Rockler Spring-Loaded Bar Clamp | Cowboy Ad

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Rockler Spring-Loaded One-Handed Bar Clamps close with a squeeze of the trigger, leaving your other hand free to position parts!

Just squeeze the trigger and the spring mechanism closes the jaws in an instant! No repetitive pumping of the trigger and no need to use your other hand to close the jaws. Fast and efficient, the one-handed action leaves your other hand completely free to position parts and hold them in place. Pull the trigger to close, squeeze to clamp, done. You can even feather the release trigger to ease the jaws shut—a great feature when a lighter touch is needed. You'll never experience a faster, more versatile clamp.
Рекомендации по теме

I dont do much woodworking at all, but I certainly admire the advertisement!

product looks mighty interesting and well explained too! :)


I get into wood working and suddenly i'm getting ads like this 😂😂 hilarious


Boy it's nice to have woodworking tool commercials with comedy


I can see this being very handy, but I can also see this being very unhandy in certain situations where you.need to open the clamp with one have and gravity.
