnosti.pomaze nam na ovaj nacin.gde svako na svoj nacin nalazi resenje za svoja oboljenja. Mnogo puta nase lose navike vode u bolest.zato i postoje ovakvi doktori koji nam svojim zlatnim savetima pomazu.Hvala doktoru za ove strucne snimke.koji nam mnogo pomazu😊🍀💙🎵💙🎶🙏🙏🙏🍀💙🎶🍀🎵🍀🎵


I discovered your channel and your videos by chance yesterday, and I am fascinated!!! Your videos are the perfect balance of information paired with cool graphics and pointers to specific scientific studies. All easy to understand for the average person and for someone like me who adores science (I am a molecular biologist). Also, the pace at which you speak & your tone of voice are really enjoyable. Great information and great job on your videos. Keep up the good work Doctor.


Your videos are some of the best on YouTube! They are easy to understand and give us the facts on the subject! Great work!


You ARE my BLESSING!!! I am all ears to your information! Thank you! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊


I take Magnesium Glycinate and Phosphate along with K2-MK7, D3 Nitric Oxide, Omega 3 krill oil, and Liposomal Vitamin C .


I used to know Mg as Metal atom important in the production of materiel engineering . but today glad to know its vital role in keeping human system normal too . thank you for updating my scope of Health and praise be for the provider of everything .


Your videos set me on the right path. I had taken magnesium without much results till I watched this video a while back. I added your suggested food and purchased the magnesium for my health condition and Wha-La! I am feeling the improvement. Thank you. Wish I lived in Michigan!


This is the BEST video on magnesium I've seen. I learn alot and I've been studying it.


Spuneți adevărul și va mulțumesc din inimă. DUMNEZEU SA VA BINECUVINTEZE


Remarkable presentation! So much valuable information...keep up the great work, much appreciated!


I started taking magnesium glycinate about two months ago for leg cramps and it does seem to help. I wasn’t aware of the other benefits of magnesium. Thank you for this very informative breakdown, Doc!


One of your best videos! Thanks for the excellent information! 🙂


The only remedy in so far as peripheral neuropathy in feet and hands are concerned do every day massage of lower and upper feet, inbetween toes to facilitate flow of blood. The same procedure can be adopted with hands also .This has given me lot of relief..


Apart from Magnesium what other things to take

1. Magnesium
2. Calcium
3. D3
4. B complex (3, 6, 12)
5. Lion’s Mane and Reishi Mushroom
6. Omega Complex (3, 6, 9)

What else?


Dr. Tom! Does your wife have a channel advising how people with insulin resistance or diabetes should manage their diets, fasting, etc.? Trying to reverse years of eating bad and don’t want to get on insulin if I can avoid it.


I love magnesium for my cramps d/t crestor but the side effects is loose stools! So I now take Cramp Defense.


I too had no idea of the importance of magnesium to our entire body. I added magnesium citrate to my daily supplement mix a year ago to address both vascular and prostate health issues. I now know much more about what a reasonable dosage should be. Thank you for the great info.


Thank you. I had no idea so many variations and how much is now gone from basic everyday living resources.
