The FAA called me for violations

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Will the FAA call people?

Just want to add that there are no hard feelings, I just wanted to give my side of the story.

(affiliate links)

Instagram: milesdeep8

Apps used:
DJI Fly App - To operate the drone
Windfinder - Wind check app
AirMap- Check airspace
Editing- Adobe Premiere
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I stand corrected, and apologize for jumping the gun. I stand by the statement, however, that they aren’t online looking for infractions. It’s apparent that someone saw your videos, then contacted them. There are many “Karen’s” out there, and getting to be more. So I’m glad you didn’t have a bad experience with them. Sounds like your FSDO is more strict, because there are countless range tests posted online, and those creators have never been contacted. Anyway, I hope no hard feelings! Keep flying and sharing your experiences. Also, for the rude commenters below - you dudes need to chill! 🤪


As a commercial cinematographer and drone pilot, the FAA will absolutely call you if you're breaking the law. The agency I worked for has been called *multiple* times, and we've called them *multiple* times. What a weird thing for youtubers and youtube comments to get upset about. However, I think someone must have reported you in order for you to get actively caught.


When the FAA gets a complaint, and choose the “educational route” to handle the complaint they will get two options: (1) the informational letter or (2) other type of counseling (even on-site counseling). It looks they went for that second option.

That aside, it sucks that people are policing videos and reporting people to the FAA. Keep doing your stuff.


When the FAA call's just ignore them and the problem goes away LOOL


I got reported. They called me once and emailed me. One was for having my MA2 follow me below the tree line without looking at it. Claimed I was violating VLOS. I've really pulled back videos of my drones as a subject. The drone community is as Karen as if people reported sports car videos for speeding. Some of the worst "enthusiasts" I've ever been around.


Thanks for sharing this and being candid. It's a reminder to myself and all drone pilots that we must be aware of the FAA rules and regulations and do our best to comply, Now time for me to see your fun videos!!! Thanks!


So what constitutes out of line of sight? How would flying in your hero be out of VOS?


Keep in mind that unless you actually show your face in posted videos, the FAA cannot prove from a legal standpoint that you were the drone pilot flying. If the FAA cannot definitively prove you were physically flying the drone during an alleged infraction of rules, they cannot legally take action against you. Having said this, if you are contacted by the FAA in this situation, simply do not respond to them. Once you do contact the FAA and admit that you were the drone pilot making infractions, you're automatically screwed. Never admit anything or give the FAA any kind of information they can use against you.


I just appreciate both MilesDeep and 51 Drones making these videos, as well as all the others who educate regarding drones. I spent about a month watching these type vids a couple of years ago before my Mavic Pro ever took to the air. Thanks for what y'all do!


I just wondering if you gonna do any drone video in the future now that you heavily test the mini from moving vehicle, explore island and boat chase etc, or are you gonna get mavic mini 2?


Thanks fir the information ! Are you required to reregister or recertify your drone every few years ?


Miles, just watched your video. The way you documented the sequence of events/encounters with the FAA staff speaks for your professionalism. Keep up the good work.
I, myself, was eyeing to buy a drone sine 2016, and finally bought the dji Mini2.

Now that I'm subscribed to your channel, I will be watching your videos to learn from you.



Glad 51 Drones apologized. I watch his content too. Pretty clear you were telling the truth. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for posting these videos. I’m in the Tampa Bay Area as well and about to get my first drone, a Mini 2, so this is really helpful information.


I appreciate your explanation with FAA interactions. It helps other UAS pilots understand what can happen. Good job!!!


I've loved you're content ever since i found you, i cant wait for some more drone footage!


I’m glad I was redirected to this channel by 51 Drones. Not a drone owner yet but now realize it’s not simply learning to fly one, there are regulations and laws to be aware of. I will definitely be looking those up.


Thanks for the info. I still do not understand the LOS. Does that mean that you have to see your drone in the air when you are flying. Can anybody? when it is 300 ' above and a mile away? That were where most of the drone videos shown. Anybody care to clarify and explain, much appreciates.


I came over from 51 Drones. look forward to being here.


Hahha Tom has called me a few times! Nicest FAA rep around. Reasonable and rational
