Can AI Write Beer recipes?!? Feat CHATGPT

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I've been seeing a ton of videos on the OpenAI system ChatGPT so I decided to put it to the test and see what it knew about beer recipe creation. The results are surprising and kind of disappointing at the same time. It was a fun experiment to say the least!

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Thanks for sharing. Happy to see that your back making videos. I might have to do an experiment one day and see how the results come out. Cheers!


That's funny, I was just playing with it the other day. Didn't even cross my mind to ask it to do a beer recipe. I was too busy asking it how to get rich and if it planned to take over the world, lol


Welcome Back, look forward to your videos, I was wondering this once I saw those apps that do art from text. This will be interesting for sure!


I just used it to make an IPA from a bunch of random hops I had in the freezer. IBU was a bit higher than the style guide in Brewfather, but it seemed to turn out decent.


I've been using this for a couple brews now. As a professional brewer obviously I create my own recipes. But I've been testing chat gpt with recipes for a few small batches at home. And it's been wonderful!


Nice video Brian! Definitely would like to see you brew recipe you have generated from the AI. Been messing around with that AI a bit as well been interesting. I work in IT and have asked Cisco related questions and it has been pretty spot on. Also have had it review some code from an App I have developed, and it's been smart enough to know what Framework that was used and what I was trying to do with the code by explaining what was going on with it.


This is a fun, relevant topic. I have been playing with ChatGPT too and I'm super curious to see if the recipes it creates are any good. Will have to try it out!


Imagine if this could be intergrated to a beer recipe database that had reviews and star-ratings. Not only would it know how to make a recipe, but it could make assupmtions whether or not a beer will be good or bad, based on a perons review of the recipe


Interesting, I downloaded A I chat last week. Didn't try to write a recipe but did ask some brewing questions and it seemed on point for what I asked. Also, I noticed on your Instagram a video for a sparge arm 2.0, who is the manufacturer? Thanks🍻


I am going to go ahead and stick with Mean Brews. AI has a weird amount of risk I believe, especially since you noted is HAS A MEMORY. Just to prevent HAL 9000 from protecting the universe from my contagion, I'll just revisit Mean Brews for the style and use what little assembled reason I have left to modify what I would like to accomplish. Cheers Brian. Good to have you back Buddy.


I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I’ve never heard of that app until now and I work in a software industry that uses AI. lol


Could ask it to build a recipe based on the BJCP guidelines?


I don't think AI can really know what a good beer tastes like, it also doesn't have any bias of course. So you're going to get an averaging effect where it processes a load of common recipes and tries to average them out. It's interesting stuff but unless it is actually using the knowledge of how brewing works instead of just reading a lot of websites to get information on existing recipes then it's not really AI.

I once did think about creating a website where you could create a recipe by dragging a few sliders, colour, bitterness, hoppyness etc.. it was an idea for a custom beer service for weddings, special events etc. But it was just a dream.


I am sure AI can write a beer recipe. Question is, would it taste any good? If the AI is given input on what flavors humans are tasting, perhaps it could learn? Great question Brian. Cheers.


It might simply be nature - humans often seem to believe they will be superior to AI, data and machines forever, even when proved wrong over and over again. Giving "AI Brewing Recipe Writing" some time and sooner than expected brewers probably will think of David Heat recipes as Out-Dated & Old-School 😂


I doubt AI could conjur up anything as good as your eclipse neipa. Sensational beer. ; P


Used it to invent a name for an undeclared style and made a new recipe. It’s not very good at getting IBUs for me.


I played around with ChatGPT when I was trying to come up with a recipe for a NZ Pilsner. I was in the ballpark, but it gave a lager yeast and wanted to ferment in the 70's, (without pressure). Then following up with some obvious questions, like what is the pitch rate for this recipe, it gave a long winded answer, with nuggets of good info but, not a valid recommended pitch rate... it recommended 22, 000, 000 cells for a lager. Fun to play with, but not enough to be truly useful.


Interesting. My cat can use her paw to click onto large icons on my iPad.
I suppose I can set up options on my iPad that my cat could choose from and arrive at a reasonable beer recipe.
The good thing about AI and the cat, is that they both will not be drinking the beer.


Yes I think you should brew an AI recipe, maybe something fairly simple or very popular, such as standard IPA, West Coast IPA, pale ale maybe even a blonde. You can always make a 3 gallon batch or two gallon, keep it for a small in case it's really terrible
