How to Use a Drag Lift - Beginner Snowboard Tips

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How to snowboard on a drag lift, poma, T-Bar, or whatever you call it! One of the most difficult things to do when learning to snowboard is actually getting on lifts. T-Bars, or drag lifts, are the most feared of all, as they can be really difficult to get the hang of. In this video I'll walk you through all the basics of snowboarding on a drag lift. Sorry about the noise of the ice, but I thought you might appreciate seeing me do it in tricky conditions!

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#malcolmmoore #howtosnowboard
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Nice to hear I'm not the only one who struggles with these t bars, my last encounter was shocking 🙈😂 3 times in a row I wiped out in front of a big queue, I was like f*** this, so I walked up instead 😂


THE best Snowboard coaching chanel on YT! Malcolm, keep the superb work up!!! 🤜🤛


One thing that really helps is getting a stomp pad and placing it right near the back binding. That helped me out a lot.


Malcolm, you are doing the best SB tutorials on YT. Absolutely superb, love the talk through as you're doing the exercise.

Gee...., looks a bit rocky through this Tbar.


Lol this is exactly where I managed to loose my board on the drag lift! I fell right before the last incline and my foot slipped off the boot and the board went downhill with the other boot attached on the board! The most embarassing ( and dangerous) thing of my life. I ended up going back down by foot 1with one boot on and only the sock on the other.
I wanted to dig a hole right there where I was . I eventually got my board back and nobody on the slope was injured by my out of control board!
Learning at Des Alpes in summer was the worst decision I could take. It was steep and icy, my butt was on fire.
Moved to Italy and enjoyed my time way more .


This would have to be the most detailed vid on riding T bars I've seen- nice work and thankyou!


I remember seeing one of these at a slope once and it was a nightmare for me and other boarders. The T-bars they had were pretty well-used and unstable, but it was the only way to the top of one of the trails. They always kept having to stop the lift cause people were slipping off!


Comprehensive and down to earth as usual Thank You. ..I thought I had these sorted till I hit a ski track crossing over the lift run and it was pure ice on a slant and off I went. Tried digging in my edges. .hopping. and special language assistance. .but on the third attempt the lift man slowed down for me...then I did it switch. ...😉👍


Great video as usual, very my wife cought glimpse of the video, ....made her eyes water 😱, had to tell her it's the T-bar handle!!!😂😂


The looks a lot easier and fun than the chairs of death. Once in while I fall from leaving the chairs lol I know I ain't only one


Nice ! Most detail T bar tutorials on YouTube !


Your videos are absolutely great! I would love to see a video on riding switch this season🙌🏽


That music thingy, so cheeky, so good!!!


For my first time ever, i was always falling
Of the T-Bar.


More videos on carving please. Not found an instructor who has been able to really help me with that. Thanks.


Thanks for the video Mal! Would you be open to doing a video on button lifts? There's a lot of these here in central europe, and it can get pretty wonky if the snow is just a tad uneven, or the lift starts and stops. Tips would be welcome!


Give us some advice about snowboard, bindings and boats for beginners who wants to improve themselves!) greath channel thanks btw !!


Drag lifts, a snowboarders worst enemy. Was at an indoor Snow Arena in LT the wire snapped trying to pull me, it extends waaay to far unlike here where it started dragging you instantly


great video! one of those classic 'looks easy when others do it' case. I actually only managed button lift after I already could link turns lol. do you have any tips/demi on how to resume when you fall half way through?


That board bowling dude needs to see this😂
