Awaken Your Inner Light & Intuitive Powers | 963 Hz Tune Into Higher Vibrations | Calming Soft Music

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963 Hz Tune Into Higher Vibrations & Awaken Your Inner Light & Intuitive Powers | Soft Calming Music | Music To Heighten Your Consciousness & Feel Free | This content can be used for meditation, manifestation, prayer, sleep, or any healing rituals. Read more about 936Hz below.

Welcome, Beloved Soul. We present this soft, beautiful, and healing 963 Hz music to assist our listeners in awakening their inner light and intuitive powers.
Relax deeply and allow this music to gently carry you home to your natural state of love, joy, and inner peace.

💗 POSITIVE I AM Affirmations For Inner Peace & Deeper Love 💗

We invite you to start this healing journey through the simple act of conscious breathing.
Inhale and exhale deeply six times.

Affirm: I welcome the power of gratitude to wash over me.
Affirm: I am grateful for all the blessings I have in my life.
Affirm: I am stepping out of victimhood and into spiritual maturity and radical self-love.
Affirm: I am remembering who I am.
Affirm: I am coming home to my natural state of love.
Affirm: I am whole in my own essence.
Affirm: I am deeply loved.
Affirm: I am in harmony with the purpose of my Soul.
Affirm: I belong in this universe as much as any stars or planets.
Affirm: The universe exists in every cell of my body.
Affirm: I am deeply connected to the web of life.
Affirm: I am living in symbiosis with every aspect of life.
Affirm: I am the embodiment of love, expansion, wisdom, courage, and grace.

💗Repeat for 21 days to experience astonishing results💗


✨💗Download our music for unlimited offline listening💗✨

With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game etc.


The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient 6-tone audio scale that is said to date back to biblical times and carry divine-like properties. In recent times, each frequency has been found to carry a specific set of healing, wellbeing, and spiritual benefits that it affords the listener.

These include DNA repair, relief from past traumas, and opening the soul to spiritual experiences.

We tune all of our music in the miracle tone, 528 Hz. This song has added 963 Hz.

528 Hz (Mi) – Transforming Miracles (DNA Repair)

528 HZ, also known as the miracle tone, is the frequency that is thought to help return human DNA to its original state, removing impurities. You can expect to attain greater mental clarity, a heightened sense of awareness, and deep inner peace.

936 Hz represents a return to oneness and awakens you to a perfect state of being. By listening to it, you’ll be able to experience and enjoy your true nature. It’s related to the crown chakra that connects us to the entire universe.

🌸 Learn more about the healing Solfeggio frequencies🌸


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We at Self-Healing Collective have a deep passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on Youtube for self-healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.

What we wish for you:
Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.

What we believe in:
The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, and wisdom.

What we stand for:
Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support:
Everything that promotes health, personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

What we care about:
The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

Our spirit greets yours.
Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne
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💗Thank you for being here💗

Dear Soul, you have a unique mission to fulfill in life.
Come home to the remembrance that you are guided every step of the way.
Your journey is to remember who you are.
The path may at times seem challenging, hard, and confusing,
But know that you have all you need to succeed.
You are supported every step of the way.

Be proud of yourself.
You are becoming more willing to heal deeply,
build yourself up again, and return home to the truth and essence of YOU.

Know that your strength and resilience has carried you far,
And it will carry you even further.

Trust and allow.
Trust and release the pain on the way.

Come home to your natural state of love.

We invite you to anchor in the frequency of unconditional love while listening.

Be in your body with your breath.
Be there for yourself with love and care.

💗Remember to like and subscribe to our channel if you find value in our content.💗
We are here to support YOU on your journey towards deeper love, growth, and healing. As we unite as a community to take care of our own healing and wellbeing, our collective energy of love and awareness will raise the vibration of this planet. We aim to reach a million subscribers within a couple of years. May our community of spiritual love warriors grow abundantly every day.

Infinite love, light and support to YOU💗
- Self Healing Collective.


No matter who you are, where you are, or what you have “done” in your life, I send you unconditional LOVE. You are an Angel who came here to experience everything you have exactly how you have. But it’s time to wake up NOW, Little One😊. Wakey, wakey. Open your EYES and SEE THAT YOU ARE LOVE💜🌈😇


I am praying for everyone who needs a miracle. Only God can do the impossible, He can make a way when there seems to be no way. Today I pray God touches your health, your home, your family, your faith and your finances....


hey, you. whoever’s reading this, this is your sign. everything’s gonna be okay. you did not come this far to give up. I believe in you ❤️


We are Kindness, we are Light. We are stars that guide the night. We are Comfort. We are Peace. We are One, may Love increase ❣️


If you’re reading this right now, this is your reminder that you are worthy of love, positivity and good health. You are important to the people in your life. May you have  a wonderful and a peaceful week and accomplish all of your goals. Thank you for the beautiful music! 💕🙏💫


All these people in the comment section you have no idea how much you’ve helped me this night. I am sending unconditional love and light to all of you and to whoever that’s reading this, you are worthy you are needed here I love you I accept you and I’m proud of you. Please let go of all your worries and all the things that you cannot control let all the negative go away. Things go wrong and sometimes we might feel awful. But you have not come this far just to give up. Please remember everything is going to be OK, I promise


I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But, you've found my comment. Take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're here simply to relax and unwind, remember that you are important, you are valid, and that you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. Whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you. You can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe in you. Put your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath. It might have been a tough day, but you made it. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Peace be with you, my friend. ❤


I don't have a sad story, I'm just trying to connect with my higher self and use this time to focus on me. Disconnect from social media, fake friends and realize life is more than just school and work. Sending lots of love, positive energy, and prayers to all of those who feel insecure and are dealing with depression, anxiety, and other chronic illnesses. May God always be with you and know I'm praying for you guys.


To whoever needs to hear it: I love you, even though I don’t know you. And I want to thank you for just being you. Now go get some sleep. You deserve a peaceful rest. You’ve fought enough today. Good night.


If you happent to read this message, I just want to say to you that you will get through it.
You are more powerful than you might think right now.
Trust your heart. Trust beauty. Trust love & goodness.
Think all the things that make you feel positive in life.
I will believe in you. I send my good vibrations, love & peace on your way. I hope they will reach to you.
Many blessings. 💙


I affirm that I am love. I affirm that I am safe! I affirm that I am grateful! I affirm that I am thankful! I affirm that I am blessed! I affirm that my Divine abundantly supplies all that I desire, need, and want! Change me Divine Beloved onto One who is content in all conditions. May I take action as guided, yet fully surrender the outcomes, trusting the perfect route always occurs. Let me release grasping and fear, knowing You alone open the right doors!


Hello Spirit Soul. I can see your Divine light, And I send you Blessings filled with Unconditional Love, Radical Forgiveness, And Deep Compassion. You are destined to do incredible things in this lifetime. You are Enough. You have all the answers within you. Victory is right around the corner. You bring a smile to the face of so many around. You are whole and complete. Remember that you are always being guided by higher realms of existence. You are loved by the All, and All is love within you. Remember who and what you truly are every day. You are an Energetic{Spiritual} Multi-Dimensional Being of Light, sent here for a purpose. If you are reading this, you are about to experience an energetic upgrade. Tune into the rising frequencies through your intent, I wish you Long Lived Prosperity, Passion, Compassion, Love, Romance, Laughter, Beauty, Empowerment, Safety, Protection, Acceptance, Strength, Self Expression, Creativity and Divine Experiences. Sending you Divine Blessings of Unconditional Love, Radical Forgiveness, and Deep Compassion.


Just wanted to remind you that you are so incredibly blessed by the Divine, and that God is creating the most perfect and harmonious life for you right here, right now, in this very moment. Everything is working out for your highest and most loving good. It is safe for you to trust, it is safe for you to surrender. You are so deeply and truly worthy of all that you desire and that everything is aligning for you in the most perfect way possible. Hang in there, my dear, you are loved. ❤


Please help me. Awaken my inner light.. Guide me.. Show me.. Thank you Universe


Whenever I try to do something out of my comfort zone and end up not doing it, I always fell into depression. Then I’d be happy and motivated by thinking “im gonna change” and then the cycle would repeat itself, I’d get depressed. But I can truthfully say that once I listened to this and learnt about meditation and what not, I felt so empowered by strengthening my mind. And still to this day, meditation has helped me achieve many things. So to anyone who scrolls through the comments and sees this and is in the position I was in. Don’t give up, it will take time, but eventually you will arrive where you want to be 🙂


Oh God thank you thank you so much let's raise the vibration


Sending positive energy to all who read this. Remember that you have a purpose and are blessed and can do all that you desire. You already have all that you desire, time just hadn’t caught up yet. I wish everyone a peaceful sleep or morning❤️


Hey soul family! The fact that you are here right now, listening to this wonderful music.... already shows how so deserving you are of positive abundance and divine happiness my friend :). You have already come so far on your journey and I am so proud of you. Know that you are protected and safe. Keep going because the only way now is forward. Sending energy of infinite love and light towards You! Receive it with gratitude and keep the flow going limitlessly!


🙏 thankyou 🙏 please god bless all good people with pure soul on this planet 🙏🙏 please heal my pain, please protect my family, please do miracles in our life 🙏
