We Challenged AI with Completely Random Ingredients (ChatGPT)

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Today we look at what happens if you pull random ingredients together and let ChatGPT form a recipe!

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I definitely want a chef vs ai challenge. Same rules - draw the ingredients from cups, but the normals follow the AI and the chef makes what appeals to them.


I’d love to see a battle where the normals all choose their ingredients, but their recipes have to be AI generated.


I would love to see this compared to a chef recipe – chat GPT versus a professional chef. Also, if you do this again, I think you should tell chat GPT what items you have in your store cupboard, or tell it that they can use basic pantry ingredients. I think that might help it come up with more rounded recipes.


Barry's garlic chopping was impressive today!! Also I'd love to see the chefs experiment with that weird set of ingredients and see if they can make something good


Would love to see a redo with normal ingredient combos. Could be the perfect thing for coming up with something with the random stuff in the fridge that we usually have.


I think it would be brilliant to do a Chef vs Normal vs AI recipe showdown where all 3 are given the same 4 ingredients that then are developed into a recipe for a single dish that is then judged. Might even be fun to then have someone make all 3 dishes based on the recipes.


Looks like we need a chef vs AI challenge with mystery ingredients


This "completely random ingredients" system totally works for a series.


I think these two recipes actually do a great job of highlighting how the way ChatGPT (at least this version) 'thinks', and how it can succeed against AND fail against a more human soliving process. As some have derisively labeled it, it's not that ChatGPT is truly "thinking" about these options. What it's doing is, functionally, a kind of self-checking predictive text: it's taking the components you give it, and plugging them into systems it's seen before in the most direct line it can. This is why it went "cheese dip + cheesecake": it doesn't have the mental cohesion to say "This very savory dip mix isn't going to mesh well with a sweet crust", it just knows "Pouring a mass of dairy and other ingredients into a crust is a thing that I have seen."

Whereas a chef can solve the problem not by "what is the shortest angle through these points", but by finding a third point that more easily/cohesively connects the ingredients, a la the flavor triangle. (ie, "Crab and blue-cheese stuffed mushrooms with a balsamic-digestive crumb". or "Crab, Caramellized Onion, and Blue Cheese Quiche with Digestive crust")


I’d love to see a video when you ask AI to create a shopping list for 1 person/2 people with a budget (say £20/£30 a week) and what dishes this would make. Think I could see it being really helpful this way in the same way that a meal subscription service would be. Such an interesting concept 👍🏼


PLEASE make this a series! This was SO much fun!!!


That was a fun idea! You could also do a pass it on starting with Ben. The normals have to give Chat-GPT input on what they perceive has been done and ask what they should continue to do with it the next ten minutes to make a full meal in the left time of X minutes


You HAVE to do chef vs AI, same ingredients but hopefully two very different dishes 🤞


I think a fun idea would be to have the 3 normals create dishes with the same ingredients list, but one of them has to use an AI generated recipe, then the chefs have to try to guess which recipe was the AI generated one.


Love the concept, more of these please!
Btw, if you don’t like the first option it gives you you can ask for another and another and another until you get a recipe that looks good.
Also, to avoid waste, try giving the AI specific quantities to work with when asking for a recipe


I think it would have been interesting to see a blind side by side what the ChatGPT recipe and what a chef could do with the same prompt.


I'd be really interested in you guys trying this again with GPT-4. It just released a couple of days ago, but it can apparently reccormend recipes based on a photo of the ingredients in your fridge.


Love how they asked for metric measurements for the second recipe and then instantly wondered how many inches the pie dish was. 😂


I have to say that the type of cheese and the type of crab likely mattered a lot on that last recipe, if you try this again try telling it the proper name of the ingredients you have, the program is pretty good at giving more precise instructions based off how much info you give it. You can even potentially tell it to “avoid food waste” and it will try to use average package sizes for what you told it you got.


I think a more common use case would be to tell the AI what you have in total, and it can drop things, rather than force it to use stuff, but allow it to add anything. If what you have is what you have, possibly the shops are even closed or you don't have time to go out and buy additional stuff, what you want is to get a dish out of any selection of the things in your pantry. But unless something is about to go of, you don't really need to force it to use something, if it doesn't fit with other ingredients.
