The Story of Dendi: The Face of Dota

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Danil “Dendi” Ishutin is clearly one of Dota 2's most celebrated players. A fan favorite and a deadly player, since his debut Dendi has risen as not only the face of Natus Vincere, but in many ways as the face of all of Dota.

However, that doesn’t mean the road has always been smooth. From the glory days to the present, Dendi’s journey has been one of loyalty, perseverance and dedication. This is Dendi’s story.

Written by: Nicholas Doucet
Edited and Narrated by: Sean Meiliunas

Courtesy List:

Courtesy of: Valve Corporation

Free to Play
The International Archives - Fountain Hook
The International 2012
TI6 Na`Vi Team Interview
Team Stories - Na`Vi Dendi - The International 2012
Dota 2 Gamescom Trailer
The International 2012 - The Battle Begins
Team Stories - Na`Vi Puppey
The International 2012 - Day 3 Recap
TI5 Player Profiles - XBOCT
Saturday Pre-Show - The International
TI5 Team Natus Vincere
EHOME vs. Na`Vi, Game 4
NaVi vs. Scythe Gaming (Groups)
NaVi vs. M5 (Groups)
NaVi vs. iG
Na`Vi vs. DK, TI2
iG vs. Na`Vi, Winner’s Semifinals Game 2 (The Play)
iG vs. Na`Vi, Grand Finals Game 4
Na`Vi vs. Alliance, Grand Finals Game 5
Na'Vi vs Alliance UB Round 3A 2 of 3 English Commentary
Orange vs Na'Vi LB

Courtesy: Natus Vincere
Na`Vi Dendi - The International 4 Player Profile

Courtesy: Blizzard Entertainment
Source: Riot
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne - Riot vs Dendi

Courtesy: Valve Corporation
Source: Lota
TI6 Team Profiles

Courtesy: Valve Corporation
Source: Dota 2 VODS
Alliance vs Na'Vi Grand Championship 4 of 5 English Commentary

Courtesy of: StarLadder
Source: DotA Digest

Courtesy of: Valve Corporation
Source: Dota 2 Rematch
[EPIC] NaVi vs VG (ViCi Gaming) Dota 2 Highlights TI5-The International 5 Lower Bracket

Courtesy of: Valve Corporation, ESL
Source: NoobfromUA
Na`Vi Dendi Introduction Story - Dota 2 #ti3
NAVI vs Liquid - Dendi vs KuroKy - Elimination Match - TI6 Dota 2
Dendi Pudge Puppey Chen fountain hooking - NaVi vs TongFu
Natus Vincere vs. Evil Geniuses - Quarterfinals Map 2 - ESL One Frankfurt 2014 - Dota 2
Navi Chant
Team Secret SWAG arriving TI5 Dota 2

Courtesy of: Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft 3 Intro

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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Everyone can be on TI, man. But staying loyal with 1 team for 10 years, its another story.


He's the real reason why I started watching TI matches I get so hyped watching him so humble in person. Great video!


Dendi: The reason why Pudge is the most picked hero in DOTA


Dendi is considered a great and legendary player not just because he is good but because he has the attitude a real Pro should have! the loyalty, humily and his smile would get him as much fans as he could :) still DENDI IS THE BEST FOR ME... Respect the man! :)


The reason why I started loving Dota 2 and gaming in general.. I really hope that he will rise again someday.. #NaViforever


Dendi might never win a TI again but he will forever win our hearts


dendi is first reason why Dota 2 become so popular right now
who watch TI1 know he is the legend


Dendi loved fishing with his dad. His dad passed away and dendi stops fishing.

He started playing pudge.


Since ti1, dendi is the golden standard for EVERY solo mid. Everyone learnt from dendi. This guy contributed immensely to the rise of new stars. He deserves no other status other than a legend


I dont care of what everyone's saying. And sorry if I overreact or whatevs.

first. thank you so much for making this video. its just so meaningful for me. for me dendi is best player and deserved the "living legend" title. and for me his loyalty and determination is very very inspiring. in the end I cant say anything but best of luck for dendi.

if you, dendi, are seeing this simple writing, dont lose your way. i dont know how it feels to be you right now but as a fan since 2012, I'll be cheering for you. Good luck!


Valve should pay dendi royalty.
So many players started dota because of dendi alone


when you say dota 2 one name will always come to your mind.. DENDI!


Admit it. You watched this again after you knew NaVi and Dendi separated, and felt sad. Can't help but miss Dendi


Can't deny the fact that most people played dota 2 because of Dendi. He is legend regardless of what he is now. You can't expect him to be in his prime for his whole career. Besides, like what Jordan said what's the point of having a good record when you don't even have a ring. :/


one of the most iconic e-sport player, this man will go down in history


he's the reason why i started playing dota 2 <3


When I went to TI4, I got to talk to him a bit before the game he was eliminated in and then once more after. It was really sad to see them perform so poorly, and he definitely took it hard, but I'm glad he ended up sticking it through and is still playing now, even if he gets older and doesn't quite match some younger players in technical skill, he's still clearly got what it takes and is a fan-favorite, so here's hoping for many successful years to come.


One day after several years, this video will bring tears to a far many eyes....


I think I'm really old, sad life. I started playing Dota back. When it was still a mod in warcraft and I started playing when it was Guinsoo who continued updating the maps after euls dropped it. And then Guinsoo also left to have a job at riot games but then Ice frog and neichus took after. The last hero I played was batrider ooohhh the good old days. Now I'm stuck in an office with white fckin walls and poker faced A-holes. Sorry for the long post


Dendi isn't the best mid player atm...but he's the icon of Dota2; he's the reason many of us started loving dota...For many of the new players he doesn't mean a lot, but for me [ i started playing dota while it was in beta] he is a legend... missing the days when it was Dondo the Supamida FeelsBadMan
