What are the chances that my baby will stay head-down in the womb?

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Don’t babies get dizzy if upside down for too long??My baby has been head down for the last three ultrasounds lol


Hey do you think you could make a video about pre labour. I’m 36 weeks and I think I’m close but I don’t have contractions. I’ve had high blood pressure but every time the midwife checks it’s only 130-135 but I used to be under 120 and some days it hits 150 and a above. I’ve had cramping. A sharp pain on my right side that was constantly going and never took a break even if I had a bath. I’ve been Feeling the need to throw up these two last weeks a lot more. My pelvis is in a lot of pain and hurts a lot when I walk and has for nearly a month. I have a lot of discharge these last couple of days but not what the mucus plug has been describe as to me. Lastly I’ve had a fair bit of hip pain when I sit down. I thought I had preeclampsia but the midwife I have seen says I don’t fit the category for it. But this is my first pregnancy, and it’s with my first partner and I’m under 18 years of age. I also think my hands have been swelling up and down as well as my feet. I have a front placenta which has stopped my from feeling baby movement from the front which I thought might be the reason why I havent felt Braxton-Hicks or contractions yet. I Really want your opinion because you give great advice on your channel!!


Everytime I attempt to visit your FB page, it shows that it's unavailable.

I'm 25 weeks with baby #2. We are stationed in Singapore (1st daughter born in Seattle) and my doctor is trying to convince us to have an induction if I don't go into labor by 37-38 weeks because when my water broke at exactly 40 weeks with my 1st, there was meconium and fluid was dark green. He's saying that there is a higher chance (almost 30%) of stillbirth because of my "history" if the baby isn't delivered by 38 weeks. I've never heard this before but want the least medical intervention as possible.


Is it too early for the baby to turn its head down at 28x weeks?


My due dat is Feb 22 and head down is it normal


I don't have a fb so i will ask here and hopefully you see my comment.
My question is how should i be dressing my 6 day old baby. I live in fl and its obviously super hot and my house inside stays around 76 degrees f.. ive been getting so many comments from visitors about how i should be dressing him and its driving me crazy. I don't know what is too much clothing or too little. And another questions is it necessary to use a baby hat? also people have been telling me that they get cold if they are not wearing one and that it helps shape their head...can you please help me.


I am now at 27 weeks and today I found out my baby is head down. This is my second pregnancy, is this timing ok or has the baby turned too soon?
