Dr Phil is Blown Away By Conservative (host K-von approves)

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Dr Phil just can't believe his bald ears. It's about time someone told the truth on daytime TV.

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Just want to say BRAVO to this young man with common sense.!


I’m a mix blood. He’s exactly on points! Share your cultures. I don’t think Native Americans are the only ones who sat with their legs crossed.


I'm a white American living in Japan. I remember a few years after I got here there was an article about a white girl wearing a kimono to prom and everyone went insane. As this man said a bunch of privileged white people with absolutely no value to offer society screaming cultural appropriation. I showed the picture to all my Japanese friends and colleagues asking how the felt about it. All the comments were "Wow, shes so cute/beautiful!" "You have kimono in America?!" "I wish we had prom!" etc. When I asked if they were offended they looked at me like I had a second head growing out of my neck. Even after explaining the concept to them they could not understand what was "offensive".


This is so true. When my husband and I were in Japan for 30 days, we did the whole try on Kimono's and do a photo shoot. Now some people told us that we were being offensive and that western white people should not put on Kimono's. Well, when we got to Kyoto and put those garments on and started walking down the streets, it was the locals who approached us, said we looked awesome and wanted to take a picture of us. I later talked to our Airbnb host about it, to see if he found it wrong that we had worn Kimono's that day, and boy was he confused. "Why would we ever find that offensive?" He told me. "We love seeing foreigners come here and have an appreciation for our culture"


I'm a white guy and I have dreads (I've had them for more than 10 years ). Last summer while I was travelling, I met some people from Kongo who also had dreads and they absolutely loved my hair. They said they immediatelly felt a connection with me, called me "brother" and we had a great time together :)


Dr Phil brought him on to get grilled and be portrayed as a racist in front of a mostly black audience while he virtue signaled. Well that didnt go as planned 😂


Bravo Will! He’s never been afraid to speak the truth. Thanks for the share Kvon ♥️


The professor is sitting there wearing glasses which I'm pretty sure didn't originate in Africa. He's wearing a suit which definitely didn't originate in Africa. He's speaking English instead of an African tongue AND is a "professor" (one who professes) of said language. My question to him is, how much can you appropriate without your account being closed?


He is absolutely correct about everything, from the braids, to the Native Americans. I was adopted when I was 1 by my father who is Lakota Sioux. My grandfather was the chief for 45 years. This is how they felt about using Native American names, or sayings in things, like sports for instance. It was an honor to them. It makes me sick that so many people try and take this honor from them. I lost my grandfather in 2010 and my father 2 years ago. I am very outspoken about this because I know this is what they would want and were affraid this new culture would erase all they had worked to overcome. They are people who are honorable, brave, kind, exepting, loving, and wise like no other I have ever met!!


As a half Navajo, second generation living off the Rez, family members were upset they got rid of the name Red Skins, you aren’t trying to help any of us out by getting rid of what represents us. No one was upset that the football team was called Red Skins except those that think they know our “struggle”.


I'm so very glad that I went to college in a time where professors wanted to teach instead of indoctrinate.


I can't help but notice that the guy most "Offended" by "Cultural appropriation" is wearing a suit, European shoes, glasses and I'd bet he's wearing socks and underwear. Not one African thing in there.


He is totally accurate, you would think that people would want you to partake in their culture especially since every month we are celebrating a different cultures heritage I thought the point of us having different culture months was for one them to show pride for their heritage and two for us to learn about it. And I didn't know that braids belong to any particular group because all of the history books I've read or seen have had many nationalities with braided hair.


Amazing, I am glad there are still people like him out there.


That is so true I saw an interview with another whole Indian who stated that it doesn't offend them if people wear Indian attire or slogans he said he felt very proud. The only thing that he didn't want was for them to wear the attire that they do their rituals with. That's more of like their religion. Anything else he said he doesn't care


The best part was when he’s sitting there telling the audience how the Native Americans didn’t want people to be offended for them….as black dude sits there offended for them 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Thank you Will Witt for mentioning how braids are a part of different cultures rather than just the ones crying about it (that scoffer who said “that’s rich” for one). Actually braids are in a lot of cultures as a hairstyle I’ve noticed. The Native Americans, the Mexicans, The Nordic cultures, African cultures, the nomadic Asian tribes, Alaskan Inuit tribes, etc. That’s a lot of different cultures who all have braids as one of the main styles they wear. So yeah you can’t claim a hairstyle like that and not expect someone to call you out on your idiocy.


As a Navajo, Paiute and Quechan Indian he is absolutely correct. I can't stand it when I see somebody getting offended for our Dine' (the people) they have no idea what offends me. Others already tried to save us from ourselves and only succeeded in obliterating us. Oh and by the way Kvon I love you so keep it up love your channel 👍!


Love it! I'm black. I'm not offended. Braids are for whoever. And as a mom of 4, responsible for 4 long haired babies, a husband with dreads and my own long natural hair braids saves me time and is super convenient for my life. Who am I to deny that or the pure enjoyment to someone else? That's petty. I don't own clothes, food and hairstyles and neither do you.


His points went right over that “professor’s” head. He just had a self-righteous smirk the whole time.
