Carl Sagan on UFOs & Close Encounter with Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 - FindingUFO

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Carl Sagan on UFOs & Close Encounter with Betty and Barney Hill.

This is a fragment of the documentary series "Carl Sagan's Cosmos - Encyclopaedia Galactica" from 1980.


On the drive back home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire after a trip to Montreal Québec, Betty and Barney Hill caught sight of a UFO. The object followed them down the highway for some before swooping in over top of their car, producing some strange noises, and suddenly disappearing.

But when the Hills reflected on the sequence of events that night, they realized that more had happened than they'd remembered. After undergoing hypnotherapy, the couple recovered memories of being taken aboard an extraterrestrial spaceship and subjected to intrusive medical examinations.

This was the first widely publicized UFO case in modern history to involve so-called "missing time," and it brought the subject of alien abduction to a world audience.


Carl Sagan was probably the most well-known scientist of the 1970s and 1980s. He studied extraterrestrial intelligence, advocated for nuclear disarmament, and co-wrote and hosted "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage".

His best known scientific contributions is research on extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the production of amino acids from basic chemicals by radiation.


► Betty and Barney Hill Abduction by Extraterrestrials in 1961

► Mysterious UFO Craft & Alien Abduction with Travis Walton

► Are We Alone in the Universe & Does Extraterrestrial Life Exist?




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4:06 He only got 2 seconds of screen time, but that dog acted the hell out of that scene. What a good boy.


I hate people claiming that this couple wanted attention. They were a biracial couple in a time when it was not ok, and they whole reason they lived in such a rural area was to get away from the attention. Barney was a WWII vet, and they were both members of the NAACP. Their families were accepting of their union, but they were well aware that drawing attention to themselves could be bad news.


I truly believe that there are other civilizations out there that are older than ours and more advanced too. But I also believe there are ones out there who are younger than our own as well.


What is common among these debunkers is fine clothes, a smooth tone of voice and a knowing smile. They are so above the witnesses, the facts and us.


What they don't tell you is that Carl Sagan was NOT always a disbeliever ONLY when he started to work with NASA was his mind changed. He stated while teaching that it would be highly probable that there would be life in the vastness of galaxies and even more probable that intelligent life billions of years ahead of humans probably exists.


The Lonnie Zamora incident is the closest thing we have to a possible legit close encounter of the third kind imo.


@ 1:48 Sagan says (referring to the Betty & Barney Hill incident) "We have only their word for what happened." Sagan is delusional. What about the highly polished spots on the car that showed a magnetic anomaly? What about the fact that the object was picked up on RADAR? What about Betty's reconstruction of the star map shown to he by alleged aliens that indicated the positions of two hitherto undiscovered stars? Betty's torn dress that had a pink substance that can't be identified? Moreover, both Betty and Barney did not understand what they had gone through in the beginning. Both were skeptical about UFOs unlike what is depicted in this reenactment. They did not go to the media and did not want the story published.


I love torturing myself with this story before I go to sleep.


Carl once said that he has no problem with these stories. He said it's actually wonderful if true. He also said it would require the most severe evidence though. He was basically saying he is not 100% sure all these stories are lies. But it is not fact till someone has something undeniable. He was open to it being possible but needs evidence. Today people will say it's not possible so don't bother with me with the facts. No reason to hate CS. At least he said there is a chance and it would be wonderful. Today it's no chance AT ALL.


No way they made this up. I believe them.


I don't need anyone to tell me what I've seen even though they like to try and tell me what I've seen. It's like people dont want to know or rejected it outright it on religious grounds. I know what I had seen, and it was not a man made craft, because man can't possibly have the aircraft technology and manoeuvrability that I witnessed. Not even in a thousand years from now. So now I have become enlightened to the ridicule and disinformation so many others throughout time have experienced regarding witnessing an extra terrestrial craft..


Sure Carl, Betty Hill just made the star map up in her head LoL... Man this guy is a class act Lmfao


I'm not a "UFO nut", I don't necessarily believe in any of it. And I loved Carl Sagan and his books. But his smugness and high-handedness here is irritating to the extreme.


It is scientifically, and mathematically, impossible for there to be no other intelligent beings in our universe.


They just wanted them to listen to their new mixtape


Its nice that you posted this along with your other videos. It shows that he is right that not all UFOs are aliens. However I think its a bit bullshit of a stretch to assume that Bettys star map is just random stars that we want so desperately to believe is real that people would just go find random stars to put them together.


Clearly, Dr, Sagan, because of his TV popularity, was NOT allowed to discuss UFO reality during his career. (As was Dr. J. Allen Hynek.)
Those who have studied the Barnie/Betty Hill case, and the Travis Walton case, certainly know better.


Sagan's problem was that "they" didn't visit him but "they" preferred to get in contact with simple everyday people such as simple workers, simple housewives etc. People like George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, George Van Tassel, Howard Menger and many more. Sagan was a scientist who was getting money and funds for extraterrestrial intelligence research. He took all the "extraterrestrial intelligence movement" on his shoulders and he thought that it was all his own. He never found something, he never came in contact with "them", he wasn't the chosen one for "them". So he couldn't accept that "they" never get in touch with him who was the right one for this knowledge and "they" preferred simple people instead of Sagan. That's the reason I believe all scientists or most of them in scientific community deny everything. That's the reason Sagan was a negative personality in the end.


Whoa he just put to the rest that claim that Betty drew the star map before it was discovered! It was all just a misunderstanding


Wait it was raining? And wait they had a Dog with them?? 🤔🤔🤔 i dont remember that in their story...also why didnt they take the dog? Or why didnt the dog bark or even attack the unknown aliens?¿🤔🤔 wtf changing shit
