justforfunc #25: deeper program analysis with go/parser
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In the second episode of the program analysis series we use go/parser to find out what's the most common local variable name and the most common package variable name.
Get ready for visitor patterns, ASTs, and more!
Get ready for visitor patterns, ASTs, and more!
justforfunc #25: deeper program analysis with go/parser
justforfunc #24: what's the most common identifier in the Go stdlib?
justforfunc #22: using the Go execution tracer
justforfunc #0: Hello, World!
Golang UK Conference 2015 - Francesc Campoy - Program Analysis
justforfunc #26: why are there nil channels in Go?
justforfunc #36: Versions, build constraints, and ldflags
justforfunc #21: reviewing ursho II - using PostgreSQL
justforfunc #18: understanding Go's type aliases
justforfunc #17: contributing to the Go project
justforfunc #31: gRPC Basics
justforfunc #23: plotting latency distributions with gonum
justforfunc #10k: thanks!
justforfunc #27: two ways of merging N channels
justforfunc #20: code reviewing ursho (part 1)
justforfunc #4: Code Review for a Twitter client
Scratching Your Own Itch with Go and Xbar - Christopher Stingl
justforfunc #13: more text to speech with cgo and Docker multistage builds! (4k)
Translating Go to Other (Human) Languages, and Back Again - Aditya Mukerjee
justforfunc #14: a twitter bot and systemd (that runs free on GCP)
justforfunc #34: Plotting Data with gonum/plot (ML4G #1)
#golang #striversity #glft #bufiopackage 12.05 - bufio
Michał Dominiak: Simple hand written parsers
justforfunc #32: CLI tools with Cobra