Sunday, knitting, chatting, quilting and hardly anything about the corona virus. No cats either!

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Sunday again!
a little chat about this and that and rather a lot of knitting!
Check out the new website where the coptic bound books are for sale

Patrons have fun here
extra video content, the Kitchen and The Zine and the monthly livestream which will be on 29th March

the video I really enjoyed about grafting sock toes is here

the music today is called Shattered Paths
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I'm in California but there have been no cases in my county. Our markets are suffering from all kinds of outages of products in spite of that. I wish I could say the hysteria is hysterical but it isn't! In spite of all that craziness, we are experiencing the MOST BEAUTIFUL blue sky with gorgeous white puffy clouds today and a lovely 70 degrees!! I've been going about my usual routine - which as a retired widow who is an extreme introvert and hermit means that I'm not worried about all the hype! My kids all live in the same town as me and so no worries for me. And I have my dogs - albeit aged ones! The sunshine quilt is glorious! I like the idea of the green fabric border on the label. I have tons of crochet and knitted wash cloths that are in my gifting stash - but they're definitely something I like to make when I need a palate cleanser or don't know what to do next or if I'm anxious. The quilt you made that had the purple pillows - I LOVE that one!! The bowlful of Norma at the end was my favorite!! I for one am looking forward to when we can once again greet our fellow humans be they friend, foe, strangers or loved ones with a handshake, hug or kiss (when appropriate)!! Be well, all!!


Oh dear Kate....gratitude books are ANYTHING but airy-fairy! I personally know 3 people who were saved from suicide by beginning and keeping to gratitude some cases for years.


Hands! Aren’t hands the most wonderful thing. Sewing, quilting,pottery, loving a baby or a son or daughter, gardening, petting a cat or two or three ...., making a book, cooking whatever wonderful thing comes from your kitchen, driving to the long arm quilter or the candle even pulling love watching the work of your hands. You are such an inspiration


Well, that was much needed chat on the sofa, the tea was perfect and the company was very much needed today. Having an attitude of gratitude is so important, especially in today's world, right now. Weather permitting I'll be getting out into the garden this week, even planning on growing extra for neighbors. Take care friends, until next time....☕❤️


it is 2024 and still there are new comers to your lime green being one! Thank you for all you do! Melody from North Carolina


I love how involved your family is with your projects. Everyone is so talented. You are blessed.


Interesting...I've enjoyed comments from both a friend in Slovenia and you in England today. Around the world we're all united in making wise choices, remaining calm and staying virus-free. Opportunities abound to slow our pace if necessary, revisit our favorite quiet endeavors and reflect on life's priorities. Blessings can be hidden in the most unexpected situations. Here's hoping all our surprises in the coming weeks are happy ones! Loved everything about your video today, Kate.


You are just the ticket for these times and I appreciate your calmness. I believe we attract what we give our attention to, so I try to stay as positive as possible. (I wasn't always this way, folks! People can change.) Love the idea of using the little book as a gratitude journal. I just read that you can also add something about yourself you are grateful for and it helps build self-esteem. Nice to see Martha and Agnes as well!


Thank you for normal content. I did a gratitude journal for almost a year and it changed how I look at things. I just started this week a “blessings from corona” writing each day what are some of the blessings that have come my way because... spending time at home.


when my mom passed away, she had over 100 knit dishcloths stored kids got to have them, and I treasure them!  if I should ever need anymore, it's the only thing I knit.  thank you for your visit!  I so look forward to it!  love & Blessings from MN/USA


Hello from Houston Texas (US) I wish you were my next door neighbor! Thanks for your calming advise. Hugs 🤗


What a wonderful life you have. It’s so enriching to have so many interests that keep us going and enthusiasm runs wild. Such an inspiration Kate and I look forward to your posts. Love from NZ x


Your quilts are so beautiful. And little Agnes was listening intently to you! When I am home from shopping and putting things away, I sometimes find my cat has curled up in the fabric shopping bag!


When I grow up, I want to be you! I want to be able to quilt, knit, make pottery, do all kinds of art work, make books, garden, make delicious soups and the list goes on.


I really enjoy sitting on this sofa listening to all the things. I’m tired today, so I needed to lay down and cover up with a little afghan I crocheted; those around me were generous and accommodating - thanks 😊


I am loving the Garden Vlog even though I have no garden!! I do find such calmness when I come to The Last Homely House East of the Sea, when I have such worries in real life. When it gets tough I go through all the previous films. Keep your spirit Kate because its keeping me x


February 7 2024 Maryland USA: Wonderful attitude back then to have had. Especially the lime green sofa! I so wish I had known of your site then to begin my creative processing that is going on with your incredible encouragement. I did get yesterday a purchase for the EPP for a 12” pillow and idea to embroider on the muslin bag something that my granddaughter have loved watching since she was a toddler. I little pond near us that if you are lucky to stop at the traffic light near it she was able to watch. For many years it would be “Are the two ladies there?” That is what we called the swans. Always just two. Well for a few years we have not seen them and she is twenty years old. Last week she pulled over when she saw two swans. She took a photo and sent it to me with the text “Nana our two ladies are back”. Eighteen years ago we began looking for the two ladies. So I am going to embroider two swans on it.


Long ago and faraway our family had a Series of Unfortunate Events. In order to get my head on straight and recover I went on a retreat. This was at a convent. While there I became determined to find the blessings in my life and I counted them out on a rosary. By the time I finished the retreat I was able to list three blessings for every bead! This quote might help some people. " the absence of light causes Darkness.... darkness is not an indication that there is no light. Most often, it simply means we are not in the right place to receive the light... For change to take place, we need to actively let the light in." This quote is from Dieter F. Uchtderf. I hope this helps bring in a little more light into our lives. Thank you for bringing to mind the simple joys Kate.


If we were looking for a silver lining to this Corona Black Cloud, one might be that it may help some people learn to enjoy a little cooking a meal at home (instead of going thru a drive thru and eating in the car), enjoying a hands on project (that should have been finished long ago, but we were too busy), playing a board game with the kids (which we're normally too busy to do), sitting in the spring sunshine, etc. Maybe some stressed/rushed people will realize that slowing down is not such a bad thing, and that making another dollar is not the most important thing. Keep making your lovely videos, which remind us about those sorts of slow enjoyable things in life.


Hello Kate, Agnes is so beautiful, what a gift!!
That you're children help there mam so good is fantastic!!
Was nice to sit on the sofa again, thank you for sharing and to be there!
See you soon, thank you.
Greatings from the Netherlands as always 🙋‍♀️🥖😻💟
