Top Ten Favourite Things & Top Ten Best Books of 2022!

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Happy Sunday! I've rounded up my Top Ten Favourite Things and Top Ten Best Books from 2022. I hope you enjoy these recommendations!

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I adored Lucy Worsley's biography of Agatha Christie as well and am currently reading her bio of Jane Austen. Lucy is such a marvelous historian.


You are such a nice and calm woman and your personality is so tender and sensitive. I love all your videos especially about books and i visited your website and your photography are beyond beautiful, such a classic you are. By the way the library behind you is a dream to me to built some day. God bless you and your mama, long live for you both.


I live in Texas in the country, so two books that have caught my attention are the nature writing book and the one about the heat wave. Texas is very hot in the summer and even with air conditioning, constant hot weather does impact your life📚🌞


I am definitely going to pick up Appointment with Venus! Our family really loved The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie Society. We read it aloud together. This might be another one for us to enjoy together. I just finished How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior. It was a delightful read. The main character was a cantankerous old woman and, in my mind, she was Maggie Smith. If you want a story that will leave you feeling totally warm and contented, this is the one. Thanks for all that you share!


I love your headbands, Because of their height, they remind me a little (in a very understated way) of the french hoods worn by the Anne Bolens etc... At least that's what I think of when I see one on you.


Seeing all your pretty mugs has made me determined to find the perfect mug for spring 😁 it won't be easy... I can never decide. But I'm looking for some beautiful florals


I am smiling ear to ear, nothing makes my and my daughter in law’s Sunday better than a Miranda Mills vlog, especially a favorites vlog! ❤ And it sounds like your Mum and I were born in the same year. I knew I felt a kinship with Donna! 😊 Thanks Miranda, we both really enjoyed this!


There’s a contemporary film of ‘’Green for Danger’’. It’s been years since I saw it, but I think it was quite good.


Miranda your videos are a gift! Thank you so much for going to even greater heights to bring joy and the magic of words to our lives!


Thanks for adding so much colour to my life with all the great reading material, and all other sources of inspiration Miranda. x


That Nature Anthology sounds so much fun!


I am so excited to see what we have in store because you have impeccable taste in everything.


Your video made a lovely Sunday afternoon treat with many delightful things and super books. I am getting back to exercise but a gentler style, starting a Qi Gong and Tai Chi class tomorrow morning. I'm hoping I will stay motivated!


If there is one question I find really difficult it is the " what is your favourite " anything ! Good for you that you managed it. I just love reading & I suppose the easiest
answer to that favourite is Jane Austen books. I really like how you hire your dresses, such a great way to wear many different beautiful garments.


The Brontë jug is so beautiful! What an amazing present.


Thank you so much Miranda. It is very hard to pick out favorite books when you read many books every year. But I have to say that after been to London 2022 and been able to pick up British Library Women Writers books I am in favorite of them. The trip to London also "gave" me a bunch of Persephone books that I am slowly happily working my way through. My favorite thing of the year was a Book Carousel that I found in a Charity Shop. I have been seeking for the right Book Carousel for 30 years and then it was there for $25! It needed some love with sandpaper and beeswax but so worth the work. Looking forward to a new year with many good reads and a Book Carousel to admirer.


I love your favourite things videos Miranda! I have Darling and Appointment With Venus lined up to read soon, so it’s good to hear they are in your top ten! One of my favourite books from last year was The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles, I kept thinking about the characters afterwards. My favourite non-book things were some Susie Hamilton flower prints which I have framed, I love her art.


Hello Miranda! I absolutely loved this video and all the wonderful photos, things and books you shared!! A delight for a rainy Sunday, you made my day!!


I've read so much about and by the Mitfords. "Darling" isn't out in the States yet, but I'll have my eye out. I loved "Appointment with Venus" Your videos are always such a treat.


Happy Sunday 😀I'm having a very late Earl Grey tea and scones while watching! Can't do Sunday without. The Sultry Month sounds intriguing. I need to give that a go. I picked up some books over Christmas you presented in your videos ... That lovely special edition of Alice Through the Looking Glass (so precious), a Tree for every day of the year, Rooms of their own plus the Bird Anthology. One of my favourite things this last year was definitely finding your channel, your book recommendations and of course your wonderful vlogs with your mum
