“What would you do differently?” | Hillary Rodham Clinton on the 2016 Election

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“With Cambridge Analytica, the Russians and Wikileaks, they were in an entirely different arena.”

– If Hillary Clinton could go back in time and redo the 2016 election against Donald Trump, what would she do differently?

Clinton sat down at Hay Festival 2022 for an interview with Baroness Helena Kennedy on her enduring public appeal, the challenges the world now faces, and Clinton’s hopes for the future.

#HillaryClinton #politics #DonaldTrump
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Hillary just should have said: “I should have visited Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin more during the campaign.”


"Because you'd be in jail."
It still makes me laugh.


Maybe not sell American Platonium to Russia or maybe not getting Russia involved after she lost. But maybe that's just logic


I’m shocked they allowed comments on this one. 😂


The campaign was a failure because the person wasn’t good enough unfortunately. People just don’t like her.


Rigged up until that point so your admitting that the One against Biden was rigged?


She STILL doesn't get it. She sort of understands that she didn't allow other competent people to do more social media, but she still seems incapable of understanding her own personal contributions to her turning off too many voters.  Also, it doesn't seem she contemplates her own history with the American people, instead blaming others, while not seeing, or at least admitting, her own flaws.
I was a true believer in Bill and Hillary when I voted for them in 92 and again in 96. I am a member of the LGBTQ community, 3rd generation Democrat, feminist that comes from a family of strong women who worked their way out of poverty in Appalachia. Their single mother sharecropped cotton to live in an abandoned train station, hauling water from a neighbors well in buckets. Then Bill turned tail on his promise to "lift the ban" on we Queers in the military, handed it over to congress and we got the boondoggle of "Don't ask, Don't tell." We forgave him for that, but then in his second term he gleefully signed the "Defense of Marriage" into law and for the next 17 years Hillary staunchly insisted that marriage was between a man and a woman until the Human Rights Campaign gave her a fat check for her presidential run.
I could go on and on about why half the women I know (all Democrats) were not impresed with Hillary, but we are all human and no one is perfect. But her big mistake was being so hell bent to be the first woman elected president, buying the DNC, writing off working people, doing everything she could do to undercut Bernie Sanders, who clearly had the ear of most working people in the country, showed her "true colors" and they were not blue, but green with envy and resentment that anyone would run against her in 2016. Even Bernie's delegates at the convention were treated like unwanted step children, put up in separate hotels, brought in separate busses and seated in separate seating areas, except on coronation "glass ceiling" night when they walked in to find "extras" sitting in their seats and they were shuffled off into far 'left field" out of camera view. We also never heard about the second sham Nevada caucuses. Bernie won the first ones, but the Nevada Democratic Party declared them null over some technicality, had a second caucus that was stacked and probably had stuffed ballot boxes. When they declared Hillary the winner, their was a riot in the room, and Barbara Boxer stated later she feared for her safety. All forgotten or ignored facts.
I told all my friends in party leadership that if she became our nominee, we would lose to Trump. Parroting the usual "Neo-Liberal" talking points, they insisted that the people in the three rust belt states that Bernie had swept would return to vote for her. As I predicted, they didn't, and Obama's trip to Flint Michigan and his doing NOTHING about the lead in the water except his two stunts taking a sip water two times did NOT help. Even Bill told her to go campaign in those states to win them back, but she listened to her preppie staffers who said she didn't need to. So she lost those three states and Trump won.
Here in California, for the first time in my decades of living here, we had massive problems at most of the precincts where Bernie was popular, giving up to 60% of voters "provisional" ballots, leaving about two million votes uncounted on election night. She actually declared victory while our polls were still open, further souring her to many of us here.
Her ongoing maltreatment of BLM young people who wanted dialogue with her did not go unnoticed, as did her infamous "Deplorables" comment about Southern voters. Then there was her famous line in one debate over a $15 an hour minimum wage in which she stated that she thought $12 would be enough.
SHE HANDED THE ELECTION TO TRUMP and I have a lot of problems with her continued selling herself as God's gift to America. She is God's gift to Hillary, and too many people saw through it. Trump tapped into the anger that half the country felt about their horrific economic situations, while FOX News was teling them that their "American Promise' had been given to people darker than them by the "Liberals" and Trump made her out to be the poster girl for that.
And lastly, her entire campaign was about "It's HER turn" and "We can't let Donald Trump get elected." A freshman psychology student know that the more you tell anyone what NOT to do, the more them become obsessed with doing it. And in the meantime, the DNC continues to pump out the usual "Look at the awful things the Republicans are doing" while conveniently ignoring horrific wealth inequality, slave wages, union busting, Medicare for all and other issues that progressive, truly progressive Democrats likeBernie, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Cory Bush, Ayana Presley and Katie Porter are actually speaking and DOING something about.
Please, if I ever hear Hillary self aggrandizing again it will be too soon. She's still a Republican at heart, with good intentions, as long as they don't get too messy or require her to take any hard risks. I wish she would just retire and leave the rest of us alone. She represents corporate Democrats who don't really care about the American people, only holding power and getting rich. God forbid they should say anything that angers their corporate masters, prime example, Joe Manchin.


How is Hillary still talking about Russian interference?


real shit, if she had Bernie Sanders as a Vp, no way in hell she would loose. Although that might lead to a similar situation to McKinley where the corporate trusts who helped him even get renominated (and i think reelected) requested him to chose Teddy Roosevelt because he believed that would make him powerless. Since people really wanted Teddy, you can only guess what Happened to McKinley.


I don't understand why she brought up that she raised 1B dollars and still lost 🤣🤣🤣


She’s delusional! Bad apple to the core.


What she should have done is let Bernie win the candidacy


Smart women, she was very qualified even though she was evil


So the big thing she would change is she wouldn't say back off creep which she didn't say as she felt it would cost her. That and she didn't pick up on him saying its rigged of he lost. Would she have got more votes if she had got that at the time?


Ask her "What happened" to Ali? Right before Epstein?


My friend Juan is a nurse and he adores you. Dont worry we got you.


One mistake Hillary made was she had no clear message. The "keep as it is approach" is typical of Incumbent presidents but often a bad idea for regular candidates.


Yeah, too bad social media didn’t support your efforts more. You could have been a Contender.


He used his time in wwe to his advantage


Because he didn’t know if he was gonna win til the end
