Awakening the Inner Self: A Journey

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Ep 32 - One World in a New World with Ipek Williamson - Author, Insight Coach, Meditation Teacher
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Closed Captions (CC) in multiple languages, though Google Translate may not be the best.
We continue to seed the thoughtmosphere with tasty tidbits for transcendence. Ipek originally hails from Turkey, so her perspectives of life and the world are through different cultural eyes, yet so similar to many on the path to their own self-awareness and professional careers. We jump right in with the beginning of her own transformation; perhaps similar to many who've been in corporate environments.
She notes that it became a process of discovery about personal and professional inclinations. It required taking time to explore questions like, "Who am I?" and "What can I give?" There was a sense of being a guide, an influencer that could help others in transition. We discuss the foreknowledge of such a transition that came while visiting Turkey shortly before her 'challenge' showed up.
Zen reflects on his own transformation early and the challenges one faces when events and learning supersede the 'normal' maturation process. He goes on to inquire what that experience was like for Ipek, which she responds that challenges become so great that something has to change within. It took a while for her to get through the internal challenges and move toward her true self, a much different world that where she was initially.
Like many who've developed a life-service awareness through their own transformations, she now helps others to move through the process with less challenges and heartache. Zen mentions the gamut of perspectives from which we ask questions about our emerging process and its dynamics across the current global upwising. He probes Ipek on her own process and how she relates and reflects how others may benefit in understanding it better.
Our conversation moves into the sharing of how what was once called 'living in spirit' has now advanced to a more science-oriented perspective as 'living in quantum entanglement with the unified field' as an experiential process. They agree that questions are answered in a flow of life, perhaps like a choreographed movie specially designed for each individual. It's just up to us to recognize it.
Ipek speaks to a change of attitude she made, in her late 40s, of not doing anything that does not give her joy. This is particularly relevant to the notion of 'flow' in our lives and our ability to move into a state of being that engages life differently and produces the path to that joy through experiences. She agrees on the two-fold process of 'the universe' providing the opportunity and intuition backing it up - essential to understand.
Is it a sensation of being? How does one recognize this sensation and how to tune into it? Ipek relates that it is so important to slow down (to speed up) and recognize what's going on around one with more observation rather than participation. The 'monkey mind' is calmed and allows the inner being to emerge with greater awareness of connectedness and synchronicity.
You'll find great nurturing of self and value in this interview as this introduction only begins to highlight the insights and realizations available through considering the interplay and tangential conversation that brings many aspects of self-actualization and self-realization so important to the process of humanity at this time. You'll be glad you stay, listen and/or watch as we discuss deeper considerations of how we, as a humanity, can move forward toward greater harmony with self, others and nature.
Make sure you subscribe, please! You'll be glad you did.
Closed Captions (CC) in multiple languages, though Google Translate may not be the best.
We continue to seed the thoughtmosphere with tasty tidbits for transcendence. Ipek originally hails from Turkey, so her perspectives of life and the world are through different cultural eyes, yet so similar to many on the path to their own self-awareness and professional careers. We jump right in with the beginning of her own transformation; perhaps similar to many who've been in corporate environments.
She notes that it became a process of discovery about personal and professional inclinations. It required taking time to explore questions like, "Who am I?" and "What can I give?" There was a sense of being a guide, an influencer that could help others in transition. We discuss the foreknowledge of such a transition that came while visiting Turkey shortly before her 'challenge' showed up.
Zen reflects on his own transformation early and the challenges one faces when events and learning supersede the 'normal' maturation process. He goes on to inquire what that experience was like for Ipek, which she responds that challenges become so great that something has to change within. It took a while for her to get through the internal challenges and move toward her true self, a much different world that where she was initially.
Like many who've developed a life-service awareness through their own transformations, she now helps others to move through the process with less challenges and heartache. Zen mentions the gamut of perspectives from which we ask questions about our emerging process and its dynamics across the current global upwising. He probes Ipek on her own process and how she relates and reflects how others may benefit in understanding it better.
Our conversation moves into the sharing of how what was once called 'living in spirit' has now advanced to a more science-oriented perspective as 'living in quantum entanglement with the unified field' as an experiential process. They agree that questions are answered in a flow of life, perhaps like a choreographed movie specially designed for each individual. It's just up to us to recognize it.
Ipek speaks to a change of attitude she made, in her late 40s, of not doing anything that does not give her joy. This is particularly relevant to the notion of 'flow' in our lives and our ability to move into a state of being that engages life differently and produces the path to that joy through experiences. She agrees on the two-fold process of 'the universe' providing the opportunity and intuition backing it up - essential to understand.
Is it a sensation of being? How does one recognize this sensation and how to tune into it? Ipek relates that it is so important to slow down (to speed up) and recognize what's going on around one with more observation rather than participation. The 'monkey mind' is calmed and allows the inner being to emerge with greater awareness of connectedness and synchronicity.
You'll find great nurturing of self and value in this interview as this introduction only begins to highlight the insights and realizations available through considering the interplay and tangential conversation that brings many aspects of self-actualization and self-realization so important to the process of humanity at this time. You'll be glad you stay, listen and/or watch as we discuss deeper considerations of how we, as a humanity, can move forward toward greater harmony with self, others and nature.