This is amazing news for anyone in the Army. #shorts #military

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That's because we outgrew the old 1940s and 50s body-mass ratio numbers.


Army did something great. Good job Army


Day one, I always had to be weighed and taped. I never understood that, considering I always passed my PT Tests. The sad thing is, the tape tests were always flawed.


That was first proposed back when I was at PLDC (that right there should tell you how long ago it was). Good on them for making the right decision, just 21 years late.


I was so confused when I got a 280 on my PT test when I first got to my unit and then was told I was too fat after getting taped. 🙃


This literally would have kept me in the army back in 2018 since I have weird body proportions and for some reason not go under weight standards even if I don't eat for a week. Did really well on pt tests in all aspects tho.


the Navy's response to "excess weight" was forced PT. While I did get stronger, I also got heavier. All that mattered was my height and scale weight, even though I passed all the physical fitness tests.


GREAT NEWS I have suggested the same thing for the last 25 years...


I used to max out my APFT. I was awarded by doing PT in the mourning and do PT again at end of day, to help those that failed height and weight or PT test. So I stopped maxing out


Im enlisting in my mid 20s so weight is a bit of an issue. Nice to know I can focus more on getting stronger and faster not just on loosing weight.


I remember 0 times when the army made a good decision. Wait until they come out with the you still get taped and the only time it is held against you is when you are going for a promotion.


That's fortunate, I'm enlisting this year and I'm concerned about my arm strength. Boxed for a decade and built upper for speed, but my endurance is great and I can leg press 300+lbs.


I was a Drill Sargent Master Fitness Trainer and had to tape test every bodybuilding Drill Sargent in my battalion. Glad to see improvement but know a lot of folks struggle with body composition.


With my 30's arriving, knowing what problems plague the women in my mother's family, essentially shutting them down before 40 years old, I wanted to "head off" those problems by getting super fit and dropping a ton of weight to help motivate other female soldiers to keep the weight standard. I dropped a lot of weight, gained a lot of cardio fitness... And hurt my back.

Picking up a box wrong got me sciatica and a persistent back ache that mad it difficult to keep my weight down by keeping my cardio up. All those problems I was worried about hit me hard and It was only last month I learned I have PCOS, and Ive probably been keeping that at bay by OVER exercising for YEARS and that over exertion artificially lowering my estrogen. So to doctors my constant fatigue, depression, feeling severely constipated alot (actually cramping like mad between periods, who knew?) Meaning, there's good chance trying to cut a ton of weight while building my fitness actually caused me to lose MUSCLE, which is VERY likely how a tiny box hurt me in the first place...

I wasn't very skinny, but I almost had an eating disorder with how obsessive I could be. I was constantly a little bloated and would go a day or so without food until the night before a pt test. I OBSESSED with figuring out why I was getting randomly bloated, craving sugar even though I had always been SO SO strict about having it...And exercise had become a coping mechanism for how foggy and depressed I could get.

I'm glad the Army finally chose fitness over an outdated weight standard. I can focus on my recovery and my fitness. I can push and build strength without worrying too much about my size. 🎉


The air force changed it too. Removed waste. And made it easy to slack on 1 of your components. Run, sit ups and pushups. But you can swap some of them. As long as you get a 75.


I agree.. I got hurt and was down for about a year as soon as I was cleared pt test and taped 😂😂. I scored a 260 out of 300 and they still tried to be an ass about it. Horrible leadership it was at Ft Bragg. They had the audacity to say you always need to be ready when it was their fault my back got fractured. Airborne hooah... Needless to say Jag burnt their ass pretty good over that one...


I didn't realize he had emotions... I'm now terrified


That's great, but this is how you *know* recruitment and retention is hurting, lol.


Why did Army wait til I’m out to do this??? Damn


I got a medical discharge for my bad lung and other medical problems, I still had to pay back over $6, 000 from a resign bonus from before I went overseas. Basically I comeback from Afghanistan with a bad lung from burn pits and sand storms, can’t pass the run and pass out during sit ups on next apft. Got a profile to just do pushups and 2 1/2 mile walk. That was my last apft. The next month I get discharged. 3 months later dod starts taking money from my VA checks till over $6, 000 was paid off. The reason for the payments, failed apft, the one from when I passed out during sit ups. Gee I’m glad that I spent 11 1/2 years just for the military to rob me of health and then rob me of money when my health is gone.
