I quit my accounting job.

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Hey guys,

In this video I talk about why I quit my job as a tax manager and why I decided to leave the accounting industry. I also talk about what I plan to do next in my career and what's in store for this channel.

See you in the next one,

😊 My Contact Info:

📷 Equipment Used:
Sony Alpha a6000 Camera

Music 🎵:
Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

#iquit #iresign #leavingmyjob #accounting
Рекомендации по теме

Yes! PTL! I love how you're so brave for taking on your dreams instead of just keeping your head down and surviving day to day. I know you haven't figured it all out, but that's okay! No one has! I can't wait to see more content on this channel. I know you've already taught me so much about my finances (through this channel and off) and it's made such a huge impact in my life for the better. Can't wait for others to benefit from all of your hard work and experiences! <3


I’ve been an accountant for 20 years and I hate it with all my heart. I struggle with severe depression because I don’t know how to get out. I want to be free so bad, I’m a VP now, make money but I cry everyday over it.


Stay out of the big 4 firms and work for a local or regional firm. You’ll work 30 hours during the summer and 60 max during tax season. Not bad at all


I have been watching you since I was an undergrad in accounting. Currently on my last year of school, going for my masters and I still learn a lot from your videos. I think you will be an excellent teacher and wish you the best. 👍


I’m literally in the same boat. I have worked for the same public accounting firm for 4 years now am an a senior accountant. I was fresh out of college when I first started working here and noticed right away that this wasn’t for me. The stress is so much and it gives me severe anxiety. Now that I am a few years in I have tried to put my foot down a bit more to have a better work life balance but I think that people have this expectation that I will be able to put in the extra hours and do everything right away because that’s how I have always been. I am exhausted and looking to leave public accounting


Can totally relate to this. I quit my typical corporate accounting job, moved from the city back to the province during pandemic. I still currently work as an accountant tho but I now work from home. Now I can really say I have a good work-life balance which I deprived myself for a very long time. The pandemic indeed brought to light the importance of some life stuffs that we took for granted.


Thanks so much for making this video. I’ve been in public accounting for4 years. 2 years on the review and compilation side and the last two years working in transaction advisory. I just switched jobs and have been SO stressed. The amount of time, anxiety, and energy spent on my job has become nearly too much to handle. It’s encouraging that I’m not the only one. It is a struggle to figure out what the next move should be and to completely exit the financial services realm.


Kudos to you. I feel ya on why the change is needed. For my team's sanity and the team's bigger individual life & financial goals, we just let 42% of our tax clients go. Refocus on putting family first, dramatically reduce stress and no more missing out on family stuff. I look forward to seeing what you do going forward.


I'm a solo practitioner, tax prep for individuals and small businesses. It takes a while to get clientele via referrals.. (You can always buy a small practice from an older CPA who is retiring though). I set my own hours and only keep a relatively small practice. I've been doing it for over 15 years. I couldn't ever work for a CPA firm boss again.


Honestly it’s draining, very draining. These employers want you to give them your soul just mean month ends. Am like when do you get a breather? Time to relax? 80+hours is not good for anyone. Sure the money might be good but your mental health suffering. No matter how I look at it. These clients don’t even care about you. And managers don’t care either. That’s the sad part.


Holy COW, we have the exact same career progression! I did two years in B4 and then moved to a mid sized firm. After getting more free time, I’ve also realized that I just can’t do public anymore, and I don’t think that it’s any better in industry. It seems like I’m burning out every couple of months, and it’s really not sustainable. It feels like I’ve lost the first three years of my post-college life, suffered a lot health wise, and I don’t want this future for myself. I’m looking to reset into a field that treats its workers better and compensates them better, too. Happy for you that you got out, and thank you for making people like me feel less alone in our decisions to leave when most people just stick it out.


Banking sucks balls as well. Working till 3am is not something I want to do 5 months of the year, every single year. And when I'm sick, management constantly calling/texting me to log-in from home and help out..that's when I draw the line....I quit. I can't live like this anymore.


I'm a semester away from graduating with my bachelor's and I completely hate accounting. I started off loving it but after so many nights of studying and bigger projects where I dive into rabbit holes trying to find why something isn't balanced just made me start to really hate it.


Wow you are an incredible and powerful woman. I find you inspiring and refreshing ✨ I honestly would love to take courses from you, judging how great your YT content is, & how generous you are for sharing your knowledge and life with us. Thank you, we need teachers like you.


I have actually been going through the same thing. I started in accounting back in late 2020 but ended up taking a job in education (a support staff role) almost a year later. Looking back, it probably wasn't the right move. I went from learning new things on a regular basis to doing almost nothing on a daily basis. It was actually pretty depressing. Now I am reconsidering my options. However, it is good to see that it is working out someone.


OMG Jen, you are my identical twin. The whole time you were talking, I felt as though you were describing my life, 1 thing that’s different
is I got an offer to work for a big 4 for a role of a tax manager but didn’t take it thinking that the time and effort you put in is not worth it. Yes, there is money, but it cannot buy happiness. I decided to continue teaching which gives me flexibility and a feeling of contributing to someone’s growth in the long run. Good luck in your future endeavours.


I just came across your video. It’s funny because I am currently searching for tax accountant positions. I started college late, but during my undergrad I got an auditor internship at a mid tier firm in LA. I saw the writing on the wall (long hours and heartless seniors/partners). I quit after 10 months even though they gave me an offer.

Fast forward to 3 months ago. I got my MBA option Accounting. Now I am looking for a private company that offers work life balance and decent pay. I am also finishing my community college teacher certificate with a local state university to gain teaching experience. I got an internship at my local CC( plan to teach intro business). Definitely will agree with you about accounting. Life is short; why work your butt off for public accounting? Not worth it. Good luck! 🍀


I’m a CPA and I came to the same conclusion as well. The thing is that it started to be boring and I’m not learning anything new and there is a limit for how you can earn. Not like other industries like Medical or IT. That’s why I decided to be a software engineer. I’m still at the beginning of my journey but so enthusiastic.


I am also a CPA and I too got burned out from public accounting. After the death of a loved one, I finally decided I will always take health over wealth for my remaining lifetime.


I’ve been a CPA for about 7 years now (3 years in public and 4 years private) and I’ve noticed the more I commit my entire existence to work, the less stressed I am/I start to find work kind of enjoyable… but the second I start trying to have expectations for a personal life, I immediately become stressed and depressed about being in this unforgiving profession. I really need to figure something out before it’s too late.
