I Got Reported To the FAA... For THIS?!

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I got reported to the FAA for something really stupid...

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In a perfect world, the FAA would turn around and bill the guy for all the man hours wasted because of filing a false report. Also welcome to the world of government official given a little authority.


We donated over $8, 000 of supplies during the aftermath of IKE, and a local bar owner got upset because we basically made his efforts seem miniscule, but we were not there to stake sides. We were there to help those that were so drastically effected by that storm. YOU GO


I can't imagine how miserable a person would have to be to report someone for hauling diapers. Might needs some himself.


The crank who called the false alarm needs to be prosecuted with the same prejudice as anyone who reports a false alarm to the fire department.


I live in SW Florida. Thank you for sending supplies. People here needed it. I can assure you of that. We were in a world of hurt for a long time. Unfortunately, some still are. Again thank you and thank you to everyone who helped us out. The heartless, cold and allegedly evil shrew that ratted you out for helping should be embarrassed. Disgusting behavior.


I just have to say Jimmy you are a wonderful and compassionate person. I have never written or commented on a web site before but, I had to say something about this one. Your efforts are so unselfish and thoughtful it warms my soul to know that there are people like you still out there that thinks of others in a time of need. There is a special place in heaven for you and people like you. Keep doing what you are doing. some of us are amazed at the compassion of that is embedded in your heart. I am in Venice Florida and, I have damage all around me and see the good you all are doing.


This is a perfect example of why there should be no such thing as "anonymous" complaints for any reason. Any. Reason.


Maybe it’s been mentioned but there is another YouTuber named Stevokinevo. Spelling could be wrong, however what a fantastic channel, he was also reported to the FAA. It seemed to make things very difficult for him. He doesn’t post as much as he use to.


People should have to make themselves identifiable to whomever they are making a complaint about. People are super nasty, when they can remain anonymous.


An anonymous complaint should never be accepted by any gov/agency. The person making the complaint should face a civil lawsuit.


You always have to expect that no good deed goes unpunished! 🤬
I've had it happen, but I REFUSE to allow them to affect me long term.
I love the fact that you're like "Oh, really? Watch me now, fool!!"
Thanks, Jimmy and friends, for all you do! We luv ya!


Some people have nothing better to do than to cause trouble for others.


Jimmy, I’ve owned my 310 for 22 years. In the early years I had a terrible problem with plug fouling. When I started leaning way way back immediately after start it stopped the problem. You Must do the same thing immediately after landing. Just make sure you go back to rich Just before take off.


You've got a good heart brother and just keep doing what you're doing. Unfortunately there's always those few people that are just miserable and wanna try to make everyone else miserable too but good people far outweigh them by a long shot. As always thanks for sharing the great videos with us all.


What blows me away is that despite the presumption of innocence, as soon as a "complaint" is received, that presumption goes out the window and and these agencies treat the the person or entity being investigated like crap. The agents puff their chests out and bully innocent people without any attempt to respect the presumption of innocence. In doing so, they are not protecting the public nor are they ensuring compliance. Shame on them.


Anyone who uses a government agency for personal revenge because they got butthurt should be charged and jailed. This is pure b.s. Great job Jimmy and Mike.


After working in law enforcement for 30 years the only way to change the behavior of the complaining party and the enforcer is to personally complain and demand action until you are satisfied. The faa is mandated to do their job and no complaint about that but attitude is actionable. Also demand action taken to investigate the actual complaint for veracity and motive. All of which can be legally dealt with. If you do not continue to pursue then the behavior of both individuals will continue and harm others in the future. You have a duty to follow up until you are satisfied behavior has been corrected.


As someone who lives in Charlotte County and works in Fort Myers, THANK YOU! We got our asses kicked. I made out better than many. The destruction is unbelievable! I'm sure I can speak from all of us, you are a gem, Thank you again! Keep that PM going on your twin. :) Safe Travels


Brother I spent 17.5 years as a police officer. I have heard and seen a lot of really messed up things. Just when you have thought you had seen and heard it all…….. it amazes me to find that people have the orneriness to do a thing like that especially to a mission of compassion. The bad thing is people cannot or will not speak to each other and work out their problems. Continue the great work and God Bless you and your fellow pilots.


This isn’t the first time a YouTube vlogger who is having a fun time with airplanes has been reported to the FAA by a non-flying troll.
