Imagine scenarios #shorts

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Love your channel!!!! Bet I won’t get pinned!!!!


To this point we’ve forgotten what the word “enemy’s” mean 😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I want to make a pt. 2!! here u go ❤
Pt. 2 :)

E/n (enemy’s name) walks over to your boyfriend and grips the collar of his shirt. You see e/n say something to bf/n (boyfriend’s name) and bf/n nods immediately. Bf/n walks over to you, hobbling to you. Oh. He’s drunk. “I’m sorry, ” bf/n slurs. E/n raises one eyebrow and glares at h/n. “What’s wrong baby? i’m just drunk, ” bf/n says again, smiling. E/n clenches his jaw as he grabs bf/n by the collar and holds him against the wall. “Don’t you dare lie to her, ” e/n says. “I’m not lying, im drunk, ” bf/n chuckles, slurring. “Nice try.” E/n tosses him to the ground and walks over to you. The crowd went silent as they watched what happened. Everybody moved out of e/n’s way when he walked to you, his eyes glaring back at bf/n. The girl bf/n was kissing went to him and helped him up. The crowd goes back to normal and the dj starts the music up again. “Anyway. Come on y/n, i’ll take you home, ” e/n says, grabbing your wrist and taking you outside.

Pt. 3??

Pt. 3!

E/n pulls you through the crowd, and everybody steps out of his way since they all saw what he did to bf/n. E/n finally gets both of y’all outside, where it’s quiet. “Finally some peace and quiet, ” E/n says. He lets you go. “Isn’t this better than that annoying crowd of people getting drunk and stuff?” He asks, turning to you. “Yeah, bf/n dragged me here, ” you sigh. “Was he not actually drunk?” E/n nods. “i can tell when someone is drunk. Even if they were drunk, i’m pretty sure they wouldn’t even be kissing someone else.” he says. “They would know who their girlfriend is…” E/n lifts up your chin to see tears falling down your face. “Aww, y/n, don’t cry. He doesn’t deserve your tears. Come on. Did h/n drive you here?” You nod. “Okay, well he won’t be taking you home tonight.” He says, putting his hand around your waist. E/n helps you to his car. He drives you home, but he doesn’t leave immediately. “Hey, e/n, you can go home you know, ” you say, walking up to the window. He smiles. “Actually, can i drive you to my house tonight?” he sweetly asks. You giggle. “Sure, just as long as i can get some actual good food, not the crap from that party.” You get in to the passenger seat. “Sounds like a deal, princess.” You hear e/n say under his breath.

Pt. 4 at 100 likes, or so! :)))

LOVE YALL ❤❤❤❤ i’m sorry i was getting my daily sleep ;)

Pt. 4!
E/n starts the engine and leaves your house, heading to his house. That’s when you realize, why does your enemy want to take you to his house? He’s your enemy after all. “E/n, why do you want to take me to your house?” You ask. “Oh, uh…” he starts. “You’re always really mean to me at school. You were my enemy after all.” You say. “Well y/n, i think i have decided to have a change of heart. I’m really sorry about what i did and about hurting your feelings and all.” He says, gripping the wheel tighter. “I think… I think I have a crush on you, y/n.”
You start to blush furiously, and it seems the same for e/n. Both of you don’t say anything for the rest of the car ride. Finally, you both get to his house. You leave the car, walking into his house. “So, um, do you wanna watch TV?” He quietly asks. You shake your head. “I’m kind of tired. It’s 1am.” You respond. “Oh, okay. Well, we can go to sleep. There’s only one bed though, ” he shrugs. “I can take the couch if you want.” You are hesitant. “Uh, sure i guess.” You respond, following him to his room. Things are very awkward right now.
“Wait actually, um…” e/n starts. “Um, never mind.” You raise your eyebrows, wonder what he was going to say. “Okkayyy, anyway, goodnight.” You saw, crawling into his bed. “Yeah, yeah, goodnight, ” e/n says, turning off the light and leaving the room.

Pt. 5 soon, i promise!! Maybe in about 10 hours :))) (sorry i have school okay?)

Pt. 5!!
You wake up feeling very, very cold, as if you were outside during the winter. E/n didn’t have any blankets for some reason, only bed sheets. Suddenly, e/n walks in, shirtless. What the hell was he doing shirtless? It’s fricking cold in here. “Hey, uh, y/n, you awake?” He asks, sounding sleepy. “Y-yes, ” you say, shivering. “Oh, you’re shivering.” He says walking over. “i’m sorry i don’t have blankets, they’re all in the washing machine. I think that the power went out when we were sleeping.” He gets in bed with you and wraps his arms around your waist. Oh sh|t, he’s spooning you, you think. But it does make you feel warming. You feel his body heat against your back, making you blush. Good thing e/n can’t see you right now. “Feeling warmer?” E/n asks. “Yeah, um, thanks.” You respond. “Sorry if this is weird, ” he chuckles. “Yep. Well, go to sleep so we don’t have to think about it.” You say. “Good idea, ” e/n says, pushing his body up against yours.

Pt. 6 soon! 😁

Pt. 6!! Thx for all the likes and comments!!!
You wake up feeling very warm, and you notice e/n’s arms still around your waist. You blush, remember what had happened last night. “E/n? You awake?” You whisper. “Yeah, bên awake for a while.” He responds. “Oh. Why are your arms still around me?” You ask. “To make sure you were still warm while you were asleep.” He says. “Well, we have school today. What time is it?” You ask, turning to face him. “It’s 8:15, ” he responds. “Oh shoot, we have to go!” You quickly get out of bed. “Woah, slow down, you can wear some of my clothes, ” he says, slowly getting up. “Okay, but you already know that school starts at 8:30! Why didn’t you wake me up?” You yell from the bathroom. No answer. You come out of the bathroom to find e/n already getting clothes for you. “Here, you can wear my hoodie and do you think you can wear those jeans and shoes you wore to the party?” He asks, rummaging through the closet. “Oh, yeah, that’s fine.” You say. E/n hands you his hoodie and lets you change in the bathroom. It’s about 2 minutes before you’re ready and coming out. “I’m ready. Let’s go, ” e/n says. He grabs the car keys and y’all drive to school.
*At School*
Luckily, e/n lives close to the school, so you get there before the bell rang. 1st period: Math. E/n’s in this class. The teacher wasn’t there today, and everybody cheers. Everybody changes their seats, pretending that their assigned seats was next to their all the friends. The desks are in groups of 2, and you sit next to the window. E/n sits down with you. You roll your eyes when there’s a shadow that glooms over you. “You know, that’s my seat, e/n.” Bf/n says.

Pt. 7 at 210 likes! {I will be sleeping so i’m sorry if i do miss it! Pls be patient and i will try to write it asap when there’s 210 likes ;), anyways, have a good day/night}

Pt. 7!! (Warning: has swear words)
E/n looks at him coldly, his jaw clenched. “I don’t see your name written on here.” E/n says. “Neither is yours, ” Bf/n says. “Y/n, tell this *sshole to get out of my seat.” Bf/n says, turning to you. “Tell this motherf*cker to get the h*ll away from you, ” e/n says. “Oh, come one y/n im your boyfriend after all. I deserve to get to sit next to my beautiful girl.” Bf/n says, lifting your chin close to his face. “Get your f*cking hands away from her!” E/n grabs his wrist and throws him to the ground. “I broke up with you the moment i saw you kissing that girl, ” you say, cringing at the thought of him kissing that girl. “I can’t believe you had the audacity to even talk to me.” You look back at e/n. E/n smiles, glad that you are on his side. “I was drunk y/n! Why can’t you let that go?” Bf/n gets up, going for your throat. E/n catches him, grabbing him by the collar, like at the party. “Didn‘t you get the clue that y/n doesn’t want anything to do with you? Or can your tiny brain not process that?” E/n yells. This grabs the attention of the class and everybody is yelling “Fight! Fight! Fight!” You cover your ears, annoyed of all the commotion around you. “Touch her again and i will f*cking kill you. Slowly.” E/n coldly says.

Pt. 8 soon! :))) gotta sleep and school alright?? love y’all and will be back in less that 24 hours!!

Pt. 8! (Part A)
Bf/n glares at e/n in horror, but then gets his grip. “I’d like to see you f*cking try, @sshole, ” bf/n smirks as he throws a punch at e/n. “Wrong choice, ” you quietly say. You’ve seen e/n beat up lots of people, and there was nobody he ever lost to. Especially not bf/n, no, bf/n didn’t have a chance of winning. E/n already had bf/n on the floor, pinning him down. Bf/n’s nose was probably broken already, since he could barely swing any punches. Of course you wanted to see bf/n beaten, because he deserved it. Cheating on you and lying was two absolutely horrible things to do. Almost immediately before e/n was about to finish bf/n, some teachers got through the crowd and pulled e/n off of bf/n and held him back. Another few teachers also helped bf/n up and started walking him to the nurse.

Ok so it won’t let me comment anymore because there’s an error and i think there’s too many letters 😭😭 i’m making a new comment on this comment for part b and THE STORY CONTINUES… :)


I'm so tired, it is after 12 am and I'm still awake because I HAVE to watch these or I will not be able to sleep, I make scenarios in my head to sleep


Pt 2 first time sorry if it's bad⚠️

Part 2 at 10 likes❤️


Phew I’m not the only one making scenarios in my head to fall asleep


Bru I've been watching these imagines for 2 hours😭


why's this soooo cute tho-

also i love love love your


Normal enemy definition: U hate them, they hate u, and it will never change
These imagine scenarios definition of enemy: secretly loves u and u get married and have 17 kids


I’m gonna try to make a part 2 but this is my first time

Y/n:”E/n, wait it’s fine.”
But by the time she finishes the sentence he is already standing in front of bf/n, holding him by his collar. Your standing there shocked at how quick he made it over to bf/n. You then see e/n whisper to bf/n, but you can’t make out what he is saying. You start to walk over but then you see bf/n walking over to you. Once he makes it to you ask
Y/n: “What did e/n say to you?”
Bf/n looks back at e/n then turns back to you.
Bf/n:”Y/n, I’m so sorry I am just really drunk it’ll never happen again.”
You look over at the e/n who is death staring him.
Y/n:”It’s too late. We’re done.”
You start to walk away but then feel
bf/n pull you pack by your waist.
He is holding on really tight and you try to get him off but he won’t let go. You crying because of the pain.
Y/n:”Let go please.”
Bf/n completely ignores you. All of the sudden…
Haha sorry my loves left you on a cliffhanger. Don’t worry I’ll make a next part if you want.❤️

Part 3???

I’ve been pretty busy so I’ll make a part 3 once we hit 5 likes


bro this song makes me cry sm idek whyy😭😭


I’m legit crying of how good this is oml I love it..!!!!😭😭✊✊


Enemies to lovers trope
I see it, I like it ❤


As an introvert he can not drag me to a party for a million dollars.


i'll make a pt 2 cuz i'm bored and cant sleep

"i'm gonna kill him" they say, as they walk off in his direction. "e/n no-" u try and grab him but he shoves u off of him. "e/n stop.. wait!" u yell as e/n turns around and walks to u. "u don't want me to beat him up after he had his tongue in another girls mouth y/n?!" he whisper yells. h/n looks over in u and e/ns direction and gets an angry look on his face as he starts coming over to u and e/n. "h/n dont touch me!" e/n yells at him. "i'm not here for u, i'm here for my girlfriend, who shouldn't be talking to u anyways" he goes to grab u "h/n ur drunk don't touch me!" u say kinda loud. "who do u think ur talking to y/n?! who cares if i'm drunk, ur coming with me" he tries to grab u but u back up and look towards e/n trying to get him to help u. "dont touch her again h/n!" e/n yells at him. h/n doesnt listen and tries to grab u again, this time his nails dig into ur arm when he's trying to pull u away. "oww h/n get off of me!" u scream and everyone stars looking in ur direction. "STOP TOUCHING HER" e/n screams as he attacks h/n and u just run away, they probably both were drunk anyways, maybe e/n not as much.

the next day

ur dad is driving u to school, its a 20 minute drive and ur being quiet so u dont have to talk to him (he's abusive) "so y/n, what are ur grades like?" he asks, looking for a reason to hurt u so u don't answer him. "ok don't answer me, forgive me for trying to be nice" he says. "u weren't trying to be nice ur looking for an excuse to hit me." u say back at him and he slams the brakes, u go flying forward. "ow" u say. "WHAT DID U JUST SAY TO ME Y/N?! IT BETTER HAVE BEEN SOMETHING DIFFERENT THEN WHAT I HEARD!" he screams. "s-s-sorry dad.." u say trembling. he grabs u by the hair and pulls u closer to him. "dont ever talk to me that way again u understand?!" he slams ur head into the window

part 3?

part 3 bc i'm bored lolz

"y-yes..." ur nose is bleeding a little bit and ur crying while holding ur head. "what's my name y/n?!" u don't know- it could be sir it could be mister... "s-sir...?" u say questionably. "stop it with the stuttering y/n u sound stupid, do u have s-s-stutters y-y-y/n?" he starts laughing at u and u don't know what to say. "no- it's because i'm scared" u say. "of what?? ME?! ARE U SCARED OF ME?!" he starts to look mad. "y-yes im scared of u..." u say. "WHY WOULD U BE SCARED OF ME U WIMP" u flinch as he screams at u but u guys are close to the school finally. "hope u have the worst f**cking day y/n." he says to u. "it will be better since ur not at my school" u mumble where he can't here u. "what did u say, " he asks. "nothing, " u answer. he punches u in the arm really hard and makes a big bruise. "get out of my car and go to school, " he says. "walk the rest of the way, " he yells. "no wait please drive me i cant walk i'll ruin my shoes, " ur wearing ugg tasmans (chestnut color) and can't get them dirty. "fine, only because i bought u those shoes, " he says he drives u the rest of the way and drops u off. "bye y/n, " he says "bye..." u say. "before u get out of the car put this hoodie on, " he grabs a hoodie from the back seat, a black nike hoodie, matches ur outfit perfectly. "thanks, " u say "don't take it off, " he says before u close the door and start walking to the school. u see e/n walking with his friends so u decide to not go over and u look for ur bsf. "y/n! come here, " e/n yells to u. "uh- ok..." u walk over to e/n and his friends and they all say hi to u which is weird "hi, " u say back. they usually are mean to u aswell as e/n. u decide to get next to e/n but he knows u have been crying and something is wrong. "u guys go ahead i'm just gonna walk with y/n, " e/n says to his friends. they all say and e/n rolls his eyes. "i was thinking y/n, " he stops u and pulls u to the side so no one will walk into u. "i like u- ik we're like supposed to be enemies and everything but i really do like u, " he says. waiting for a response. "e/n i- i like u to but i have a boyfriend, " u say. "i know y/n but do u like him, " e/n asks. "n-no, " u reply but u see h/n coming. "e/n, he's coming, " u say. "hi h/n, " u say to him. "wtf are u doing talking to this piece of crap, " he asks u. "he's n-not a piece of crap h/n he's my friend, he's been better to me than u have for a while, " u say and h/n gets mad. "u didn't even answer my good night text that i sent u last night y/n, " he shouts. "u never sent me one! we're over h/n, " u shout back. "wait no y/n please i love u, " he starts to cry and pulls u into a hug. "please y/n dont end us i love u so much, " he's still crying. "well i- i- u dont act like u love me, atleast e/n treats me with respect and doesn't hurt me when he's drunk, " u shout at him. "u do what h/n?! wtf is wrong with u, " e/n starts getting mad and trying to fight h/n. "e/n no it's ok just breathe, " u say trying to calm him down. he starts trying to hit h/n and u get infront of h/n and try to push e/n off because u don't want him to get in trouble for beating someone up. u look over and see e/ns friends "a little help here, " u shout to them and they come over and grab e/n "e/n what are u doing, " one of them shouts "he hurts y/n when he's drunk, " he says while trying to push past them. u push h/n away and talk to him. "why would u even come over here, are u just trying to start something with e/n?! go to ur homeroom class, " u shout "i just love u y/n- i just love u, " he says to u. "yea well we're over! how's that, " u shout and he just walks off so u go over to e/n. "ok guys i got this now, i can handle it, " u say and they walk off. "e/n... just breathe- i broke up with him and i can safely say i like u too..." u say to him and hope he will calm down. "will u be my gf y/n, " he asks. "yes e/n, i will be ur gf, " u smile and he hugs u. the bell then rings and if u don't get to class in 5 minutes ur tardy. "let's go to homeroom then i guess, " u say.

should i make part 4?


I only watched like 3 of these imagine vids now my fyp is "imagine"😭😭😭
(I love ur channel btw!! Keep up the great work!!)


"Are you crying?"


Funfact when someone is drunk they deny the fact there drunk


Im gonna make my first part two bc im bored with these and i want it to go my way so ya im taking this from other good ones for different shorts so thank for inspiring me!!!
Part 2

Part 3
(Btw I am going until I get tired and then I will ask for likes)
You start crouching and you start crawling through the crowd out the door you see somewhere to get up and once you get there e/n spots you he starts trying to make his way to you and you start rushing to get out. Your to embarrassed to look him straight in the eye. You finally get out and you start running seeing that e/n is close you run as fast as you can. You find your car and try to unlock it but your hands are to shaky you see e/n running towards you and you give up. You put your forehead on the car a just start crying you don't care anymore you just want to leave.
Part 4
E/n finally makes it to you he turns you around but you turn your head a different way holding back tears he turns your head gently towards him but you look down instead of at him.
E/n: look at me" he said forcefully but gently you look at him and for the first time you thought he was the handsome-est person you've ever met...
Sorry but.. Like for part five? Somebody tag me when it gets to like umm 10 likes ok.
Dang ok
Part 5 - e/n's POV
She kept looking away from me so I forcefully told her to look at me I didn't know what I was doing. I hated her. But when she looked me in the eyes I felt weak. I let go of her shoulders and back away. We stay there for a moment in awkward silence.
End of POV
E/n: y/n i-
Y/n: I'm sorry for bothering you *wipes nose with sleeve*
E/n: yea well-
Y/n: I should really get going it's past my curfew * tears still in her eyes*
E/n: oh yea
are you ok?
E/n: it's fine I need to go and you do too see you at school
Y/n: actually, no
E/n: *a confused look forms on his face*
Y/n: no I'm not ok. My boyfriend just cheated on me I got trampled by like 50 f-ing people and now I'm locked out of my car because my hands are shaking and I thought that-
E/n: what ... That I was going to hurt you? He says with a little bit of anger
Y/n:...actually yes no piss off
E/n: you know what y/n I thought you were nice enough to say "thank you for standing up for me" he says in a mocking girl voice.
also part for on 17 likes


Part 2:
E/n marches over to bf/n before you can stop him.
“What’s your problem man?” He spits.
“Jeez, calm down. What’s going on?” Bf/n asks, while he pulls away from the girl.
“How could you cheat on y/n?” E/n yells.
Bf/n just shrugs. “This girl is hot.”
“Do you know how hurt y/n is? Huh?” E/n continues yelling.
“Mind your business, bro!” Bf/n exclaims.
“This is my business!” E/n shouts.
“How so?”
“I care about her.” E/n mutters.
“Oh, really? You argue with her every day.”
“You don’t know anything.” E/n looks away.
“You can have her, see if I care.” Bf/n turns back to the girl.
You look away hiding the tears in your eyes as e/n makes his way back over to you.
“Y/n?” He says softly.
You don’t respond.
“Y/n.” He says again, making you turn your head. You’re crying harder now.
“It’s okay.” He soothes.
“Why are you even helping me? Why do you dare?” You suddenly blurt out.
He looks taken aback.
“Because—“ He looks down. “I love you.” He shouts.
Part 2 at 10 likes
