Should Catholics Watch the Chosen? | Catholic Review

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The Chosen is doing a beautiful job. Yes it is historical fiction in some areas but still worthy viewing. God bless the crew and cast especially Jonathon Roumie 🙏🏻✝️


Yes, all of us should. It is beautiful, powerful, and uplifting. Is it the Bible? No of course not. It’s a tv show based on the Bible. And it is fantastic. This Catholic highly recommends it.


They clearly claim in the beginning that the series is based on the scriptures, but it has character development added to that. You can't create a series without doing that. They clearly state that people should read the scriptures.

I don't agree 100% with the way they show things, but the main things are okay. Many catholics will disagree with the way they show the Theotokos, but other than that, the series is fantastic.

See the Chosen as a way to come closer to Jesus, and relate more with the era they were living, and you will be ok.


No ! They should not !
I am Catholic and I do not like how they portrait the mother of God .


Absolutely let’s show support.

Especially since John MaArthur doesn’t like it.


This programne is bringing more people to Christ!! Thats our job as christians!!!! Isnt that what Jesus wants us to do.
Its the thirst for Christ that we all need, then its up to us. The Chisen does a wonderful job in that!!!
The makers of the Chosen say that there are some scenes that they had to 'come up with'. So some of it its fiction. Its beautifully done!
Cheer up you negative people!!


I am on the side of no because the show has a series of character implications that are extremely problematic


Reading the Bible or writings of the saints is a better use of time than watching fan fiction


I am a practicing Catholic, but sometimes I wonder if various Catholic commentators are unconsciously competitive with this highly successful Christian outreach. In my diocese, we had zero graduates to the priesthood last year. So I’d say let’s not spilt hairs about something that is reawakening faith across a broad spectrum of humans. Refinement of understanding can come as that faith deepens… so why not cast a wider net than we can alone as Catholics?


How is the show making up some parts any different than doing a meditative prayer? In putting yourself in a certain scene in scripture, how you would feel or what you would think or smell that might bring up wounds that the Lord wants to heal. Yes, some of the Chosen's story-lines like Mary Magdalene's childhood are "made-up" but perhaps this fictitious childhood will heal some viewers painful pasts. The point is to draw the viewers to Christ, to want to read His story...


Just wrote this:

Phronema Wars

Tonight I saw two movies. I saw about an hour of the Choosen 7-8 and all of Dune 2.

My thoughts: These are examples of world-view warfare against the people of God specifically, and against the 21st century man in general. For the Faithful the Alpha and the Omega - the Reality of our existence - is the Symbol of the Faith (the Niocene-Constantinople Creed). This is the phronema of the faithful across the ages. This is the phronema of the Theoanthropic Organism. This is the Faith of the Old and New Covenant peoples and their Messiah. Now, the aforementioned movies give us a different phronema.

The Choosen gives us a phronema which comes not from the Theoanthropic Organism. It is in fact a pretension, a diabolical world view that imparts not the Spirit of Mount Athos, but that of a 1950’s smart, emotional Protestant with some humor. It is a film with some interesting insights, such as how some of his disciples might have been tempted by the idea of arbitrariness of Christ resurrecting this and not that person and when, how and where, but nevertheless it altogether wrongly imparts unto the viewer a soppy phronema that is not of Christ and His disciples; it is not in the Spirit of the Theoanthropic Organism. In the long run it amounts to a blasphemy of the “mind of the Church” for it presents it in a Protestant spirit closer affiliated to Disney than to the Church Fathers.

Now, juxtaposing this movie with Dune 2, the viewer will notice that moving away from a nice Protestant soppiness [and blasphemy] of the Spirit we come across, a hyper, ayuhuasca, pompous, over the top spectacle; another type of blasphemy and world-view attack on the “Truth and the phronema that come with.” In this movie, a suped-up, hyper simulacra of the Gospel is given. Instead of smart, nice characters with an overarching, all-together soppiness of a phronema as found in the Choosen, one gets tactical desert ninjas riding gigantic sand worms amidst the fulfillment of the prophesy of a their messiah. I am not suggesting that these movies purposely went after and purposely blasphemed the Phronema of the Theoanthropic Organism, but here lies the insidiousness, these movies are examples of how the Spirit of Truth gets covered up by yet another phronema that propagandizes the populace in general and the Church in particular, and molds us to accept any number of phronemas that Pandora’s box has opened. It is the visual equivalent of having the Holy Book amidst hundreds of thousands of books in a library; each with a story with various degrees of world-view creation which to us, who are struggling to have the “mind of the Church, ” can distract our spirit away from the Spirit of God and into a demonic phronema altogether. These movies are just an example of the mental and spiritual subliminal undercurrent of the spirit of antichrist.

“Open the doors ever more to Pandoras Box, bring more books and stories and attitudes into the fray. Jumble the world with ecumenical phronemas. Increase all possibilities and idols. All things are possible. Stop those humans from seeing and understanding that not all things are prudent, ” says the devil as it chips away from the phronema of the Theoanthropic Nation and hides salvation amidst his hubris.

Alex Jones would be wise to see that behind his Info-wars battle cry is the phronema wars; or more precisely, the destruction (by way of the boundless dissemination of world-views)/heresy/strange teachings - blasphemies - of the Theoanthropic Body and the phronema of the Holy Spirit.

This is why the saints of the last days will be counted higher than the saints of old who did many more miracles and incredible feats, for the saints of the last days struggle to keep the Faith and the right phronema as their body, eyes, mind and spirit are being drugged with attracting and distracting phronemaic hubris of such quantity and quality unlike any other age.

How much more do the Faithful have to become as little chicks beneath the wings of the Theoanthropic Organism!


If someone made a show/movie about the Bible using nothing but the Bible for the script and the scenes then that movie/show would suck so badly and would be boring, you gotta add in some extra scenes and drama to make it realistic and show the pain these people went through


I love The Chosen!
The bible gives us certain facts. Its nice you see that the characters in the Chosen were just like us, bountiful and ordinary.


I’m not watching fiction. Ironically it’s the Sola crowd that’s produced it.


Jesus was human and Divine, but he did not have the stain of original sin. He would have been lovingly approachable but also recognizably holy . I dont think Chosen conveys this.


With a big grain of salt...I have high blood pressure now.


Fiction may be allowed, but that's no guarantee that the story is worth watching. I didn't like it. In case of passages of the Bible which are difficult to understand, there are always explanations from the church to provide clarity. That should be enough.


To assign made up Scripture to Our Lord and Our Lady - in addition to others of that time - is unbelievably arrogant. We are not qualified nor should we attempt to do that. Because God's ways and thoughts are so above our's, the only result when inventing Scripture would be a dumbing down of our Faith. Scripture is divinely inspired and was given to us to understand The Truth. How ignorant to think that we can do better than what was given us. In addition, it goes against the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. It dishonors Mary in different ways. Who would dare put words in the mouth of Jesus that He didn't say? Who would dare?


Absolutley no! We have a rich faith. God is Truth, why twist history?
