How to Get Rid of Houseflies at Home Naturally (10 EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS)

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How to Get Rid of Houseflies at Home Naturally
#flies #getridofflies
Are you tired of houseflies constantly buzzing around your home? Do you want to get rid of them at home without using harsh chemicals? If so, you're not alone! This informative video will show you how to get rid of houseflies at home using simple techniques. We'll discuss the different ways to get rid of houseflies and give you tips to prevent them from coming back in the future. Watch this video and learn how to do everything from trapping them to killing them humanely.
Here are 10 Natural Ways to Eliminate House Flies
1. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is known for its beneficial health properties and antibacterial action, but did you know that it's irresistible to house flies? The idea is to trap them in an apple cider vinegar bath and drown them.
For this DIY fruit fly trap, sweet apple cider vinegar is more effective than white vinegar. They can't resist the scent of vinegar, and they won't be able to exit once they're inside! For an even better chance at success, make several of these traps and place them around your kitchen. Here's how to do it yourself:
-Pour a little apple cider vinegar into a glass.
-Cover the opening with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band.
-Poke a few small holes for the fruit flies to enter, and as they get stuck in the apple cider vinegar they will drown.

2. Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural product made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic creatures called diatoms. When ground up into a fine powder, this silica can be used as an effective insecticide against many common household pests, including houseflies. The powder is sharp and abrasive, and when it comes into contact with an insect's exoskeleton, it punctures and dehydrates the insect. This feature makes diatomaceous earth an effective natural insecticide for killing houseflies. To use diatomaceous earth - sprinkle a small amount of the powder around where flies are commonly seen, such as windowsills, doorways, and garbage cans. The powder will kill any fly that comes into contact with it. You may need to reapply the diatomaceous earth every few days to keep flies from returning.
Рекомендации по теме

Get some oranges and a lot of whole cloves, have your kids make a bunch of pomanders, basically pushing the cloves into the orange, I entirely cover my orange with the clove, then place them all around your home where you see flies, also sprinkle ground clove into a trash bin. three or four of these pomanders in your kitchen and living area, smells great for months, i will change out with new fresh ones on a lazy Sunday, they beat using those expensive oil burners or room fresheners and non toxic


1. Place *moist food* scraps in little clear *plastic bag traps.* 2. Then YOU go away quietly. 3. Come back later, after plenty of flies have entered traps to feast. 4. *Close* bags openings *fast.* 5. *Freeze* traps for a few minutes to kill live critters caught. 6. Dispose of *dead frozen* insects traps & or reuse to catch more
cannibals. 7. *Repeat* for free "merci killing" (humanely by some standards...) ?


imagine pouring yourself a large glass of milk and you are about to take a sip and i fly lands right in it




Salt one and clove didn't work. So I tried a combined one.💀 I crushed and grinded clove, mint leaves and ginger. Mixed with lil water. Took all the extract from those 3 by using a piece of clothe. Added more water and salt. Then a lil bit of TILE CLEANER.💀💀💀 + a lil ANTISEPTIC LIQUID.💀 (I feel like a witch in disgrace.)

I was so done with these shitty house flies. I sprayed a lil of it in door step, and couldn't find a lot flies afterwards. But as we all know there was that one ass-fly which cannot remove whatever we do.💀

I only used it in my room. Not in whole house. So I managed to get rid of flies in my room.💀 Should try this allover the house.


Title says "HOUSEFLIES", why does it first tell me how to kill FRUITflies?


Thanks I sure would like to get rid of my fly s


We always use ginger whit whater in our house


They seem to love rum more than the apple cider vin lol..


5:14 arey fool using this will not kill flys, i just used it now and they are flying and landing around it and on it


First recommendation is for fruit flies not house flies


the way they said basil
you say it bas-il


: Cloves are repellent - flies w not eat it.


So boring and confusing to watch it to the end!


WATOP guy... how many secret channels do you bloody have?


That apple cider vinegar looks like cognac.


cloves busted fly don't go i try all things i have seen here on this chanel youtube cloves vinegar backing soda Cinnamon mix it just like the video from the woman i put it i a plant bottle an spry in my house but the fly don't move 😏👎


Useless way of presentation -doubt people ca grasp


If you keep you hand open and all of your fingers separated starting about a foot above the fly, you can ever so slowly lower you hand and slowly bring your index and thumb together as you lower to the point where you are about a half an inch above the fly then quickly yet gently grab the fly between your index finger and thumb you can catch them alive. The fly just stays still. Not quite sure why they stay still the whole time but I've been doing it for years. Works (almost) everytime. Great party trick.
